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By Bulaba Khan Jones
In all honesty your question depends on what culture and region, sometimes even city (where I live, most of my state is rather rural and conservative almost entirely except for a strip running from Portland to Eugene and Ashford). You come from a misogynistic, sexually repressed culture that puts more value on gender segregation and treating women like objects that need to cover themselves up than most of ours, however I don't get the sense that you yourself put much stock in such antiquated views, and where you come from is, of course, not as bad as, say, Saudi Arabia.

I think a lot more people than you realize will say that people being into feet is perfectly OK. I myself am not into that, but I don't see anything unusual about it, considering it's one of the top fetishes for men.

Actual things I find distasteful or disgusting have to be things like people into wearing diapers/adult baby play (it's a real thing), furries, bestiality, etc.

Then again, I'm a guy who likes women gagged and leashed, but there's absolutely a difference between fun, enjoyable, healthy kinks, and the disgusting, deviant stuff above. ^
By anasawad
I know its different from culture to culture.
Each talks about the culture or perception s\he has.

For the baby stuff, i saw the stats for them before. They're actually very rare comparably.
Only about 2 or so percent known. And mostly in Asia.

Anyways, i think its a shame that no one has interests in discussing cultural perception of sexual activities although it does make a serious part of our lives.
Perhaps soon.
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By Syph
Sexuality is a minefield these days because society has guaranteed that the only opinion that matter regarding this matter is a woman's opinion. When you combine that with the fact that women have the right to change their minds after the fact, you have a toxic combination.

The whole idea of overt implicit consent is designed to murder sexuality. Nothing turns a woman off more than saying "Do you still want to do this?". The most passionate sex takes place with covert body language without implicit verbal consent. We're getting towards a stage where sexual partners will need to sign contracts to protect themselves from retrospective regret on the woman's part.
By anasawad
That is actually a problem in Jordan. A very real one.
They applied this laws about consent, which although consent is for sure a must, but the type of laws is stupid.
In Jordan, a large portion of men in prison for rape didn't actually commit rape.
As it became a thing that some women would seduce men into having sex with them, and after that they simply blackmail the men either to pay them a certain amount of money or they'll accuse them or rape.
And if you been to court in Jordan, you'd know that without evidence in a case of word for word, women are always the winners.
Which has caused many men to either lose their entire savings and fall in huge debts or go to jail for long years for charge of rape.
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By Syph
anasawad wrote:As it became a thing that some women would seduce men into having sex with them, and after that they simply blackmail the men either to pay them a certain amount of money or they'll accuse them or rape.

Women don't even have to "seduce" men, they just throws their bodies at them. All they have to do is keep their mouth shut and communicate non-verbally and it's nearly impossible for a man to defend himself in court. There is a good reason why most rape cases in my country end with acquittals and non-guilty verdicts because, and here's the kicker, some women lie.
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By Ummon
"Should" or "Shouldn't"? I don't have any answers, but I bet I could predict how, when, and under what circumstances people would allow a particular behavior.
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By Godstud
Sex is great.

Sex is only dirty, if you are doing it right.

“I like threesomes with two women, not because I’m a cynical sexual predator. Oh no! But because I’m a romantic. I’m looking for “The One.” And I’ll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time.” –– Russell Brand
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By Drlee
So the confusion arises in the difference between activities that two or more consenting adults decide to do in private and that activity that is considered "normal" by public groups. Many is the story of congressmen who voted to persecute homosexuals only to find out that they had been blowing people in the men's room. (Well many may be overstating it a bit but certainly a few.) ]

Religious mores are heavily involved in this. I remember a certain president of Iran stating that "there are no homosexuals in Iran". Now it is true that the regime brutally murdered quite a few but there were still some stealthy ones about I am sure.

Fantasy is a huge part of human sexual behavior. What man or woman has not indulged in some pretty wild fantasies? And what a pleasant surprise when you find a partner who is willing or even actually enjoys acting these out in private. And that is the key. Private behaviors are infinitely different than public ones. You may be living in a pretty conservative area but behind closed doors you might be surprised.

I would caution that it is one thing for you to have a particular predilection and quite another to make that public. I wonder how many shoe salesmen are secretly acting out their little private kink. And as long as this does not make others uncomfortable, what is the harm? But let that shoe salesman tell people that he gets sexually aroused at work and he is in for a pack of trouble.
By anasawad
@ Drlee.
And i very rarely go on my sexual behavior and generally the personal matters in public though i would like to be able to discuss those things in public and not be ashamed of it.
This perhaps is the only place so far i am opening up about these topics with strangers as it is a place that can not hold any effects on my direct life.

For the topic in general, what i am inquiring about is why are a large number of sexual activities and behaviors are considered just not normal. And what is it the defines normal ?
Why should many be ashamed of them selves because of somethings they generally don't have much control over ?

