UN does not condem Israeli violation of its sanctions regarding Palestine - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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anarchist23 wrote:@Nonsense
You would say that as you're an apologist for the brutal Zionist apartheid regime. In your estimation the Zionists can do no wrong although in the 2014 massacre nearly five hundred innocent Palestinian children died.
Do you know how many Israeli children died?

As you are not going to reply because the answer goes against your pro Zionist stance.
Four hundred and ninety Palestinian children died and one Israeli child died in the fifty day conflict in 2014. It was a war crime as the Zionists committed collective punishment against a defenceless population. The Palestinians have no navy, standing army or airforce.
A U.S. government human rights report released this month highlights grave violations against Palestinian children living under Israeli military occupation.

The annual country reports on human rights practices, which include a specific section covering the situation of human rights in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), raises a number of issues related to ill-treatment of Palestinian child prisoners and denial of fair trial rights in Israeli military courts. It notes other grave violations against Palestinian children, including unlawful killing and excessive use of force against Palestinian children by Israeli forces. A senior U.S. official released the annual report and answered questions by phone on condition of anonymity.

The report noted a “significant increase in detentions of minors” in 2016, and that “Israeli authorities continued to use confessions signed by Palestinian minors, written in Hebrew.” It also highlighted the renewed use of administrative detention against Palestinians, including children.

“The U.S. government is well aware of ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian child detainees as well as unlawful killings,” said Khaled Quzmar, Defense for Children Interantional - Palestine’s general director. “Until the U.S. government demands Israeli authorities comply with international law, U.S. authorities are simply enabling abuse and perpetuating injustice against Palestinian children.”

http://www.dci-palestine.org/u_s_state_ ... inian_kids
anarchist23 wrote:@Nonsense
You would say that as you're an apologist for the brutal Zionist apartheid regime. In your estimation the Zionists can do no wrong although in the 2014 massacre nearly five hundred innocent Palestinian children died.
Do you know how many Israeli children died?

Your prejudices rule out any balance in your argument.

I am not an 'apologist', I consider any FACTS & EVIDENCE.

Any child, of whatever origin, caught up in terrorist violence is to be regretted.

Now, would these children to whom you quote, have been openly targeted by Israeli forces?

If so, what, where is your evidence?

Based upon any evidence that you can produce, how would you define the word 'massacre' in that context?

I do not know how many Israeli children died in 2014, is that relevant?

Tell me, how many Israeli children have died as a direct result of your Palestinian TERRORIST friends activities over the decades, or do they not count on your 'score- sheet'?

My memory may be not so good as it was, but, do tell me more about your terrorist 'friends',with their methods of cowering in places where Palestinian children meet in groups in order to deter the Israeli forces from retaliating against these terrorist friends of yours & the rest of your cronies in CORBYN's dysfunctional Labour Party?

Such places are schools, hospitals, churches, people's houses & many more places.

Neither the U.N,RED CROSS come out of that time with any honour whatsoever, the U.N is cowardly in siding with the terrorist, as was the RED CROSS, who, by law are bound to be non-political & impartial in any conflict.

The RED CROSS was on international media condemning Israel, thus backing the Palestinian TERRORIST & for that there will be future repercussions.
Your name sums up your argument. Talk about giving a dog a bad name. lol

UN report: Israel has established an ‘apartheid regime’

Update (17/3//17): since this article was first published, ESCWA has been forced to remove the report from its website. It can be viewed/downloaded here: UN ESCWA Israel Apartheid Report

A new United Nations report accuses Israel of having established “an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole”.

The publication comes amid renewed debate about whether, through its settlement policy and rejection of Palestinian self-determination, the Israeli government is creating – or even has already created – a de facto “one-state”, which critics warn would constitute a form of apartheid.

It urged governments to “support boycott, divestment and sanctions [BDS] activities and respond positively to calls for such initiatives”.

The report – Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid – was commissioned and published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and launched in Beirut.

John Reynolds, a lecturer in law at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, told Al Jazeera the report “breaks new ground in the context of the UN’s analysis of the situation in Palestine”.

Israel’s UN envoy Danny Danon issued a statement condemning the report late on Wednesday.

“The attempt to smear and falsely label the only true democracy in the Middle East by creating a false analogy is despicable and constitutes a blatant lie,” he said.

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric, when asked about the report, said it was published without any prior consultations with the UN Secretariat and its views do not reflect those of the secretary-general.

The report was authored by two critics of Israeli state practice: Virginia Tilley, professor of political science at Southern Illinois University, and Richard Falk, former UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, and professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University.

Noting how “the expert consensus [is] that the prohibition of apartheid is universally applicable and was not rendered moot by the collapse of apartheid in South Africa”, the report argues that Israel is “guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid”, a “crime against humanity under customary international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”.

