Most of our seniors don't deserve respect - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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There is no proof of dementia in seniors, and if anything, many seniors actually eat better than the younger generations.

Also, eating healthier and fitness is becoming important to most people, so this is a fallacy.
Saeko wrote:You know what I hate? Future generations. What have they ever done for us?

Exactly, that's why we should continue printing money [or 1's and 0's in a government computer terminal somewhere] robbing future generations of their prosperity paying for social security, medicare, public pensions, retirement, and so on.

Sure, this is much better for the older people now and we don't have to worry about killing them off either by lethal euthanasia.

Future generations on the other hand are totally dead on arrival. In order to not kill anybody or anything now we must kill the future, it's our only hope to have entitlements in the here and now. It's simple, to save our present and comfortable lifestyles that come with it we must kill the future.

I mean yeah, you have to outsource jobs, downsize everything, lower the standards of living, and come up with nifty ideas of someday automating all of society under artificial intelligence in order to cut down on labor wage arbitrating but such is the progress of our near sighted myopia.

Sure, little Jimmy who's only job and skill set is working at Mcdonald's with his Mcjob minimum wage where half of the meager poultry wages he makes go to those same very entitlements but as everyone in the older generations surfing the gravy train will tell you this is all very progressive for them where they earned all of it.

The future generations get to live in filth and squalor where that's if they're really lucky concerning the consequences of this whole sorted affair not to mention also from the previous generations about to expire.

I hope this post clarifies some things for you and everybody else here. You're all welcome.
Last edited by Joka on 17 Mar 2017 11:44, edited 2 times in total.
Suntzu wrote:You are doomed! Just commit suicide. :lol:

No, it's more interesting to live than to die. Don't worry I'll get my turn like everybody else will. No rush....

I'm content on waiting in line within this roller coaster we call life.
Suntzu wrote:The baby boomers are beginning to check out, there will be vacancies. :lol:

Yes, in future nuclear mushroom clouds and possible militarized and engineered ebola outbreaks. :excited:

The future is so very bright it burns my eyes.
Life today is tough. When I popped out the average American family was living in 900 square feet. Most folks didn't have a phone. There was no air conditioning except in movie theaters. All cars were stick. Most cars wouldn't hit 100 mph. We didn't have to worry about seat belts are child safety seats. I think there was something like three computers . . . in the world. No TV.

We did have polio and a rash of other diseases we don't have today. Negroes sat in the back of the bus. Life expectancy was around 60 years. Men lived longer than women.
[quote="Joka"]Exactly, that's why we should continue printing money [or 1's and 0's in a government computer terminal somewhere] robbing future generations of their prosperity paying for social security, medicare, public pensions, retirement, and so on.

Sure, this is much better for the older people now and we don't have to worry about killing them off either by lethal euthanasia.

Future generations on the other hand are totally dead on arrival. In order to not kill anybody or anything now we must kill the future, it's our only hope to have entitlements in the here and now. It's simple, to save our present and comfortable lifestyles that come with it we must kill the future. quote]

In the U.K, the gov't, through the Bank of England, have been debasing our currency to the tune of £1.75 TRILLION(£1.25
TRILLION since 2010-expected to top £2 TRILLION by 2021.

The 'seniors' that live on THIRD WORLD pensions, expected to be £122.30 a week from April 2017, having worked 50 years for my Basic State Pension, I feel deeply angry about it's unfairness.
I was born years before the Welfare State in the U.K began in 1948,somehow, that enables the current TORY administration to DISCRIMINATE on grounds of age against people like me.

This is so, because from the same date, the 'NEW' State Pension pays out £155.65 a week, if retired after 5 April 2016 & these people would have been paying NI contributions to the State Pension at the same rate as those born before the Welfare State existed, such as myself.

There are many state benefit 'anomalies' introduced under 'New Labour', which underlies the hypocrisy of that political party, in that it rails against 'discrimination' by others, yet practices it in abundance when in power.

