President Trump wishes to improve US relations with Russia which is long overdue - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:So, you won't see a video of Cuba(from a people perspective by a well known Australian journalist) because it doesn't fit your biased narrative? Your "take" is via American news(over 50 years) that tells you how terrible and bad communism is. No bias there... :roll:

Continue to live in ignorance, as that seems to be your preferred state.


Yea, yea, yea...but you can't argue with the eye test of dilapidated buildings and ancient automobiles can you? But I'll give Castro credit where credit is due, they can't afford paint it seems, but at least in Cuba there isn't any shortage of toilet paper such as in Venezuela, another socialist "paradise" that you probably admire.

MistyTiger wrote:Umm...the article does a poor job of examining Russia and the US. You make claims but the support is flimsy. And yes, we all know what MAD is.

The point in this passage is too simplistic. So the West has nukes and Russia has nukes, so no one is planning to use them? Why do you think that? I do not see a connection. Also, who is pointing fingers?

There is very little examination in the article, overall. It seems like random items are just strewn together in an incohesive manner.

<<< we all know what MAD is. >>>

From your "astute" analysis, it sounds like before you read the article, your only realization of the word MAD was that it was a humor magazine. ;)

Sorry, but you display a fundamental ignorance of US-Russia relations based on your comment of "who is pointing fingers?" That's all both sides have been doing for decades is pointing fingers. Come on now, you should know that.

I supported my "claims" with historical fact, but evidently that wasn't good enough for you. If you disagree with my premise, that is fine, but to call it flimsy with all the historical references is just absurd. Let's be honest, you're a liberal, and my harsh remarks about Obama swayed your commentary no matter how great was the article, right? 8)
Poor Cubans, driving vintage cars that are kept in immaculate condition and worth a fortune in the USA.

Look at those ancient cars...

The problem you have, is that you can't see past the anti-Communist propaganda that the US has been feeding you for 5 decades. You've pretty much stated this.

Yep.. terrible place... Image

Here's an American city. Can you guess which one?
Cuban food is bland? She probably stuck to food she was used to. That happens to people who don't travel much. Thais don't make good Western food, either. ... ban-dishes

I have news for you, Donald. Cuba isn't Canada or the USA. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. That might be why the infrastructure isn't as good as what you're used to. That's OK, if you ever travel outside your safe space, you'll discover that the infrastructure of a great many countries isn't nearly up to Canadian/US standards.

Cars stall, incidentally, but I think there's a lot of exaggeration going on... :D Regardless, I think you'd find conditions like that in about 100+ countries around the world.
Godstud wrote:Cuban food is bland? She probably stuck to food she was used to. That happens to people who don't travel much. Thais don't make good Western food, either. ... ban-dishes

I have news for you, Donald. Cuba isn't Canada or the USA. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. That might be why the infrastructure isn't as good as what you're used to. That's OK, if you ever travel outside your safe space, you'll discover that the infrastructure of a great many countries isn't nearly up to Canadian/US standards.

Cars stall, incidentally, but I think there's a lot of exaggeration going on... :D Regardless, I think you'd find conditions like that in about 100+ countries around the world.

I'll take mom's word over Godstud's.
Godstud wrote:Poor Cubans, driving vintage cars that are kept in immaculate condition and worth a fortune in the USA.

Look at those ancient cars...

The problem you have, is that you can't see past the anti-Communist propaganda that the US has been feeding you for 5 decades. You've pretty much stated this.

Yep.. terrible place... Image

Here's an American city. Can you guess which one?

<<< Here's an American city. Can you guess which one? >>>

The one owned and operated for decades by the Democratic Party.
Vasili Blokhin wrote:@stephen50right
If this was 10 years ago or even 3, you be saying nuke the russians. Which proves conservatism in america is like 4 quarters, they change for a dollar. Trump already broke so many laws, but as long as you rich and white, you don't care?

this quote is for comedic purposes right, wouldn't want to be hypocritical
Hindsite wrote:Are you sure that was not one hit by a tornado? I don't believe even the most liberal democrats could cause that.

A tornado does less damage than the Democratic Party. At least the tornado only lasts for a few minutes and harms a limited area. The Democratic Party's socialist destruction to an entire society lingers on like a never ending hurricane.

Fortunately, at least in America, the majority of the electorate began to understand that socialist government doesn't work well in an industrialized society, and will eventually degrade it. Thus elected Donald Trump last November to restore conservative values to goverment. It is hoped our great friends in Europe one day come to the same conclusion.
stephen50right wrote:
Yea, yea, yea...but you can't argue with the eye test of dilapidated buildings and ancient automobiles can you? But I'll give Castro credit where credit is due, they can't afford paint it seems, but at least in Cuba there isn't any shortage of toilet paper such as in Venezuela, another socialist "paradise" that you probably admire.

<<< we all know what MAD is. >>>

From your "astute" analysis, it sounds like before you read the article, your only realization of the word MAD was that it was a humor magazine. ;)

Sorry, but you display a fundamental ignorance of US-Russia relations based on your comment of "who is pointing fingers?" That's all both sides have been doing for decades is pointing fingers. Come on now, you should know that.

