Federal Election 2016 - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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That's a safe bet. Young people more likely to vote ALP, Greens & minor parties. Wheras it's the baby boomers in country seats still voting Coalition usually.

UPDATE; 5 HoReps. seats in doubt now;


Coalition: 73 seats
ALP: 68 seats.

76 required for majority. So still looking close, at 58.7% votes counted so far; http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-election-2016/results/
Last edited by redcarpet on 02 Jul 2016 13:14, edited 1 time in total.
By ness31
Did anyone else hear about Meow Ludo Meow Meow?

I just want to point out, I am not using any emoticons...
There are six seats in Queensland that will be too close to call for the next 2-3 weeks thanks to ovrseas votes, which tend to favor coalition but if labour ends up with at least 1000 votes in lead before those come in, it will win those marginals, thereby taking away up to 11 seats from Coalition this election. Both parties have been savaged by independents.

Hopefully this contributes to a hung parliament and some chaos. If my team can't win, burn the stadium I say.
unbalanced zealot wrote:I can only get ABC streaming via VPN. What are people on other networks saying about the Senate?

That'll probably take like a week, or more, to get the results for the Senate.



Coalition: 74

ALP: 67

Channel 9 ALP 57 LNP 52
Channel 7 ALP 57 LNP 53
Last edited by redcarpet on 02 Jul 2016 13:50, edited 1 time in total.
unbalanced zealot wrote:Yep, it's going to be a hassle waiting the time, but they're talking bits about Hanson, Hinch, etc. on ABC but not sure what they're basing it on.

Hinch won at least 1 Senate seat.
Bill Shorten gave speech. Neither a concession speech nor a victory speech. 73.3% counted, 6 seats still in doubt
Too close to call, coalition has more seats overall, but could be a hung parliament. Pauline Hanson the Trump-esque dolt did really well, 3-4 seats in the bag. So did Xenophon. Even if the Liberals can scrape together a majority, their own partners the nationals took some of their seats, so they are more polarized than ever and would be 1-2 salty senators away from disaster. Essential paralysis.

Disastrous result for the Coalition, we might get yet another revolving door PM, Turnbulls speech was feeble and rambling. He is clearly a weakling.
Coalition: 65
ALP: 67

Other: 5

77.8% vote counted

- 12:15 PM

ALP talks with independents underway, to ensure govt. even if Hung Parliament, Marriage Equality, Money Supply, etc. GOOD.

Last edited by redcarpet on 03 Jul 2016 04:25, edited 1 time in total.
Man a hung parliament is looking more and more likely. ABC has called the final result
(based on past postal vote trends) as 72/71 or 70/69 in favour of coalition, which means either one of them can form a minority government if they do the right deals with the independents.

One of the independents.
Isn't the current PM Malcolm Turnbull a classic. Yesterday he said that under NO circumstances will the LNP do any deals with Minor Parties or Independents - Today he tried to do exactly the opposite. He rang Tony Windsor to try and do a deal, but Tony Windsor stuck by his guns - NO deal.

I wonder, how long it takes a large proportion of the Australian public to wake up to themselves. Anything the LNP says can be considered a lie. John Howard: we will NEVER intruduce a GST - then he introduced it (and we had to live with it ever since). This is just one of many, many instances - but one that makes the average Aussie only poorer.

When will those who voted for the LNP realise, that this Party caters for the richest 5% of the population and robs the remaining 95%? Have these people no memory at all? Or are they "wannabe" Multi Millionaires? Looks to me like they are just fools!
Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull 'quietly confident' of forming majority government

Malcolm Turnbull says he is "quietly confident" of wining enough votes to secure a majority Coalition government, but Bill Shorten says the Prime Minister has delivered "anything but stability" for the nation.

Malcom's defending himself to the hill. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hilairious. Bill Shorten has it easiest, can dismiss the double-deal making and deal rejections as instability. Which is true. Lol, they can run an election (barely), they can hardly run most policy areas (budget deficit & debt at record, NBN fledgling, infrastructure declining) the whole lot, but can't scrounge 5 or what have you Senators to guarantee Supply and major legislation. What a joke.

ABC review;

What. Just. Happened?
Australia is waking without a winner from last night's federal election. How did we get here?

Malcolm Turnbull's Coalition Government is facing a desperate fight to hang on to a majority in Parliament. On the count so far it has won at least 65 seats, 11 fewer than the 76 needed to command a majority in the Lower House.

While Bill Shorten and Labor look set to fall short of being able to form even a minority government, they have staged an amazing comeback that has again highlighted the volatility of modern Australian politics.

