Bicycles really do need to be licensed ! - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Crime and prevention thereof. Loopholes, grey areas and the letter of the law.
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Actually, I do agree that licensing (and insurance) need to be changed.

But the change I propose is that automobile insurance companies pay out about10 million dollars to the families who lose a member to car-death (collisions).

This and that the drivers or cars that kill need to have their licenses permamently revoked, and need to be charged for involuntary manslaughter (or worse).

This and making drivers pay every cent of the damage that their consumption of oil and cars does to the environment - natural and manmade.

Car ownership needs to cost about 30,000 dollars per year minimum, then we can talk about "user pays" or (in the case of car consumption) "destroyer pays".
Licenses imply that bicycles can be used responsibly, which is a lie advanced by Big Bike. It's interesting to see how gun and bicycle manufacturers use the same false arguments to push their dangerous product. Namely, that it's only a "few bad cyclists" who ruin it for everyone and that the majority of cyclists are responsible owners.

It's best to keep them illegal.
Big Bike.


It is true though. It is unthinkable how dangerous bicycles are to the environment. All of that leaded paint. All of the perspiration evaporating into the atmosphere. The increased carbon footprint of a 50 year old man puffing his carb-loaded, nylon shrouded yellow self up a long hill.

It is disgusting.
Bicycles are genuinely bad for the environment. They do not produce CO2, which is the primary foodsource for our nation's trees. Ever since the advent of the motorcar, AMERICA has enjoyed a resurgence in rich, lush forests thanks solely to our increased CO2 emissions.

Cyclists are selfish, and would rather make people stare at their spandex covered asses than help a tree. Every time someone decides to bike instead of drive a tree goes hungry.
Bicycles are a SJW tool of regression. In the logical universe, big cars should take precedence over small cars and bicycles could be last on the ladder, it should be legal to run over and kill a road cyclist because only stupid people cycle alongside cars on roads. Every bicycle should come with a waiver to life and limb. "I agree to be legally killed on the road by any driver for any reason.-signed; stupid person."

Stick to bike paths, or die.
It's shameful how we forget our past. Bicycles seem so benign, but when the first AMERICANS arrived from Europe on their Penny Farthings there's a reason they stole the horses from the Indians. People forget how the bicycle was once a symbol of oppression on par with the Cleveland Redskins, and it's appalling.

Never forget, people.

Spoiler: show
Yes, bicycles are bad, whereas motorcycles are good.

Overwhelming proof of this:

Plus, no bicycle could ever be described as a panty-peeler. Whereas with a motorcycle...

Plus, motorcycles are good because of this:

I rest my case.
There are a lot of really good criticisms of bikes on this page.

But I think the one attribute of bicycles that really redeems them is... that their widespread use won't sentence future generations to a fiery hell of resource depletion and food collapse.

Of course, the jokes were funny. I really appreciate irony.

It's sad how fascist governance and climate catastrophes are dampening our appreciation of irony.
If you got 30 or 40 people peddling, you could get a combine going like that! We could then transport all the food to market via horse-drawn carriages. Be unreasonable, AFAIK!
AFAIK wrote:You really think we could produce and distribute enough food for everyone without internal combustion engines, Qatz?

Likewise, how would people get to the suburban supermarket without their large SUVs?

How in the world would people get to the hospital without cars?

How would the police get to crime scenes and start saving LIVES!!! without powerful cars?

How would Batman and Riddler save the banks and Nuclear Institute from the Riddler without the Batmobile??

Note: "How would we get our cotton shirts without slavery?" was answered two centuries ago, so further use of this rhetorical question is not advised.
QatzelOk wrote:How would Batman (fixed) save the banks and Nuclear Institute from the Riddler without the Batmobile??
Riddler was robbing banks. You're confused. Other than that you are making perfect sense. We couldn't do any of those wondrous things if we relied on pathetic bicycles. It's nice that you choose to be the voice of reason, for once.
Between the stinging bull ants, stinging blow flies, venomous snakes and deadly funnel web spiders...maybe in another universe.

Blow flies? :eek: I want some of those please.
Drlee wrote:Big Bike.


It is true though. It is unthinkable how dangerous bicycles are to the environment. All of that leaded paint. All of the perspiration evaporating into the atmosphere. The increased carbon footprint of a 50 year old man puffing his carb-loaded, nylon shrouded yellow self up a long hill.

It is disgusting.

What you conveniently seem to ignore are the many people either injured or killed by bicycles
twice in my life I have been hit by them and no way to identify them...

A bit of common sense might go far in your understanding of this dangerous situation!

I am not anti bikes, but they must have an identification so they can be held accountable !

Everyone else on the road has identification... why not them ?
Godstud wrote:Yes, bicycles are bad, whereas motorcycles are good.

Overwhelming proof of this:

Plus, no bicycle could ever be described as a panty-peeler. Whereas with a motorcycle...

Plus, motorcycles are good because of this:

I rest my case.


I said they need to have identification

Do you have trouble reading the words,
or is the concept too far advanced for you???
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