I supported my "claims" with historical fact, but evidently that wasn't good enough for you. If you disagree with my premise, that is fine, but to call it flimsy with all the historical references is just absurd. Let's be honest, you're a liberal, and my harsh remarks about Obama swayed your commentary no matter how great was the article, right? 8)

I know that MAD is about destruction, thank you very much.

“Russian president Vladimir Putin has ruled Russia since 1999, about the time that Bush was elected US president in 2000 for his first term. While there were substantive meetings between Bush and Putin, Bush would too often condescendingly speak at Putin rather than properly communicating with him. Every chance Bush got, he seemed to spike the football in Putin's face about winning the Cold War, which is an awfully rude way to act towards the leader of Russia.”

Bush did try to be nice and meet with Putin. Putin though did not warm up to him. Bush could not continue to play nice without anything to show for it. Bush had to give up and turn his attention elsewhere due to political and international pressures.

Russia can be rude too. Do you honestly believe that Russia is the timid, offended maiden? No. Russia is a proud country and they will never admit to being offended by anyone.

“Russia has a brutal history with Europe going back a number of centuries which includes many wars. Fast forward to WW2, Russia suffered approximately 26 million dead in that war, far more than any other country in the European theater. While Stalin's actions after the war of occupying other countries was despicable, it was understandable considering the horrific carnage that took place in Russia.”

Your bias is clearly towards Russia. You do not mention that Russia is guilty of war crimes, only that Russia has suffered. Pity is a feeling and does not come into play much for politicians and diplomats.

The reasons for resentment against Russia are many. I think that you are over-simplifying it. Your argument is basically, “Russia has suffered enough. US needs to give them a chance.” But have you considered that Russia is not exactly being warm and friendly with the US?

“Bush for some reason didn't fully comprehend all this history, and Barack Hussein Obama didn't comprehend hardly anything at all. It's really not debatable that Obama is by far the worst US president of all time. This assessment is illustrated by the manner in which Obama handled US relations with Russia.”

Bush was not very friendly with Russia either. You do not mention what Obama did to be the “worst US president of all time” in your mind. You throw out a statement, without explaining it.

If you really want to write articles, you should know that you need to thoroughly support and explain your claims.

Despite being a liberal, I recognize poorly formed arguments when I see them. Before I switched to Accounting, I studied Logic, Philosophy, Politics, and I wrote many essays.
MistyTiger wrote:I know that MAD is about destruction, thank you very much.

Bush did try to be nice and meet with Putin. Putin though did not warm up to him. Bush could not continue to play nice without anything to show for it. Bush had to give up and turn his attention elsewhere due to political and international pressures.

Russia can be rude too. Do you honestly believe that Russia is the timid, offended maiden? No. Russia is a proud country and they will never admit to being offended by anyone.

Your bias is clearly towards Russia. You do not mention that Russia is guilty of war crimes, only that Russia has suffered. Pity is a feeling and does not come into play much for politicians and diplomats.

The reasons for resentment against Russia are many. I think that you are over-simplifying it. Your argument is basically, “Russia has suffered enough. US needs to give them a chance.” But have you considered that Russia is not exactly being warm and friendly with the US?

Bush was not very friendly with Russia either. You do not mention what Obama did to be the “worst US president of all time” in your mind. You throw out a statement, without explaining it.

If you really want to write articles, you should know that you need to thoroughly support and explain your claims.

Despite being a liberal, I recognize poorly formed arguments when I see them. Before I switched to Accounting, I studied Logic, Philosophy, Politics, and I wrote many essays.

Now that's an astute response. :)

Obama was mentioned as a reference. It wasn't the point of the article to go into detail about his failings.

The point of the article was not to consider Putin for a Nobel Prize. It was for Americans, my country and people, to put themselves in the shoes of the way Putin thinks, and look at things overall from that perspective. We both comprehend the negatives of Vladimir Putin.

I'm sure you recall the "reset button" thing that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State did with the Russians. I'd be fairly certain that you thought it was a good idea at the time. Actually that wasn't a bad idea, except the physical little reset button display was silly, and that Barack Obama was simply incapable of competent international diplomacy.

Come on now, you have to admit in hindsight, that Obama did not have any discernible talent to be an effective president. Domestically he stumbled around for eight years. Internationally he was just lost in space, no clue whatsoever what to do. Early on he did the American apology tour and promoted Islam, then he had nothing left except for his big splash with Cuba.

Getting back to the reset button, that was the premise of the article, although of course instead to have the brilliant deal maker Donald Trump doing the reset instead of the pathetic presidential joke Obama. I wanted to show the situation from Putin's viewpoint. You having studied logic, I think would agree that to understand a man, it's a good idea to walk in his shoes, and that helps to effectively deal with him.

Domestically we could debate the legacy of Obama. But there simply is not any debate about Obama's foreign policy legacy. Just loaded with bad decisions and poor diplomacy on a monumental scale. Your side had its chance for eight years and they blew it big time. So now it's our side's turn. With President Trump at the helm, I see good things happening with US-Russia relations, perhaps even outstanding things which believe it or not, even liberals could eventually admire as good US-Russia relations benefit all Americans.
stephen50right wrote: it's our side's turn. With President Trump at the helm, I see good things happening with US-Russia relations, perhaps even outstanding things which believe it or not, even liberals could eventually admire as good US-Russia relations benefit all Americans.

I hope you are right, but even Trump said he may not get along with Putin.
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