LNP 33
ALP 39

76 seats needed to win

The Apple Isle turned red

Tasmania set the tone early in the evening, with Bass the first seat to fall to Labor, followed by Braddon and Lyons, reversing the Liberal Party's 2013 gains in the state.

The result means that of the five federal Tasmanian seats, Labor will now hold four, with independent MP Andrew Wilkie holding the fifth.

While Labor recorded a 2 per cent national swing, in Tasmania it was twice that, showing deeper disenchantment with the Coalition Government.

Queensland swung for Labor
Elections are often decided in the Sunshine State, and 2016 looks to be no exception.

The ALP looks likely to pick up between two and four seats in Queensland, including that of key Turnbull backer Wyatt Roy, who saw his 6 per cent margin washed away, and now can add to his resume the record of youngest member of Parliament to ever be voted out.

Labor is also ahead in the regional seat of Herbert in the state's north, and four more seats across the state remain on a knife edge.

The giant of the 2013 election, Palmer United, has faded from view, replaced by a blast from the past in the form of Pauline Hanson and One Nation.

While One Nation is unlikely to pick up any seats in the Lower House, securing 5.5 per cent of the vote in Queensland, it is on track to pick up at least one seat in the Senate.

Australians turned against the major parties, especially in SA

Whoever takes power after this election is going to do so knowing that a quarter of all Australians voted for someone other than Labor or the Coalition.

The four current independents Cathy McGowan, Andrew Wilkie, Adam Bandt and Bob Katter were all returned with increased majorities, and Senator Nick Xenophon cemented his place as a massive force in South Australia.

Senator Xenophon's NXT party gained more than 20 per cent of the vote across South Australia, picking up the seat of Mayo off embattled Liberal MP Jamie Briggs, and is still threatening in the South Australian seat of Grey.

In Queensland, while Mr Palmer's seat of Fairfax was returned to the Coalition, this was its only gain in the state: the majority of Palmer United's votes from 2013 shifted to the minor parties, predominantly a resurgent One Nation.

In the Northern Territory, Labor gained a second seat with a massive swing against the sitting Country Liberal Party member Natasha Griggs in Solomon.

A significant portion of this swing went to minor parties, before being returned to new Labor MP Luke Gosling through preferences.

It was swings and roundabouts in Victoria

Heading into yesterday's vote there was talk the CFA union dispute, which has engulfed Victorian politics, could threaten the ALP's chances in its traditional stronghold, but Labor still picked up a 1.5 per cent swing across the state.

The departure of popular former Labor speaker Anna Burke gave the Coalition one of its few likely gains for the night, with her seat of Chisholm bucking the national trend and looking like switching to the Liberals.

The Greens have retained the seat of Melbourne, and remain in the running for the seat of Batman, both traditional Labor strongholds.

NSW came back to Labor

Based on newsprint alone, western Sydney is the spiritual home of the federal election, with the Prime Minister losing the press pack yesterday to make the pilgrimage out to Penrith in a last-ditch effort to woo voters.

However for Labor last night, the west was a friend, with the party looking likely to pick up Lindsay, Macarthur, and the Blue Mountains seat of Macquarie, which has been held by the Liberal Party for more than a decade.

With the aid of a redistribution, Linda Burney returned the seat of Barton in Sydney's southern suburbs to Labor, becoming the first Indigenous woman to hold a seat in the House of Representatives.


ALP: 71
LNC: 67
Greens: 1
Katter: 1
Xenophon: 1
Independent: 2
Not Yet Determined: 7
Xenophon just took out another Liberal seat.


Malcolm's speech last night is looking ever more feeble. Neither party has anywhere near a majority, and it looks like Labor may end up with more seats. What the hell happened. :lol:

YES. BUUUURN. We don't need a federal government. We haven't had one for three months now, fuck it. Just let the states run things autonomously.
Igor Antunov wrote:Xenophon just took out another Liberal seat.

Malcolm's speech last night is looking ever more feeble. Neither party has anywhere near a majority, and it looks like Labor may end up with more seats. What the hell happened. :lol:

YES. BUUUURN. We don't need a federal government. We haven't had one for three months now, fuck it. Just let the states run things autonomously.

I was just about to post ... WTF is happen in Grey, but Igor you got in first. Xenophon did a lot of ground work in Whyalla etc. Grey would have to be one of the weirdest seat in the whole of Australia with some really remote places. Ceduna, etc.

ABC had X team at 56% :?: Late Sunday night.

Is it some kind of strange percentage based on limited preferences counted which will fall back??
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