UN report - Israel has established an 'apartheid regime' - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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"Muslim bias", something-something about Pakistan. :lol:

Yes, there is a general Muslim bias against Israel.
You seem obsessed by it. Not that you and your ilk will achieve anything against Israel of course, not in your lifetime and not in your grand children's lifetime. Oh wait! You didn't breed !

There are exceptions though, just as there are some wayward Jews against Israel.
Hey Ter, you can add this to your script, I think you'll like this one :D

In reality:
you don't think israel is an apartheid state, go to hebron. apartheid isn't an abstraction there, a historical comparison or allegory, a contentious name for a cluster of practices that may or may not deserve it - it's simply what's happening. the idf is sovereign in the west bank, where it maintains two separate systems of law - civil law for jewish settlers; military law for the palestinians. for palestinians, the conviction rate in an army court is 99.7%; there might be palestinians in the knesset, but the palestinians in hebron are living under a military dictatorship. i saw settlers walking in the desert they made out of hebron's old city, freely carrying automatic weapons; i saw palestinians beaten to the ground by half a dozen israeli soldiers for protesting. two codes of law for two racialised groups under a single sovereign power is apartheid. but as foucault argues, the law is never general and sovereign, and is always the means by which one group (and often one group considered to be, in some sense, a race) continues its war against a defeated enemy. as always, the violence in israel's occupation of palestine is a concentrated, vulgarised, condensed version of what is happening everywhere: the techniques of racist domination you see here are operating across the civilised world; hebron is just the front line in the global class war. this is why it's so essential that israeli apartheid not be called what it is: apartheid must appear to be a historical anomaly, something irrational and foreign to bourgeois practice and the rule of law, and in israel the law rules. it's not just israel's legitimacy that is at stake; it's the legitimacy of legal authority itself. but apartheid is just what the law looks like from beneath.

stephen50right wrote:I am very familiar with these possible scenarios, including nuclear winter, etc - your point on this is valid. That being said, I don't think it would be an apocalypse to the world if it was just Israel and Iran going at it, although it wouldn't be pretty with the radiation going into the upper atmosphere, and the fallout occurring all over. With the Iranian oil fields on fire and both countries infrastructure in flames adding to the carnage, it is a calamity that we simply must avoid, and that isn't even debatable.

The problem is, if it gets to the point where Israel and Iran are throwing nukes across borders, it will be a conflict that involves more than just Iran and Israel. Just look at Syria and how many international nations have decided to have a bite of that suck salad.

Heck when Hezbollah and Israel went at it in 2006, we ended up with a UN force trying to Israel and Hezbollah from having a throw down deathmatch. This force consisted of Italian, German, French, Chinese, etc forces going into Lebanon!!

So anything more intensive, is going to see a lot of international actors getting involved.

Plus Israel has the Samson Option, where they try to drag everyone down with them. So yeah, it will not be fun for anyone.

stephen50right wrote:Frankly, I made that point in hopes that enough info gets back to those Iran Ayatollah dopes who keep shouting death to Israel, so that they never attempt to try this. I'm not saying they read the PoFo posts, but then again ya never know, six degrees of separation, I figure it's worth a try.

So your trying to counter nationalistic pride chest thumping, with more nationalistic pride chest thumping.

Your a village idiot.
"Stephen50right wrote:Frankly, I made that point in hopes that enough info gets back to those Iran Ayatollah dopes who keep shouting death to Israel
You mean the government that's only there because the US deposed the Shah of Iran?

The Israeli Occupation Forces in the West Bank and East Jerusalem decide how Palestinians in their internationally-recognised territory live. In this territory there are Jewish-only settlements, checkpoints for Palestinians, different coloured ID cards dependent on if you're Jewish or nay and Jewish-only highways and some Jewish-only streets in Hebron. Wake up and smell the apartheid, ZN. You don't live far from the West Bank, maybe you should go there and see for yourself. :)
I was in the West bank

all of this is done for security reasons
Israeli Jews cant go to into the Palestinian territories becase they will be lynched and if you say otherwise you are delusional because I personally met people who were in that situation
Israeli Arabs are enjoying the both worlds they can go freely into the Palestinian territories but even they sometimes being mistaken for Jews and threatened to be attacked.

I dont even see the point of giving them a state because it will be a failed state fully dependent on Israel and Jordan
Zionist Nationalist wrote:I was in the West bank

all of this is done for security reasons
Israeli Jews cant go to into the Palestinian territories becase they will be lynched and if you say otherwise you are delusional because I personally met people who were in that situation
Israeli Arabs are enjoying the both worlds they can go freely into the Palestinian territories but even they sometimes being mistaken for Jews and threatened to be attacked.

I dont even see the point of giving them a state because it will be a failed state fully dependent on Israel and Jordan

Let us say for a moment that you are right about everything. Palestinians can not be trusted, Israeli civilians will be murdered if one gives in.

What is your view of the endgame here? What could justify all of this fear, violence and hatred (of course found of both sides, as expected)? Is this the legacy one wants to leave to his/her children, another generation of conflict?
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Israeli Jews cant go to into the Palestinian territories becase they will be lynched and if you say otherwise you are delusional because I personally met people who were in that situation

And I personally know Israeli Jews as well as non-Israeli Jews who've visited the West Bank. Also, this makes absolutely no sense considering there are over half a million Jewish settlers living there. :eh:
skinster wrote:And I personally know Israeli Jews as well as non-Israeli Jews who've visited the West Bank. Also, this makes absolutely no sense considering there are over half a million Jewish settlers living there. :eh:

You make no sense.

The settlers that live there live in their own ares being guarded by the army or the police if they enter a Palestinian area they will most likely going to be lynched
it happened alot but in most cases they were saved by either the Palestinian police or some sane local

Sometimes they even mistake tourists for Jews so they attempt to lynch them aswell
http://www.westernjournalism.com/palest ... in-hebron/

What is your view of the endgame here? What could justify all of this fear, violence and hatred (of course found of both sides, as expected)? Is this the legacy one wants to leave to his/her children, another generation of conflict?

I think the best solution is for them to form a confederation with Jordan. even their flags are almost the same it makes no sense to make country in the west bank and Gaza
Zionist wrote:I think the best solution is for them to form a confederation with Jordan. even their flags are almost the same it makes no sense to make country in the west bank and Gaza
Good idea, then they can kick out all the fucking Israeli squatters in their country, right?
Godstud wrote:Israel is, apparently, full of cunts.
Fixed it, just for you. :lol:

ZN wrote:compassion is bad because its a sign of weakness
Yeah, your god said that a lot, in that over-rated book. That's an incredibly idiotic statement, incidentally.

Compassion is a sign of STRENGTH. People who are strong can afford to be compassionate, and forgiving. The cowardly cannot show compassion.

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