UN report - Israel has established an 'apartheid regime' - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Godstud wrote:Compassion is a sign of STRENGTH. People who are strong can afford to be compassionate, and forgiving. The cowardly cannot show compassion.

These are words of true power, heed these words.
Godstud wrote:Fixed it, just for you. :lol:

Yeah, your god said that a lot, in that over-rated book. That's an incredibly idiotic statement, incidentally.

Compassion is a sign of STRENGTH. People who are strong can afford to be compassionate, and forgiving. The cowardly cannot show compassion.

Those that forgave for example in the Roman empire found themselves and their families strangled.
Godstud wrote:1700 years ago, Igor. Wake up.

Israel is hardly weak. They can afford to be compassionate, but are assholes, so they don't.

One mistake and Jews are all dead, only 2 generations ago 60% of our people were destroyed. We cannot afford to make a mistake, and most times compassion is a mistake. Brutal force always is always a better long term option in history of the peoples of the earth.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:I dont even see the point of giving them a state because it will be a failed state fully dependent on Israel and Jordan

I'm sure the Zionists will do everything in their power to ensure that a two-state solution will result in Palestine being a dysfunctional state fully dependent on Israel. Perhaps by seizing all the fresh water.
Imagine that a radical Christian group, many of whose members say they want to exterminate all black people, broke away from the United States and lived on a sliver of land somewhere. As generations passed, they deliberately increased their population at a rate of something like 15 children per woman, for the stated goal of some day exterminating the nearby black populations. And this caused the land they occupied to become crime-ridden and overpopulated. If they were kept in their isolated sliver of land by a black majority in the region, would you say the blacks are guilty of running an apartheid regime?

The Jews did conquer/reconquer Israel at one point in time but this happened in large part because western white people chose to relocate the Jews into that area, so the west shares some responsibility in that too.
MistyTiger wrote:I read this afternoon that they are delaying elections because Britney Spears will be performing in concert. LOL. She is more important than voting!!


Oh, those Israelis.

If you really believe that people who would miss voting to see Britney Spears shouldn't vote, you will be a conservative some day.
Hong Wu wrote:If you really believe that people who would miss voting to see Britney Spears shouldn't vote, you will be a conservative some day.

I did not say that anyone shouldn't vote. I was merely laughing at the fact that a Pop star could delay elections at all. I cannot remember this ever happening in my lifetime.

I did not make the story up. You can read it here. http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/world/bri ... rael-trnd/

Israel postpones vote due to Britney Spears concert
By Delaney Strunk, CNN

(CNN)Britney Spears, the Princess of Pop, is disrupting the Israeli political system -- in fact they moved an election date just for her.

The singer is set to perform her first concert in Tel Aviv on July 3, the same day as the Israeli Labor Party's primary election. Leave it to Britney to shake up international politics.
"We delayed the vote one day, to July 4. We couldn't hire enough security for the election because of the Britney Spears concert on July 3. There would also be a lot of traffic and roadblocks that would make it hard for the vote to go ahead," Labor Party spokesman Liron Zach said.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The settlers that live there live in their own ares being guarded by the army or the police if they enter a Palestinian area they will most likely going to be lynched


The settlers live mainly in segregated(apartheid) Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank and of course they are protected by the Israeli occupation forces. These settlers are violent religious freaks who very regularly attack Palestinians in the West Bank, rather than the other way around.
These settlers are violent religious freaks who very regularly attack Palestinians in the West Bank, rather than the other way around.

are you sure? because just a few days ago some arab attacked with the famous car attack just like what happens in Europe lately.

The settlers live mainly in segregated(apartheid) Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank

lol there is no rational reason for them to live with the local savages
The hypocrisy of the Muslim lovers is breath taking. On the one hand they recognise that Muslims as a collective (how ever nice individual Muslims may be) act like animals and need regimes of the most extreme brutality like Saddam and Gadaffi, and on the other they demand Israel surrenders and allows itself to be wiped off the map. When a dog gets off the leash and kills a lamb, you blame the dog owner not the dog. Similarly when a Sunni Arab Muslim goes into a market in Iraq and blows up dozens of Iraqi women and children, the Muslim lovers don't blame the Muslim animals that were involved in the attack, no they blame the West for removing Saddam.

And of course in their pathetic little fantasy world, where all evil can be blamed on Daddy White people, Saddam, who started off by murdering a third of the Baath Party leadership, who invaded Iran creating a murderous first world war like killing field, who gas attacked the Kurds and was involved in a decades long war with the Kurds, who invaded Kuwait, arrested Soviet citizens, pissing off his biggest ally, uniting virtually the whole world's regimes against him, including the Baathist Syrian regime of Hafez Assad, suffered a major Kurdish uprising and then a Shia uprising where he had to murder between a hundred and four hundred thousand people to put down, has become an icon of stability.
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