Bicycles really do need to be licensed ! - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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I am saying that demanding licenses and registrations for cyclists will not ensure that all cyclists understand the rules of the road or principles of safe driving. Nor would it be easy to create a test of driving skills, even if such tests save lives.

We do exactly this with cars. Why would it not be the same for bicycles? Of course not "all" drivers are safe nor principles of safety observed but at least we know that at one time all drivers were taught to be both.

Don't get me wrong. I am not advocating for some massive program with draconian enforcement. I do not, for example, want to stop children from riding bikes. But some form of manditory training seems to me to be preferable to none.

Cars are taxed to maintain roads but bicycles are not. This hardly seems fair. Perhaps some small use tax would be OK. I expect the thing to do is to leave well enough alone.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If I were saying these things, then I would be explicit about it.

I am saying that demanding licenses and registrations for cyclists will not ensure that all cyclists understand the rules of the road or principles of safe driving. Nor would it be easy to create a test of driving skills, even if such tests save lives.

Also, you seem to be confusing car construction standards with those standards and regulations that are designed to deal with driver behaviour

Well, I have ridden a bike in Ottawa many, many times without even knowing about this. It would seem that the program is not efffective in ensuring that all cyclists are licensed and registered.

And part of that debate is pointing out how a cost benefit analysis shows money could be better spent elsewhere.

Tell that to the people who have been injured or killed in accidents cause by bicycles !
Plus which this would bring a LOT of meny into the Government , which could be used by then NHS and, we will have Bicyclists on the road the who know the traffic laws !
I am pro bicycles HOWEVER they must be accountable for their actions and for following the rules !
Elyzabeth wrote:In new York there were quite a few, including one mother who's son who went to school with my son.

One is too many !

Actually, no one isn't enough.

See, anything you do to limit cycling, like mandatory licenses or head gear, brings down cycling numbers, and this leads to obesity and premature death. It also leads to more dangerous street situtations because cars aren't used to the few licenses, head-gear-wearing cyclists that remain after all the repressive measures you are proposing are introduced.

You are actually the killer in this argument, Elizabeth. You are a murderer who pretends that the death-trap she is proposing is actually a life-saver.

Your argument is the Big Bad Wolf dressed as Grandma.
QatzelOk wrote:Actually, no one isn't enough.See, anything you do to limit cycling, like mandatory licenses or head gear, brings down cycling numbers, and this leads to obesity and premature death. It also leads to more dangerous street situtations because cars aren't used to the few licenses, head-gear-wearing cyclists that remain after all the repressive measures you are proposing are introduced.You are actually the killer in this argument, Elizabeth. You are a murderer who pretends that the death-trap she is proposing is actually a life-saver.Your argument is the Big Bad Wolf dressed as Grandma

[b]I am pro bikes and because I want people to do it safely I am a big bad wolf ?

Pretty absurd statement, don't you think?

Elyzabeth wrote:In new York there were quite a few, including one mother who's son who went to school with my son.

So you do not know the number.

One is too many !

More than one person died of pollution. Therefore, we must immediately shut down all factories and ban all cars.

That seems like a great argument. I support your initiative for banning cars, Elyzabeth.
It's not enough that we ensure our nation's cyclists are trained to operate their vehicle. If they can't afford a car it's already clear that they are of limited intellect and have poor judgment, so it's only fair to ensure they have some modicum of competency.

I propose that bicycle riding be limited to special bicycle only areas, where they can be stored safely in lockers when not being used by their owners. This will keep our nation's roads safe and free of bicycle caused congestion.
I disagree !

I am pro bikes,

BUT they must be licensed, to be just as accountable for their actions as cars are.

And when they are licensed they will be required to take lessons of the road just as cars must do.

Licences can easily be installed in the backs of their bicycle seats
Ok. Let's face it. Bicycle people are just plain nasty. They whine about cars and traffic but we know what the real problem is. They have been spending too much time on bicycle seats. Their nuts are chaffed. I'm not talking some new-jeans irritation. No sir. I am talking full blown (if I dare use that expression) red-stones. Gnarly nads. Trashed testes. And I have to say that if my Balzac was rubbed hairless every day I might cop an attitude too. So we forgive you. But let the dangly bits dangle for awhile. Air out the Kiwis. Let Mr. Bo jangles dance a couple of times a day. Know what I mean?
Don't get me wrong, @Elyzabeth, I am pro-bike in the same way I am pro-big game hunting. Every time I drop six figures on a lion hunt the game wardens use those funds to preserve their local lion population. This is why I propose bicycle only areas for cyclists to roam and breed far away from our public roads and children.

When they get too numerous or whenever they escape you can count and me and my driver buddies to treat them with the dignity they reserve.

*honks horn, revs engine*
Drlee wrote:Ok. Let's face it. Bicycle people are just plain nasty. They whine about cars and traffic but we know what the real problem is. They have been spending too much time on bicycle seats. Their nuts are chaffed. I'm not talking some new-jeans irritation. No sir. I am talking full blown (if I dare use that expression) red-stones. Gnarly nads. Trashed testes. And I have to say that if my Balzac was rubbed hairless every day I might cop an attitude too. So we forgive you. But let the dangly bits dangle for awhile. Air out the Kiwis. Let Mr. Bo jangles dance a couple of times a day. Know what I mean?

This is completely fabricated. The cyclists I know have healthy balls and smaller guts than the motorists. Motorists are generatlly obese, and this is a REAL source of male sexual dysfunction.

Look at all those steering wheel blisters on all those massive, inpotence-inducting guts. It's the Indy 500 of unhealthy and unsatisfying life.
Look out bicycle licensing and compulsory insurance is in the works in NYC.
State Law Would Require Bicycle Licenses for All New Yorkers.

How long before this is imposed everywhere in the bureaucratic world? At least it will be hilarious to see left-liberal hipster wankers complaining about big gubermint for a change instead of cheering it on.
Quoting an obsolete article from 2011, SolarCross wrote:Look out bicycle licensing and compulsory insurance is in the works in NYC.
State Law Would Require Bicycle Licenses for All New Yorkers.

How long before this is imposed everywhere in the bureaucratic world?

The "rest of the world" will adopt this right after it switches to Obamacare: never.

Unless NATO bombs all the countries that don't comply.
QatzelOk wrote:The "rest of the world" will adopt this right after it switches to Obamacare: never.

Unless NATO bombs all the countries that don't comply.

Sadly I think that is some wishful thinking on your part. Bureaucrats the world over never shrink from their paper racket shakedowns (it is their meal ticket after all) all they need is a pretext however spurious.
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