For Iran, there are many homosexuals and transgenders in Iran. And with time its opening up more and more to accepting it and respecting it as well.
By Truth To Power
Drlee wrote: You may be living in a pretty conservative area but behind closed doors you might be surprised.

Back in the days of video stores, I remember noticing that the "adult" sections of video stores were very different in different areas of town. The stores in the poorest areas stocked a lot of what I thought were very pedestrian and unimaginative erotic videos, but stores in the wealthier areas had kinkier stuff, and the wildest selections were found in the richest part of town. I wonder if anyone has done any research on the relationship between wealth and erotic preferences.
By Rich
Drlee wrote:I wonder how many shoe salesmen are secretly acting out their little private kink. And as long as this does not make others uncomfortable, what is the harm? But let that shoe salesman tell people that he gets sexually aroused at work and he is in for a pack of trouble.
Yes sometimes I even question myself. "What was my motivation when I chose a career as a door to door salesman of women's underwear?"

Traditional western Christian society put a absolutely monumental amount of energy, effort and concentration into controlling people's sexuality. There were rationale reasons for this:

1 Men wanted to know their children were really their children.
2 Women's freedom to engage in extra marital sex could have led to violent, destabilising and damaging conflict between men.
3 Concern for women and children welfare. In post agrarian, pre modern society the position of children and mothers outside of wedlock was normally disastrous.

Heterosexual sex, particularly before modern contraception leads to babies. However of you're going to try and massively control and repress the sexuality of the heterosexual minority, then you can hardly let homosexuals run around just doing what they want. Islam might be the worst, but homosexuality, pederasty and paedophilia are absolutely rampant in all patriarchal conservative societies. This acts as a safety valve, we still see this prison, but it could never be acknowledged. Homosexual sex could never be legitimised.
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By American Serf
anasawad wrote:What do you think the limit on sexual behavior should be ? as in practices that are allowed by law but probably shouldn't be allowed.
And in matter of likes and dislike during sex, and in general likes and dislikes of body parts (for both genders), what do you think is usually normal and common and accepted ? and what do you think that is not common and usually weird ?

Is this too straight forward or i can keep just asking away what ever that comes across my mind ? basically is it ok to detail in such things here or against the rules about such topics ?

Seems acceptable enough, so far as my grasp of forum rules goes. But I'm not an expert on that subject, or any other.

I wonder what you have in mind. I'm pretty open-minded with respect to such questions, and I believe the state has a quite limited role in this regard.

Stick to cases involving consenting adults, in which no one is physically injured by a sexual act: I'm not sure there's any reason for the state to restrict activity in such cases.

Do you agree?

To address the question in a specifically moral (as opposed to legal) context, and again, sticking to cases involving consenting adults in which no one is significantly harmed physically: I think it's a matter of personal preference and experience. Each of us should follow his own lights in such matters, and aim for tolerance.

One sort of strain on tolerance -- from a moral, not legal, point of view -- arises in cases of infidelity. For instance, two people have expressly or implicitly consented to live together in ordinary monogamy, then one of them has sex with a third party. Here there's a breach of contract and of trust. In some cases also lying and deceit. Notice that the crucial moral problem is not that someone had sex with a third party, but rather that someone broke their promise.

That's not to say that a complete moral understanding of the scenario is reducible to some thoughts about promises and contracts. A monogamous relationship is a specific sort of relationship, and their are special consequences here that follow from the way of life that's supported by the promise. Nevertheless, it's breaking that promise that raises the red flag. This is typical of sexual morality on my view: In most cases involving consenting adults, the moral questions are resolved in terms of moral concepts and judgments that also apply to nonsexual cases.
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By Donna
This is probably not a very popular position, but ideally adultery and fornication should be illegal.
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By Red_Army
Just spit out whatever deranged and disgusting practices you're engaged in and PoFo will decide how much self-flagellation you require.
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By Bulaba Khan Jones
Safe, sane, consensual. That's pretty much the motto for people who like bondage and a BDSM lifestyle. That said, leashes, ceiling hooks, cages, and a whole lot more are a lot of fun to use on someone. Some people don't find that normal, and that's alright. If boring vanilla sex is fun, so be it.
By mikema63
A good prostate massager probably looks like a torture device.
By Pants-of-dog
Why should people not be positive about an act that deepens intimacy, makes babies, and is good exercise, as long as it takes place between consenting adults?
By mikema63
They might not be married though! Can't you see how that would result in tragedy! Everyone knows that without god's holy protection in the form of wedding rings sex results in the woman giving birth to a writhing demonic abomination.
By anasawad
The intention of the thread question was generally to explore why cultures refuse to accept some sexual acts though it is between 2 consenting adults. Basically why do the general public tend to identify some sexual desires as weird or disgusting or immoral when it is yet still entirely natural desires ?
And on the hand what is the personal opinions of members of what is normal and what is weird and where does that line is and why do you think its there ??

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