Most of our seniors don't deserve respect - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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The title is antagonistic. Most things Qatzelok says, are simply to antagonize people and troll his own threads. He rarely actually responds to your arguments, but then he might be incapable of doing so, rationally.
Godstud wrote:The title is antagonistic. Most things Qatzelok says, are simply to antagonize people and troll his own threads. He rarely actually responds to your arguments, but then he might be incapable of doing so, rationally.

He has a point here, alot of old bastards voted for a man who'll take away their lifeline. Ironically who grew up in time where "freedom and democracy" was all that matters, voted for a man who takes away all that. I guess white supremacy is more important than "American values"(as stupid as it was) in the end.
A ot of young people failed to show up. That's not the older generation's fault. 45% of American voters failed to show up at the polls. Don't blame the last generation for the faults of the current one.
Same goes for Brexit, younger generations really went missing there.
I remember that graph (it was pro-remain propaganda, really) on You-Gov that showed how the younger generations (those who voted in majority to remain) had to live much longer (no shit, duh) with a decision that was essentially made by the older ones. Well, guess who's to blame for that outcome? :excited:
Apparently younger generations were not that much in favour of remain either if turnout was so low among them. They probably just didn't care either way.
QatzelOk wrote:Most "city" dwellers now live in their cars and in front of their television sets or Netflix, and it was suburbia that killed normal socializing. Walking and talking to people whose paths you crossed... on foot.

I'm a senior by any standard.
If I lived in a city, London is the nearest for me, I wouldn't drive anywhere in it.
I don't drive much anyway. I walk and socialise. That's what you do when you have a dog.
jakell wrote:Qatz seems to have moved significantly away from the thrust of the thread title. Now he is not blaming seniors for being shallow, but is blaming the modern world for producing that reaction in people.

As the thread builds, the reasons for the alarming lack of wisdom of the last two generations becomes more obvious. It is the technological developments of the 20th Century that has ruined our old people. There is nothing genetically wrong with them - they could have been wise if they hadn't lived in isolation and interacted with commercial products for so many hours per day.

This is why the seniors from less developed nations are often far more respectable than the old people in the Anglosphere. Less TV, less suburbia, and less commercial distraction. This "less" gives them far more time to interact with other humans.

And I won't even waste any pixels on the members who think "Trump" or "Brexit" are examples of lack of wisdom. Obama stole a year's worth of taxes, but his black skin convinced a generation of Cosby Show viewers that everything would be okay by the next commercial break.

The EU was created so that a central group of predators could suck all the money out of Europe.

Our lack of real opposition to banksters and international commerce reveals how brain-dead our TV-viewing, mall-frequenting culture is, and it was the last two generations that were the suckers who sucked us all into this mortal ignorance.

And I will re-ask this: when was the last time you asked an old family member for sage advice regarding the workings of the world?

Oh yeah. Never. Professors are paid to simulate this role for brats who are wealthy enough to buy their fake McWisdom.
You' ve not proved a thing, not empirically, not with logic. You have an opinion with fuzzy elements that no one agrees with. This has been a complete rout.

QatzelOk wrote:And I will re-ask this: when was the last time you asked an old family member for sage advice regarding the workings of the world?

This wasn't your question. This is:

So, when was the last time you reverently asked an 80-year-old propped up in front of the TV for some advice?

Earlier, you defined 80 year olds as members of the last seniors with smarts. This statement suggests some one some what senile or stupid.

Unless the news or a hockey game was on, my dad rarely watched TV. In my mind, I still I still wonder what he'd say or do. Mother doesn't wait for anyone to ask. I'm lucky to be married to one of the most clever men I know. We discuss world events all the time, especially while we walk Handsome Jock

Now you're picking on university kids,18 to what? 22 year olds? When I started Uni, I found them immature, too, but I had worked for several years. But they're smart today, because they took advantage of a good education, and we rely more on what we learned in university, particularly philosophy. Give it a try.
I see nothing wrong with seniors, other than the fact that, politically, they tend to be 'conservative' with a small 'c' & vote accordingly.

Young people tend to be 'political' in the sense that they think that 'seniors' have made the world to be what it is, a 'mess', yet, they care so much that they bother not to vote, which I empathise with them.

The FACTS are though, the 'mess' is created by those who vote, not by those who do not vote.

You get the government you deserve, all the exhortations by politicians to get you to vote, is simply to get YOU to allow them to screw you in the pocket, to allow them to continue to live a lifestyle which they could never obtain through their own efforts in the real world.
Most importantly, they do NOT 'serve' YOU the voter once elected, they serve themselves & their masters in the business world which corrupts YOUR democracy through backhanded payments to the corrupt politicians.

