Bicycles really do need to be licensed ! - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Elysabeth, is this a good post?

["Bulaba Jones"]Bicycles are a bane on our society, promoting sloth, ignorance, and innumeracy. They are a symbol of capitalism, the exploitation of our planet's natural resources, and of technology. We must look past our own conflicting interests and think, first, about the children.


I can't be bothered with drivel.
Bicycles are also dangerous to one's health. Most damning of all, bicycles are the number one leading cause of bicycle seat neuropathy:

Bicycle seat neuropathy wrote:Bicycle seat neuropathy is one of the more common injuries reported by cyclists.

Bikes and prostate cancer wrote:A new study fuels the ongoing debate over the health risks of bicycle riding for men: Researchers found that cyclists who bike more may face a higher risk of prostate cancer

10% of children in the ER for bicycle-related injuries are in there for traumatic brain injuries:

CDC wrote:In 2010 in the U.S., 800 bicyclists were killed and an estimated 515,000 sustained bicycle-related injuries that required emergency department care. Roughly half of these cyclists were children and adolescents under the age of 20 (2). Annually, 26,000 of these bicycle-related injuries to children and adolescents are traumatic brain injuries treated in emergency departments

Are you really saying you just don't care about the children, Elyzabeth? It's drivel to care about our children's future?
Being hit by a bike can cause injuries for kids, or pets, or older people - basically anyone who doesn't have the mass to absorb the hit. I'm surprised at the number of people here who defend assholes on bikes. But realistically, bikes won't be licensed for the forseeable future, so - since pedestrians don't wear license plates either, we're free to settle the score then and there, aren't we? A cyclist once missed my dog by 2 cm. He had aimed for it, and I'm talking of a Maltese dog, not the big bad wolf I currently own. I stopped him and we had a little discussion.

So, since he almost killed my dog, I almost bashed his face in. Fair's fair.
Frollein wrote:I'm surprised at the number of people here who defend assholes on bikes.

Let me try to explain this to you.

Here in Montreal, we have far more assholes on bikes than they do in smalltowns in Canada. In smalltowns, all the assholes are always driving cars, and this is far more dangerous if you are a pedestrian, a cyclist, or another driver.

Now you do you understand?

It's not humanity that is at fault, it is our car-company-profits-creating road infrastructure and car prolilferation that are killing us.
Godstud wrote:False.

It is simply that Montreal has a much larger proliferation of assholes.

Whatever the mix, we're all safer if everyone is riding bikes.

The vanity of Moderns who think they can continue to consume the earth uninterrupted... is the Greatest Stupidity on Earth, by the way.
The real problem is sanctimonious people like you, who demonize others(and label them), and think everyone else isn't trying to make the world a better place for everyone. You are as much a Modern, as anyone else. Your ego(and your OWN vanity) just won't allow you to recognize and accept that.
Last edited by Godstud on 05 Apr 2016 03:06, edited 2 times in total.
Godstud wrote:The real problem is sanctimonious people like you, who demonize others(and label them), and think everyone else isn't trying to make the world a better place for everyone. You are as much a Modern, as anyone else. Your ego(and your OWN vanity) just won't allow you to recognize and accept that.

So if it weren't for my vanity and ego, I would think that car culture is sustainable and healthy?

I've rarely seen psychoanalysis used so ineffectively to prove a non-existent point, GS. Congratulations on your entry-level ad hom.

In 2010 in the U.S., 800 bicyclists were killed and an estimated 515,000 sustained bicycle-related injuries that required emergency department care.

515,000 injured American cyclists need to stop being so vain and man up to their own 'lack of a car' being the problem.
Qatzelok wrote:I would think that car culture is sustainable and healthy?
Who here made that claim?

Qatzelok wrote:I've rarely seen psychoanalysis used so ineffectively to prove a non-existent point, GS. Congratulations on your entry-level ad hom.
I only made it to match the ad hom that you made. You are merely a Modern and won't admit it to yourself. Suck it up, Princess!

Qatzelok wrote:515,000 sustained bicycle-related injuries
For you to attribute this solely to cars is just your way of obfuscating reality. I know many people who have had bicycle-related injuries, and 99% of them were not related to encounters with motor vehicles.

I know of one friend who got hit by a car, but he cut in front of the car without looking, so it wasn't the motorist's fault.

I know you, Qatzelok. You'd like to attribute every incident with a cyclist being injured to an encounter with a belligerent motorist. That's simply not the reality. Most motorists, are very considerate, when it comes to sharing the road with cyclists.
You,re right that many injuries are the fault of the cyclist.

Two years ago, I almost hopped in an empty lane from between bumper to bumper cars. As I edged out, a car zoomed by at 60 kph.
If I had advanced a few cm more, I would now be dead or at least, injured for life. Many children are killed chasing a ball onto the road, or following a little kitten. And then, we blame their parents for not keeping them on a leash.

But I admit, this was my fault. With all the cars on our roads, the only 'safe' thing to do is to stay home and get fat playing video games. Children stopped playing on city streets in North America in the 30s and 40s .... so that they wouldn't die.

Adults in our countries are willing to take chances on other people's lives every day. This is how our morality has evolved to match the products that capitalism wants to sell us. Now our streets are full of cars, rather than kids playing.

We have turned our streets into war zones, and sentenced kids to a boring indoor life. Or, they can play in a fenced-in playground next to the fenced-in dog park, next to Alcatraz.

Quality of life means very different things to the socially brainwashed. Kids playing on city streets was a huge life improvement for city dwellers that was lost to modern gadgets.
Qatzelok wrote:With all the cars on our roads, the only 'safe' thing to do is to stay home and get fat playing video games.
Could you possibly be any more melodramatic?

Qatzelok wrote:Children stopped playing on city streets in North America in the 30s and 40s .... so that they wouldn't die.
Yet more melodrama. It's also untrue. In Canada I'd often see kids with hockey nets on the side roads, and in the 70s and 80s I was playing on the roads, and riding my bike there, as well. Things haven't changed much since then, in relation to cars. You are seeing only what you want to see and are patently guilty of confirmation bias.

Even with TV sets and video games, kids are playing football, baseball, soccer, hockey, etc. You can't blame bad parenting on modernization.
Godstud wrote:...
I know you, Qatzelok. You'd like to attribute every incident with a cyclist being injured to an encounter with a belligerent motorist. That's simply not the reality. Most motorists, are very considerate, when it comes to sharing the road with cyclists.

Yeah right.

Heinie, how common is this?

Is this the norm for cyclists, Heinie?

No, of course not.
What if I were to say that bicyclists are linked to a majority of criminal activity, and are at an increased risk of Islam? Are there in fact any studies of any kind to suggest these things? I have no idea. Perhaps not. But maybe there are. So I think we should ask ourselves why that might be the case. Points of evidence: skinster, a person who loves bicycles and has a Muslim background. Qatz, bike rider, and currently a Muslim. The list goes on. How much longer will things continue before we start looking within ourselves and asking questions?
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