You say that,"Sure, this is much better for the older people now and we don't have to worry about killing them off either by lethal euthanasia".

If you mean that 'printing money' is 'much better' for older people now', that cynicism is atypical of any fascist state worth it's salt.

Older people's savings have been decimated by Quantitative Easing(QE),a policy designed to debase a currency & to deepen the National Debt crisis for which the younger generations will pay the price by keeping interest rates below the market clearing rate, in order to fund dishonest government spending, of money that does not exist beyond it's electronic generation.

In the U.K we have a Canadian Governor of the National Bank doing his utmost to debase our currency, in cahoots with our government.

Government spending has increased, despite the government's manifesto to eliminate the deficit, which, though 'falling', is only doings so because long term debt is increasing.

Economically, we are all getting poorer, a direct result of 'austerity' policies, there is no 'free lunch' when you cut the incomes of a large section of the populace, the law of 'diminishing returns' kicks in fast once such a policy is introduced & the pushback when it comes will cost much, much more.

CHURCHILL was right when he said, 'democracy' is the worst form of government, bar the others'.

It's the younger politicians such as that LIAR AKA 'BLIAR' that created the mess the UK is now in.

Since 1997, the UK population increase, mainly from mass uncontrolled migration, is by 10%, our GDPPP ought to have increased by a close amount, it has not.
It's the QE pumped in that has 'INFLATED' the GDP figures , the ONS is a factory that inputs RAW economic data material ,then 'spins' it out as brainwashing material once it has been suitably contaminated enough to fool the ignorant electorate & allow the government to defraud it's debtors, pensioners, benefit claimants, public services like the NHS etc.

At the same time, this electronically raised money is spent on unaffordable defence spending at the behest of American government exhortation, such as when OBAMA came to Germany, railed against President PUTIN over the most corrupt regime on earth, the UKRAINE, having lit the touch-paper, he withdrew to the White House, then waited for the usual TORY Stooges, HAMMOND-FALLON to pump prime more defence spending.
'Defence' spending it was NOT, it was spending on capital ships & Trident renewal.

If every country in the West had their own 'PUTIN', we would have some backbone, but we don't, because all our politicians are bought & paid for by corrupt businesses.

I see no reason for optimism for our young people, they are cynical from a very young age, they completely read politicians for what they are, human effluent.
Last edited by Nonsense on 17 Mar 2017 18:09, edited 1 time in total.
Yo sound like a bunch of whiney Millennials, to me. Do you need a shoulder to cry on or are you happy weeping into your corn flakes? :*( '


Nonsense wrote:

I understand what you're saying and its tough out there England included.

Much of my post was sarcasm and me being facetious. I obviously don't support killing or destroying the future for instance even though that's what government authorities around the world are hell bent on doing.
Godstud wrote:Yo sound like a bunch of whiney Millennials, to me. Do you need a shoulder to cry on or are you happy weeping into your corn flakes? :*( '



I think that you will find that most commentators here are anti millennials , post millennials have an enhanced sense of entitlement from both the state & from their parents.
Anyone born in the UK during the early-mid 1940's will not have been the recipients of our 'welfare' state.

The UK during, but especially post war 1940's was a very divided society, where you either had money or you didn't, in fact, money was so short that employees were often paid in golden Guineas, America screwed the UK of it's wealth & would never have entered the war, were it not for Hitler siding with Japan after America declared war on Japan over Pearl Harbour.

Like now, it was not the rich of this country or America that bore the cost effects of the last war, like now, it was the working class in the UK.
Joka wrote:Future generations on the other hand are totally dead on arrival. In order to not kill anybody or anything now we must kill the future, it's our only hope to have entitlements in the here and now. It's simple, to save our present and comfortable lifestyles that come with it we must kill the future.

I mean yeah, you have to outsource jobs, downsize everything, lower the standards of living, and come up with nifty ideas of someday automating all of society under artificial intelligence in order to cut down on labor wage arbitrating but such is the progress of our near sighted myopia.

