Mexican Immigrant Deported To Mexico Was Convicted For Identity Theft - Politics | PoFo

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The media outlets making a big deal about the woman who was deported back to Mexico are either conveniently omitting the fact that she was convicted of using someone else's social security card to gain employment, or burying the fact deep in the article.

Democracy Now, where I first read the story, has a February 10 article where the felony charge is completely omitted:

Arizona Mother of Two Deported Under Trump's New Orders

Another article from NPR National Propaganda Radio, admits that she was arrested, but omits that the arrest led to a felony conviction.

After Years Of Uneventful Check-Ins, Arizona Woman Is Arrested, Deported

In 2008, Garcia de Rayos was arrested while she was working at a water park, during a raid carried out by then-Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. (Arpaio's workplace raids have been challenged in court as unconstitutional; the case is ongoing.) In 2009, she was convicted of possessing false papers. In 2013, ICE says, an order for her deportation was finalized.

But Garcia de Rayos was allowed to continue to live in Arizona, under supervision and with regular check-ins with ICE, as member station KJZZ reports.

Here's one article that not only highlights the conviction, but put it in the article's title.

Garcia de Rayos: Behind the identity theft charge that sent Valley woman back to Mexico

The battle over whether a woman living in the Valley for more than 20 years should have been sent back to Mexico all began with the crime she committed in 2008.

Nearly a decade ago, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos was convicted of criminal impersonation, a class 6 felony.

While identity theft experts say this does not seem to be a malicious act, this was also not a victimless crime.

"Locally, it's something that we've seen less of, but it is probably one of the more common forms of identity theft," said Eduard Goodman, with Cyber Scout.

During one of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio's workplace raids, Garcia de Rayos was caught using someone else's Social Security number to gain employment at Golfland

"Sometimes they'll buy it from someone who sells them," he said.

The number she was using appears to be registered to a man in Tucson.

She also had been using the Resident Alien Card number belonging to a second person, a 55-year-old man.

Garcia de Rayos pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years probation and community service.

"You can't live in today's society, you can’t do anything today without a Social Security number, and oftentimes these people just want to establish a life including pay regular bills, have cable, utilities, all of that requires an SSN," Goodman said.

Goodman said he’s seen similar cases where the stolen Social Security numbers usually belong to children. They usually don't discover their identity has been stolen until they reach adulthood and try applying for a student loan or a credit card.

"It impacts their taxes, it impacts their credit," he said.

The effects can linger for years.

Identity theft experts say the issue as a whole has a much greater effect.

"We all absorb that collectively to some degree," Goodman said. "We absorb it in higher interest rates, in more credit card fees, even in our own tax dollars not necessarily being distributed properly."

The court also classified her crime as non-dangerous and non-repetitive. Garcia de Rayos did not get in any more trouble with the law after this 2008 incident.
We do all realize that this would never have happened if we had real workplace enforcement. If the employer were required to verify the SSN of every employee before putting them to work we would not only severely limit illegal immigration we would have saved someone from identity theft.

I am not excusing the woman for her crime. I am pointing out why it happens. President Trump has made no move toward workplace enforcement. If course that would inconvenience employers. No doubt he would refer to it as unnecessary government regulation.

The thing is that a woman with an American husband and two American children should have received a green card just for the asking. Her deportation is needlessly mean and damaging to the children. What very well may happen is that the husband and two children may wind up on welfare.

I do not think aliens who commit felonies should be allowed to stay here. That said. This issue is far more complicated that first meets the eye.
I'm telling you @Drlee It's a race thing, if this was Irish or any white, deadass either two things will happen from the right: A:Ignore entirely(they very good at that) or the most rare B:Tried to swallow their pride and throw their priorities under the bus and say how colorblind "trump plan" is. Either one would make them shameless.
Drlee wrote:We do all realize that this would never have happened if we had real workplace enforcement. If the employer were required to verify the SSN of every employee before putting them to work we would not only severely limit illegal immigration we would have saved someone from identity theft.

I agree; enforcement must be primarily on the employers and social programs that are given to immigrants. These employers are the real criminals in my opinion. But exactly how do you verify a social security number? Just curious.

Drlee wrote:I am not excusing the woman for her crime. I am pointing out why it happens. President Trump has made no move toward workplace enforcement. If course that would inconvenience employers. No doubt he would refer to it as unnecessary government regulation.

Both Obama and Clinton vowed to enforce the laws and didn't, and it is too early to say if Trump will do the same. At least he appears to be willing to enforce some of the existing immigration laws.

The guy in this video is pointing out that the MSNBC are downplaying the woman's identity theft charge in order to gain sympathy from the viewers.
Tewodros III wrote:@maz
Ah, it's fake news when the left downplays it, but not the right? Let's not forget the same thing happen to white irishs and the right downplay their jargon for that white status. Hell they're doing it now: ... ng-9800008

Funny that you're feigning concern for white people all the sudden.

I had not clue that there were so many Irish illegal immigrants in the US, but maybe the reason we don't hear much about them is that they aren't causing as much trouble as other immigrants. From the recent raids on 160 immigrants, it is said that only 10 did not have criminal records so it appears that the target groups are the immigrants who have violent criminal records.

But I guess you've posted that I guess to see if I would be against illegal white immigrants or if I would say that they are ok to be here, right?
maz wrote:
Funny that you're feigning concern for white people all the sudden.

I had not clue that there were so many Irish illegal immigrants in the US, but maybe the reason we don't hear much about them is that they aren't causing as much trouble as other immigrants. From the recent raids on 160 immigrants, it is said that only 10 did not have criminal records so it appears that the target groups are the immigrants who have violent criminal records.

But I guess you've posted that I guess to see if I would be against illegal white immigrants or if I would say that they are ok to be here, right?

Funny Maz, I remember you being not a race baiter, but then again trump bring out whites true nature. Of course you would be ok for white illegals to be here, even though trump say he wanted to deport illegals. I have no concern for ratchet regressive white americans, they can go to hell. And bullshit, white have commit crimes you can see the stats and most are legal citizens. When will those white illegals be deported?
Tewodros III wrote:Funny Maz, I remember you being not a race baiter, but then again trump bring out whites true nature. Of course you would be ok for white illegals to be here, even though trump say he wanted to deport illegals.

Well for one, I'm not white, as I repeatedly have said here. And I am a race baiter for focusing on Mexican immigrants then aren't you a race baiter for focusing on the white Irish immigrants?

Second, I'm not in favor of any illegal immigrants. Where I live we've got a pretty substantial Russian immigrant population and I don't care for them being here. They seem to run a lot of nightclubs and bars which leads me to believe they are probably linked to organized crime in one way or another.

But since you brought up the Irish, do they have lobby groups organizing pro-illegal rallies, demanding free social services and pressuring Congress to allow unlimited Irish immigrants?

Tewodros III wrote:And bullshit, white have commit crimes you can see the stats and most are legal citizens. When will those white illegals be deported?

Couldn't tell you, If we are to believe the link you posted, Trump is not after white immigrants I guess because he is like Hitler or the Klan. I think that ICE focusing on the criminal element of immigrants is the correct way to move forward whether they are white or not.

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