That young people do not vote, yet complain about the system, tells me that 'democracy' is dead, because that cynicism is exactly what older people like myself know & feel is the reality.

They know at their age, that voting is 'false', they know at their age that it changes NOTHING, the dice have been loaded against them in the same way as it is against the older poor.
That cynicism has been ingrained at such a young age is a harbinger of bad things to come in the future.
If you are a young person and encounter a senior with dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, I don't blame you for not wanting to ask for their advice. However, this is no reason to disrespect them.

President Reagan began getting Alzheimer's disease just before he left office and it progressed to the point that his wife Nancy had to constantly watch over him. Although I would not ask him for advice on anything, I still believes he deserves our respect for serving this country.
meh, I'm still with Qatz on this.

There isn't really anything wrong with acknowledging the decline in sagacity of our elders. It's critical that we do so in order avoid it in the future as it forms the basis for our survival. It also puts a massive burden on the few elders who carry so much, there are some days where the pain is palpable ☹️

Also, just because there is a majority who do not deserve respect does not absolve us from paying it anyway. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on your view of the world) it puts that unwise aberration of a generation somewhat in our debt.
ness31 wrote:There isn't really anything wrong with acknowledging the decline in sagacity of our elders.

Proof, please, of the decline in sagacity of Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.
This sounds like a form of bitterness that they don't have it easy, on the part of the newer generations. That Qatzelok, a white collar baby boomer, is spreading this nonsense, is ironic. He's a product of the same environment that the rest of us are. It's pure sanctimony! :lol:

Respect to seniors is granted because there is wisdom in doing so, since their experiences far out-weigh our own, and they do, if you ever care to ask, have wisdom to impart. Giving respect also ends up with them giving you respect, in return.

It goes both ways. Many of the youth are not wise enough to seek wisdom from their seniors. Qatzelok's idea of wisdom is skewed.
As the thread builds, the reasons for the alarming lack of wisdom of the last two generations becomes more obvious. It is the technological developments of the 20th Century that has ruined our old people. There is nothing genetically wrong with them - they could have been wise if they hadn't lived in isolation and interacted with commercial products for so many hours per day.

OK. I am going to take a risk and answer you seriously.

You claim that seniors lack wisdom. All of them? What you are failing to realize is what "wisdom" is and how it is so absolutely situational. So if the son of a farmer seeks advice from his grandfather the farmer he is going shopping for answers that are unique to his situation. Different answers from those a big-city accountant might give his son.

What is wisdom anyway? Knowledge and good judgment? Here is the question. Dr Lee. You are an old man. You are educated and reasonably successful. What advice to you have for me about how to live my life?

Answer 1: Get a good education. Get a good job. Get a good wife or husband. Save your money so you can retire happily.

Answer 2. Blow up your TV. Throw away the paper. Move to the country. Build you a home. Plant yourself a garden. Eat a lot of peaches. Try to find Jesus on your own.*

Answer 3. Don't be afraid. Ever. Do all of the things I did not do. Make love to the girl down the street. She won't give you a second glance when you are 65. Spend another week in the south of France. Drink better wine. Squander your time in the pursuit of pleasure.

Answer 4: Grab life by the balls. Become rich. Exercise power. Do not be a middle lemming. Lead or get the fuck out of the way. Take what you want and enjoy all you take. It is not the earth the meek inherit it is the dirt.

Which is the wise answer? Which displays wisdom?

I think wisdom is and has always been a rare thing. I think that it should always be preceded by the word "relatively". I have never made a stupid decision in my life. I am not a stupid person. I have made zillions of unwise ones. Does that mean that my life experiences are useless to pass along to others? No. Here is the key to wisdom.....

When the student is ready the master will appear. And the student will label him wise. Whether the wise man is an old lock smith whonever graduated from high school but gave the answer the student needed at that moment or a PHD with a 146 IQ and a lifetime of names to drop answering the same question. In the eyes of the seeker, both are equally wise.

I know how to answer this thread and give you a world class hand job Qatz. I know what you want to hear and could lay it out there easily enough. And you would tell everyone how I am the exception to my generations descent into the abyss. I think it was Churchill who said, "the difference between a politician and a statesman is that the statesman agrees with you".

This is why the seniors from less developed nations are often far more respectable than the old people in the Anglosphere. Less TV, less suburbia, and less commercial distraction. This "less" gives them far more time to interact with other humans.

Give them more time? Or gives their children more time to spend with them. Who are you blaming here? We have a bunch of old men and women here. When is the last time someone asked us a question in search of wisdom? When is the last time you sought out your father, uncle, grandfather, mentor......and simply listened? Whose fault is that.

