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By Red_Army
This thread is just creepy. You're asking everyone for their kinks while refusing to tell your own.

Either you're a virgin or a dick. Tell your perversions or quit asking for everyone else's.
By anasawad
M not asking foe their kinks. M asking what do they identify as kinks.

For my own. I like lots of things.
Already gave an example.

And in general. If you read the topic right. The topic is in a way not even about sexual desires of the members. But rather why cultures in general take some acts as weird or disgusting while others as normal. And how does this line forms.

This although it seems as personal question but actually it is not personal nor does it question anyone's personal sexuality.
Last edited by anasawad on 17 Jun 2016 19:08, edited 1 time in total.
By anasawad
Well. For example. You asked what weird and disgusting stuff do i do or like.
And this actually brings us to the core question.
Since what ever i do would be consentual and with my wife. Then why will it be considered weird or disgusting ?? Whats puts the line between normal and weird or disgusting.
By anasawad
But honestly you might think this is a dumb question or thread. But to actually answer the question is not really easy or simple . But it goes much into how culture it self is formed and developed and well... its a very wide question. P.
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By Drlee
Whats puts the line between normal and weird or disgusting.

By Scheherazade
anasawad wrote:What do you think the limit on sexual behavior should be ? as in practices that are allowed by law but probably shouldn't be allowed.
And in matter of likes and dislike during sex, and in general likes and dislikes of body parts (for both genders), what do you think is usually normal and common and accepted ? and what do you think that is not common and usually weird ?

Is this too straight forward or i can keep just asking away what ever that comes across my mind ? basically is it ok to detail in such things here or against the rules about such topics ?
anasawad wrote:What do you think the limit on sexual behavior should be ? as in practices that are allowed by law but probably shouldn't be allowed.
And in matter of likes and dislike during sex, and in general likes and dislikes of body parts (for both genders), what do you think is usually normal and common and accepted ? and what do you think that is not common and usually weird ?

Is this too straight forward or i can keep just asking away what ever that comes across my mind ? basically is it ok to detail in such things here or against the rules about such topics ?

Sex done in a classy fashion and high erotic art like the works of Ovid should be promoted.

Porn and raunchy entertainment which portrays sex in a lowbrow fashion shouldn't be tolerated. Likewise irresponsible sexual encounters, such as swinging or unprotected sex with strangers should not be tolerated, and neither should more aberrant sexual behaviors.

And yes, sex even in private should be the business of society and the state, as it has direct effects on the greater economy, the idea that someone's somehow "justified" in being a deviant if they do it in the privacy of their own home is a myth.

People with the morality of chimpanzees tend to worship "sex" as the only purpose in their meaningless lives, since that is the main or only purpose in the lives of lesser animals, but people of higher mind understand that life's purpose is much greater, whether involving music, art, science, or career dreams, rather than living for nothing more than to satisfy the most basic animal impulses like a caveman.
By Scheherazade
Rancid wrote:I like to lick feet and get fucked in the ass with a strap on.

I'd recommend seeing a mental professional if that's true then.
By Scheherazade
[Zag Note: Misquoting users is a serious offense]
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By Godstud
Delete... I wanted to say something, but I didn't.

Needless to say, Schezerade is misquoting me, and in fact not saying anything truthful.
By Rancid
Scheherazade wrote:I'd recommend seeing a mental professional if that's true then.

If it were true, why would I need to see a mental professional? What's the problem with liking feet? and what's the problem with liking anal? If I want to lick my wife's feet and have her fuck me in the ass with a dildo, it's not of your god damn business. Then again, by bringing it up, I guess I am making it your business. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Noelnada
I suppose anything like pedophilia or rape should be punished harshly. Now i know criterias to set the legal age for sex differs from one society to the other. 16 sounds right to me.
By snapdragon
Rancid wrote:I like to lick feet and get fucked in the ass with a strap on.

I think I might have gone out with you once. Do you also have a false leg?

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