UN report - Israel has established an 'apartheid regime' - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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stephen50right wrote:The usual bigoted nonsense to compare the two. Israel is surrounded by Muslim enemies. If it wasn't for Israel's defense capabilities, both Egypt and Jordan would have never signed peace treaties. Israel's policies are all about survival of the Jewish people.

Surrounded by enemies? Israel is currently experiencing it's best relations with the Arab world. Israeli and UAE air forces took part in a joint military exercise at Cyprus along with Italy USA, and Greek forces.

While for the last few years Israeli forces have been taking part in Red Flag, combat simulation which also includes forces from US, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Spain.

stephen50right wrote:The whites in South Africa had no foreign enemies. That was an internal struggle. The comparison of the two countries is totally bogus and every bigoted leftist knows it.

Apartheid is how groups treat each other, not foreign invaders.

stephen50right wrote:That being said, Israel couldn't care less what the bigots say or think. Israel is here to stay and will be for a very long time.

Go patriotic pride, do you feel better now?

stephen50right wrote:A little known fact for you silly bigots to ponder. Israel can absorb a nuclear strike better than any other country out there. They have an elaborate underground bunker system, by far the finest in the world, which protects the vast majority of their population. If a nuclear strike happened, of course Israel's enemy would be totally annihilated, and it would take some years of rebuilding, but Israel would windup bigger and better than before. For example, say if Iran attacked Israel...Israel would of course strike back and Iran would then cease to exist as a country and a people. Israel would annex the oil fields and become fabulously wealthy over the years, and that annexation would likely be permanent.

If the nukes are being tossed around, the world as we know it, is gone. Because if Israel or Iran start throwing nukes across borders, everyone will be. The zombie apocalypse will be a walk in the park compared to the horror of atomic war. Whoever is left, will not care about invading oil fields or some other nationalist bullshit that you take pride in. Instead people will be trying to find food and shelter while trying to work out how the fusk to grow food that will not end up contaminated.

stephen50right wrote:So bigots go ahead and continue with your hate. Hope you enjoy it although we conservatives who strongly support Israel couldn't care less about your distortions and lies, only to the point of exposing it.

All you have to offer is nationalistic chest thumping, well done.
Tailz wrote:Surrounded by enemies? Israel is currently experiencing it's best relations with the Arab world. Israeli and UAE air forces took part in a joint military exercise at Cyprus along with Italy USA, and Greek forces.

While for the last few years Israeli forces have been taking part in Red Flag, combat simulation which also includes forces from US, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Spain.

Apartheid is how groups treat each other, not foreign invaders.

Go patriotic pride, do you feel better now?

If the nukes are being tossed around, the world as we know it, is gone. Because if Israel or Iran start throwing nukes across borders, everyone will be. The zombie apocalypse will be a walk in the park compared to the horror of atomic war. Whoever is left, will not care about invading oil fields or some other nationalist bullshit that you take pride in. Instead people will be trying to find food and shelter while trying to work out how the fusk to grow food that will not end up contaminated.

All you have to offer is nationalistic chest thumping, well done.

<<< If the nukes are being tossed around, the world as we know it, is gone. Because if Israel or Iran start throwing nukes across borders, everyone will be. The zombie apocalypse will be a walk in the park compared to the horror of atomic war. Whoever is left, will not care about invading oil fields or some other nationalist bullshit that you take pride in. Instead people will be trying to find food and shelter while trying to work out how the fusk to grow food that will not end up contaminated. >>>

I am very familiar with these possible scenarios, including nuclear winter, etc - your point on this is valid. That being said, I don't think it would be an apocalypse to the world if it was just Israel and Iran going at it, although it wouldn't be pretty with the radiation going into the upper atmosphere, and the fallout occurring all over. With the Iranian oil fields on fire and both countries infrastructure in flames adding to the carnage, it is a calamity that we simply must avoid, and that isn't even debatable.

Frankly, I made that point in hopes that enough info gets back to those Iran Ayatollah dopes who keep shouting death to Israel, so that they never attempt to try this. I'm not saying they read the PoFo posts, but then again ya never know, six degrees of separation, I figure it's worth a try.
Why is that a case of concern? would you rather have a developed country that produce high tech or another useless failed state?

It isn't actually a cause for my concern, what I was saying was that Pro-Israel people like myself and others need to stop pretending that extreme circumstances don't require extreme solutions and that seemingly oppressive practices are sometimes necessary to maintain a stable society.
Israel is not an "apartheid regime", though it would be to their benefit if was. There is only one Jewish state in the Middle East while there are dozens of Arabs states. Israel must retain its Jewish identity. Little Israel is surrounded by bloodthirsty child-sacrificing Moslem savages, the Israeli civilising mission in a formerly barren stretch of Middle Eastern desert is one of history's greatest acts of humanitarianism. Israel needs more land, if anything.
Ter wrote::D
The report needs to be disregarded.