The report is a “detailed analysis of Israeli legislation, policies and practices” that highlights how Israel “operates an apartheid regime”, including through “demographic engineering”.

Palestinian citizens of Israel are described as “subjected to oppression on the basis of not being Jewish”, it said.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem similarly experience “discrimination in access to education, healthcare, employment, residency and building rights”, as well as “expulsions and home demolitions”.

Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are governed by “military law” alongside Jewish settlers “governed by Israeli civil law”, the report said.

Palestinian refugees and exiles are “prohibited from returning to their homes in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory” on the basis that they “constitute a ‘demographic threat’ and that their return would alter the demographic character of Israel”.

As well as urging governments to back BDS, the report recommends that the UN and its member states should “revive the Special Committee against Apartheid, and the United Nations Centre Against Apartheid (1976-1991)”, which would then “report authoritatively on Israeli practices and policies relating to the crime of apartheid”.

The report also suggests an advisory opinion be sought from the International Court of Justice “as to whether the means used by Israel to maintain control over the Palestinian people amount to the crime of apartheid”.

David Keane, associate professor in law at Middlesex University, said the new report differs from previous ones on the subject because it “expressly attaches the apartheid label”.

The report could contribute to an already deteriorating relationship between the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the United Nations.

“For Palestinians and their allies, the report will help to provide a solid basis for their work,” Nadia Hijab, executive director of al-Shabaka – The Palestinian Policy Network – told Al Jazeera .

Citing the reputation and credibility of the authors, Hijab described the report as “a clear, concise document” whose recommendations are “timely and much needed”.

Published first by Al Jazeera.
anarchist23 wrote:@Nonsense
Your name sums up your argument. Talk about giving a dog a bad name. lol

UN report: Israel has established an ‘apartheid regime’

Published first by Al Jazeera.

So, you attempt an admonishment of my viewpoint, by copying & pasting an article full of UN supported nonsense designed to isolate Israel in it's efforts to defend itself against Palestinian terrorist.

No attempt at response or debate at all, just a monologue mix of ad- hominem coupled with ignorant remarks that are par for the course for your lack of intellect , can you top that off by descending to even greater depths?

Your virtually absent cerebral cortex is unable to fathom that Israel is a 'democratically' elected government, recognised as such by the UNITED NATIONS & as such is LEGALLY entitled to defend itself from imminent or actual attack from wherever the threat arises.
In contrast, GAZA is a vipers nest of TERRORIST that uses women-children as human shields & stores munitions that are used in attacks against Israel in hospitals, schools & elsewhere.

Obviously, your brain size is equivalent to that of a chicken, whereas the latter's brain is designed for a specific purpose, your 's is just a infinitely miniscule dysfunctional waste of space.

Ever tried engaging your brain before hitting the 'C'&'P' on the keyboard?

The FACT that you support them is testimony to your absolute STUPIDITY.


Nonsense wrote:
So, you attempt an admonishment of my viewpoint, by copying & pasting an article full of UN supported nonsense designed to isolate Israel in it's efforts to defend itself against Palestinian terrorist.

No attempt at response or debate at all, just a monologue mix of ad- hominem coupled with ignorant remarks that are par for the course for your lack of intellect , can you top that off by descending to even greater depths?

Your virtually absent cerebral cortex is unable to fathom that Israel is a 'democratically' elected government, recognised as such by the UNITED NATIONS & as such is LEGALLY entitled to defend itself from imminent or actual attack from wherever the threat arises.
In contrast, GAZA is a vipers nest of TERRORIST that uses women-children as human shields & stores munitions that are used in attacks against Israel in hospitals, schools & elsewhere.

Obviously, your brain size is equivalent to that of a chicken, whereas the latter's brain is designed for a specific purpose, your 's is just a infinitely miniscule dysfunctional waste of space.

Ever tried engaging your brain before hitting the 'C'&'P' on the keyboard?

The FACT that you support them is testimony to your absolute STUPIDITY.



Calm down and stop being so emotional and distressed. Are you suffering from PMT at the moment? Just think of the...
Four hundred and ninety Palestinian children that were killed by the murderous IDF over fifty days in 1914.
Proportionality has to be considered. Obviously the IDF overreacted and committed war crimes. Those Israeli politicians responsible will be tried at the ICC and it's just a matter of time.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:They should be thankful they are receiving anything at all

I couldnt care less if they all starve and die

During the bombing of the Gaza Strip by Israel in the summer of 2014, over 500,000 people were displaced; over 100,000 remain homeless. Today, little has been rebuilt, because of Israeli restrictions on building materials allowed to enter the area. The extensive list of items that Israel prohibits includes wooden boards thicker than 1 cm which, of course, presents a significant challenge to the rebuilding of any structures.