Sure, little Jimmy who's only job and skill set is working at Mcdonald's with his Mcjob minimum wage where half of the meager poultry wages he makes go to those same very entitlements but as everyone in the older generations surfing the gravy train will tell you this is all very progressive for them where they earned all of it.

The future generations get to live in filth and squalor where that's if they're really lucky concerning the consequences of this whole sorted affair not to mention also from the previous generations about to expire.

I hope this post clarifies some things for you and everybody else here. You're all welcome.

You have beautifully summarized the political "wisdom" of our current seniors. Their pension funds are buying American corporations, firing all the workers, offshoring jobs, and stealing the pension funds of the workers. Pension funds are stealing pension funds. And wars are helping up some senior's stock portfolios, despite the end-times nature of modern arms.

If you ask a Modern Western senior about this major problem with our current political economy, today's seniors will tell you that they didn't have Jalapeno Cheez Doodles when they were youngsters, so shut your smart-alecky cake hole.

[Zag Note: If you continue to misquote users, you will have a day off]

Godstud wrote:...many seniors actually eat better than the younger generations.

This has always been true. But today's seniors have also eaten tons and tons of neuro-toxic chemicals in their lifetime. Even our drinking water has pesticides in it. Whatever makes money can impress an unwise TV viewer - no matter how toxic it turns out to be.

They learn from TV to say positive and smiley all the time to make it look like they're enjoying modern products more than other people who they've learned to compete with rather than share.

In this thread, for example, while I've been sharing my thoughts, you've been competing with others for happiness level. "LOOK HOW HAPPY I AM! Everything in the world is okay!"

TV taught you that this was the correct way to be in the (Mc) world.
Qatzelok, if you ever actually read what a person posted, your responses might make sense, and you might actually have a discussion with someone. You don't. You talk AT people, after you make up what you think they said. :knife:

Don't mention me in future quotes or responses, because you don't read what I post.
Godstud wrote:That Qatzelok, a white collar baby boomer, is spreading this nonsense, is ironic. He's a product of the same environment that the rest of us are. It's pure sanctimony!

It isn't ironic at all. And "sanctimony" is just your way of saying that people shouldn't be allowed to have critical opinions. (on a political forum???)

Jean-Jacque Rousseau used to say that civilization made people immoral and perverted. His critics claimed that he wasn't credible because he was an amoral peeping tom. But he himself was part of the civilization he was criticizing, so his perversions and amorality were par for the course - according to him.

If you criticize your own civilization, you are bound to have some of the traits that you loathe. This doesn't mean you're not correct.

And to think that ONLY PERFECT PEOPLE should be allowed to criticize anything... is incredibly anti-intellectual and immature.
Decky wrote:Are French Canadians really as insufferable as people claim or is it just a stereotype?

No Decky, it is true.
Even when they speak they cannot be understood.
I am fluent in French but need to read the subtitles in French when something from QuatselOK country comes to the screen.
Decky wrote:Are French Canadians really as insufferable as people claim or is it just a stereotype?
I've met many people from Quebec who are fluent in French and English. Most are really nice people and even they can't stand the people who think that the French are superior in some manner(culturally, or otherwise). The francophones like to image they're better, but they're the same.
Are French Canadians really as insufferable as people claim or is it just a stereotype?

At least they are not Dutch.

I was asked to give a talk in Quebec one time. At the end there was a Q & A. One mean woman got up and asked her question in French knowing that I was from the US. By shear coincidence (my French is poor unless the sentence contains reference to the library or restroom) I understood her question and, being a smart ass, gave the simple answer in French. Huge mistake. After the meeting at least a dozen people tried to engage me in French.

I wanted a tour of the city so I asked the Concierge at the hotel if I could schedule one. He looked me in the eye and asked, "French or English?". Canada needs a spay and neuter program in Quebec. In a generation or two the problem would be over.

I believe that the Francophone in Canada should be reeducated.
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