It won't be because the reality on the ground is that Israel is an apartheid state: it has 6 million Palestinians that it's ruling who have no rights or very few.

Here's Israeli racism towards non-Palestinians, look at the country you're shilling for:
It is pretty hilarious that poster Skinster keeps on promoting that "report" written by an extreme anti Zionist Peter Falk and sponsored by eighteen Muslim countries, most of which do not recognise the State of Israel.
That report, and the weekly anti Israel resolutions in the UN, have contributed to the loss of credibility of the United Nations overall.
The "report" has already been removed from the official web site of the Muslim-dominated UN agency for West Asia and the Chairperson of that agency has already resigned. So at least something good has come out of that "report": the world has learnt what a biased agency that is and the Jordanian Chairperson is no longer there. Surprise surprise, that person is being honoured by the Palestinian Authority, she got some kind of gold medal or something. That alone proves how neutral that "report" was and how unbiased the Chairperson.

for every video showing stupid Jews, there are hundreds of videos with stupid Muslims doing terrible things to gays, other Muslims, Christians, and other minorities. It is cheap to try to go there, it proves nothing except cheap propaganda.
Tell me what is propaganda in the film above.

And what is propaganda from the UN report that proves Israel practices apartheid. Calling Dr Falk, a Jewish expert on international law an anti-zionist, is not an argument.

zionists lie and lie and lie, either knowingly or not. They have to keep the facade up about what Israel is compared to the reality of what Israel is: a settler-colonial state that practices apartheid on 6 million of its inhabitants.

This is a rights based issue and your side will not win until Palestinians in the land enjoy the same rights as Jews.
skinster wrote: Calling Dr Falk, a Jewish expert on international law an anti-zionist, is not an argument.

Of course it is an argument. That man is biased 100%. I know how data can be misused and misrepresented, according to the views of the author. I had to fight such manipulations when I was a researcher in university environments.
skinster wrote:This is a rights based issue and your side will not win until Palestinians in the land enjoy the same rights as Jews.

First of all, there are no Palestinians. There are some Arabs who came from Egypt and other Arab countries and they claim the country for themselves. You see, this works both ways. The Muslims and some leftists try to delegitimise Israel as a Jewish State so the Arabs squatting on those lands are no longer recognised either.
See how that works ?
The Israelis know that there will not be peace as long as their country is not recognised so they have no choice but to accept that fact. They would be crazy to cede land without guaranteed peace. The world is a much bigger place than the sand pits surrounding Israel.

The funny thing is, I am not even a real Zionist, I have refused opportunities to live there and have an excellent career. But I do feel you and your fellow propagandists of Muslim extraction are going to far.
Ter wrote:Of course it is an argument. That man is biased 100%. I know how data can be misused and misrepresented, according to the views of the author. I had to fight such manipulations when I was a researcher in university environments.

You're yet to present a single thing that's false from the report. Ad-homs on the writers don't count as an argument, I'm sure you would've learned that at your time in university environments...

The funny thing is, I am not even a real Zionist...


What do you make of the thousands of Jews who went to DC last weekend to protest AIPAC because of its support of the occupation and more? Something-something about self-loathing-Jews, right?

What about what Israeli soldiers say about Israel?
Last edited by skinster on 03 Apr 2017 05:28, edited 1 time in total.
skinster wrote:You're yet to present a single thing that's false from the report.

Why should I read it?
I know what is in it already (hint : you told us).
"Professor Falk" is known as extremely biased against Israel.
And so are you. You seem to like that report because it confirms the misconceptions you have against Israel. I propose you should go visit the place, talk to people and see that they are not the devils you think they are.
skinster wrote::lol:

Your use of emoticons is boring, predictable and demonstrates laziness.
skinster wrote:What do you make of the thousands of Jews who went to DC last weekend to protest AIPAC because of its support of the occupation and more?

I do not think anything about them or against them or for them. I really don't and I do not know why I should think about them.
skinster wrote:You appear to be someone who's allergic of the truth. If you don't care about the report, go away.

You can't make me go away.
If I leave this forum, it will be by my own choice.
Or if you offer me a lot of money, which you can't...
(oy vey, now waiting for the inevitable conclusions of what I just said)

skinster wrote:I've no doubt in my mind that, given what you're an apologist for on this board, you would have been a good little nazi once upon a time. :D

It took you a long time and a lot of interactions to come up with the Nazi comparison. But at least you got there, congratulations.
How wrong you are. I am the reasonable guy here and you are full of hate.
Calling Dr Falk an anti-zionist and dismissing his report because of that is weak-sauce, but the maximum to be expected from shitty-zionists.

At least some try, but we won't see that here.

Anyhow, if you're into money so much Ter, you can get paid fairly well for shilling for Israel online, like you already do. Holla at Hasbara Fellowships, it's legit. :D
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