On the rare occasions that young people seek out advice from me I will tell you what the most important thing I do is. I listen. Really listen. I let them talk. And guess what happens? They talk themselves into the answer. So what is wise about that? I know from the wisdom I have acquired in 7 decades that just giving people the answer, my answer, rarely penetrates as well as gently guiding them to reach the conclusion that works for them. Both of us actually.

Teaching point. If you want to be the best conversationalist around....the one everyone seeks out......learn to ask questions and shut the fuck up while they answer them.

And I won't even waste any pixels on the members who think "Trump" or "Brexit" are examples of lack of wisdom. Obama stole a year's worth of taxes, but his black skin convinced a generation of Cosby Show viewers that everything would be okay by the next commercial break.

This is just nonsense. You don't get to chose. You get to work. If you want to go to work and fix these things then put down your keyboard and go at it. Stop blaming us for your problems. My generation gave you unspeakable knowledge. Knowledge we worked very hard to get. Under your fingers right now is vast knowledge. If you want to know how many llamas there are in Peru (over seven million if you count alpacas) then you can know it for the asking. When I was young that knowledge would have been literally unattainable to me without enormous effort and expense. While you claim we were wasting our time on the Cosby show we were actually handing you the knowledge of all mankind on a silver platter you ungrateful little twit. You do not even have the wisdom to understand what a profoundly important tool this is. You have to develop the wisdom on how to use it. We gave you God like knowledge by 1950's standards. Don't fuck it up.

The EU was created so that a central group of predators could suck all the money out of Europe.

You mean unlike Roman legions and medieval kings and the Napoleon's armies?

Our lack of real opposition to banksters and international commerce reveals how brain-dead our TV-viewing, mall-frequenting culture is, and it was the last two generations that were the suckers who sucked us all into this mortal ignorance.

Ignorance? You should have seen how it was before. Honestly. You might benefit from a few history classes. You are romanticizing times that for the overwhelming majority of people were just as ignorant and baffling as today is to you. Or to put it another way, there were no good old days.....just occasional good days. Wisdom is the art of getting more good days than bad ones.

And I will re-ask this: when was the last time you asked an old family member for sage advice regarding the workings of the world?

Back at you. Same question. What makes you think that we are supposed to be masters of the workings of the world? Who ever was. Name one? My avatar was a wise man but master of the workings of the world?

Oh yeah. Never. Professors are paid to simulate this role for brats who are wealthy enough to buy their fake McWisdom.

One does not go to college to get wisdom. You go there to get a job. (And hopefully laid.) Professors impart knowledge to their students. That is not the same thing as wisdom. People with a lot of knowledge and life experiences can impart wisdom to others only when there is a convergence of that knowledge and life experience and a question it serves to answer.

Elders are not less wise than before. You are chasing your tail. You are either trolling or frustrated and lashing out. I am old and have the wisdom to see that. So I shot you an answer. If you are sincere and I helped you look at this differently then you will say I am wise. If not you then perhaps someone else driving by may have an insightful moment reading my words. If not even that, this does not mean I am unwise. There are plenty of wise people out there Qatz. Tons of them. You just need to peddle your ass over to them, leave your expectations at the door, sit on the floor and listen. Do that and get back to me.

Qatz has now insulted almost everyone. There aren't many people left, once you trounce kids and everyone before 1984. Makes about a 10 year window, lol.

The fact is, more Canadians go through college and university than nearly any other country. It's the first step towards wisdom and developing a rational, secular moral guide. It's the tools of understanding world issues and finding workable solutions. Wisdom comes separately, as we have covered before. But Qatz keeps confusing them.

Maybe Qatz isn't finding people as sage as he imagines they should be because they don't want to hear his insults, and therefore avoid him.
Stormsmith wrote:Proof, please, of the decline in sagacity of Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.

Ah, you got me there. I cannot provide you with study that backs up my belief. I guess I must be wrong :D
QatzelOk wrote:For most of human history and pre-history, elders received a lot of respect because of their acquired wisdom (and physical longevity) and were a great source for decision-making and problem-solving.

But most of our current seniors are boomers or Gen Xers.

These last few generations aren't wise at all. They spent most of their "wisdom-developing time" interacting with commercial mass media and became wisdom-less fools whose pseudo-common-sense was programmed in their heads by years of car ads and sitcom situations.

The elders of the last few generations are as wise as the Flintstones. As thoughtful as Gilligan's Island. As useful as Three's Company.


I think a major crux of this problem is the extremely poor diet and consumption of processed foods since around the advent of affordable refrigeration. I mean really...TV dinners, fast food, sugar, preservatives, artificial additives, trans fat, etc, etc, etc...isn't a recipe for good health, it's a menu for dementia.
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