Water and sanitation remain crucial problems in the Gaza Strip, but the ban on many types of pipes and pumps prevent much progress from being made in this area.

Yet this is just the acute situation in Gaza; the chronic situation tells an equally tragic story. In June of 2012,Israel ‘softened’ the restrictions on imports, but still prevents, among other products, the following:

Specific types of metal profiles;
Ball bearings;
Lathes and their parts;
Composite materials;
Hunting knives;
Optical equipment, such as lasers and night vision goggles;
Certain navigation aides;
Diving equipment;
Flares and fireworks;
Rock drills and
Equipment for drawing water from excavated sites.
Of particular interest regarding the rebuilding of the destroyed homes and businesses in Gaza, Israel prevents the following from entering:

Portland cement and lime in bulk, bags or barrels;
Natural and quarry aggregates and all varieties of gravel;
Ready concrete;
Precast concrete elements and products;
Steel elements and/or construction products;
Iron for foundations and columns, at any diameter, including wielded steel nets;
Steel cables of any width;
Forms for construction elements, plastics or galvanised iron;
Industrialised forms for casting concrete;
Plastic or composite beams more than 4mm thick
Thermal isolation materials and products;
Blocs at any width, concrete; silicate; Ytong aerated concrete or its equivalent; or gypsum;
Materials and products for sealing structures;
Asphalt and its components (bitumen, emulsion) in aggregate or packaged ;
Steel elements or framing products for construction;
Cast concrete elements and products for drainage over 1m in diameter, and
Precast units and sea-borne containers.
But this does, indeed, represent a liberalization of Israel’s brutal blockade. Prior to 2010, as reported by Dr. Kevin M. Cahill, Chief Advisor on Humanitarian Affairs to the President of the U.N. General Assembly, Israel “… also restricted the importation of lentils, pasta, tomato paste and juice by some incomprehensible logic that these items may pose a security threat. In a particularly cruel twist, even batteries for hearing aids used by deaf children cannot be imported, condemning these unfortunates to a world of silence.”

Additional items that have been banned in Gaza for their apparent threat to Israeli security include chocolate, vinegar, toys and even potato chips.

A report in 2010 by the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, occupied Palestinian territory, noted that the number of Palestinians living in what is considered ‘abject poverty,’ meaning they are unable to obtain such basic items as soap, school stationery and drinking water, had tripled since the blockade began. Additionally, most of Gaza’s population only has electricity for about twelve hours each day.

http://www.mintpressnews.com/from-banne ... de/212731/
anarchist23 wrote:Ball bearings;
Lathes and their parts;
Composite materials;
Hunting knives;
Optical equipment, such as lasers and night vision goggles;
Certain navigation aides;
Diving equipment;
Flares and fireworks;
Rock drills and
Equipment for drawing water from excavated sites.
Of particular interest regarding the rebuilding of the destroyed homes and businesses in Gaza, Israel prevents the following from entering:

Portland cement and lime in bulk, bags or barrels;
Natural and quarry aggregates and all varieties of gravel;
Ready concrete;
Precast concrete elements and products;
Steel elements and/or construction products;
Iron for foundations and columns, at any diameter, including wielded steel nets;
Steel cables of any width;
Forms for construction elements, plastics or galvanised iron;
Industrialised forms for casting concrete;
Plastic or composite beams more than 4mm thick
Thermal isolation materials and products;
Blocs at any width, concrete; silicate; Ytong aerated concrete or its equivalent; or gypsum;
Materials and products for sealing structures;
Asphalt and its components (bitumen, emulsion) in aggregate or packaged ;
Steel elements or framing products for construction;
Cast concrete elements and products for drainage over 1m in diameter, and
Precast units and sea-borne containers.
But this does, indeed, represent a liberalization of Israel’s brutal blockade. Prior to 2010, as reported by Dr. Kevin M. Cahill, Chief Advisor on Humanitarian Affairs to the President of the U.N. General Assembly, Israel “… also restricted the importation of lentils, pasta, tomato paste and juice by some incomprehensible logic that these items may pose a security threat. In a particularly cruel twist, even batteries for hearing aids used by deaf children cannot be imported, condemning these unfortunates to a world of silence.”

Additional items that have been banned in Gaza for their apparent threat to Israeli security include chocolate, vinegar, toys and even potato chips.

The first item on the list made me laugh... ball bearings? That is an essential component of suicide vests, to kill and maim as many bystanders as possible.

There is no need to go over that list item by item.

The list could be rescinded in one minute time if those Hamas terrorists would stop shooting rockets with exploding heads over the border, stop tunneling under the border to attack people, and recognise Israel.

If not, they can continue as they are: blockaded, shunned, ostracised.
Whining about it will not help.

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