Israelis nervous about BDS - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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skinster wrote:How does BDS not accept that but Palestinians do, when 99% of Palestinians have endorsed BDS?

You reversed my point (predictably). BDS rejects that Israelis have that right. And you, it would seem.

This doesn't even make sense as a sentence.

That's because you live in a bubble. Aforsiori: all people have a Right of Return to where they were born. BDS reject that Israelis have this right, including Jewish refugees expelled from Arab states, while simultaneously demanding a Right of Return for Palestinians even those not born in the State of Israel with an expanded, inflated, definition of 'Palestinian refugee' to include the decedents of those expelled in 1947-48. They insist only that Palestinians have the Right of Return, with an expanded definition.

And insist on the right of Palestinians to have a state, but that Israelis don't. Well international law provides a right for both to have their own state.

The list goes on, you just apparently want to pretend BDS accepts both Israelis and Palestinians have the same rights, even though they don't.
redcarpet wrote:You reversed my point (predictably). BDS rejects that Israelis have that right. And you, it would seem.

I was asking a question based on your weird nonsensical sentence, excuse me if it doesn't make sense to you, but you started it.

Still, where does BDS reject Israelis that right?

I won't bother addressing the rest of your post because, wtf is that even? Can anyone translate for me?
skinster wrote:I was asking a question based on your ***weird nonsensical sentence, excuse me if it doesn't make sense to you, but you started it.

Still, where does BDS reject Israelis that right?

I won't bother addressing the rest of your post because, ****wtf is that even? Can anyone translate for me?

**Weak. Do you come here to debate or just repeat Hamas talking points?

** You're supposed to know what you're talking about, sir. You're supposed to demonstrate equality of rights acceptance. You'd have to go to the BDS website and provide quotation to do that, you can't because they use slogans that don't match the demands.

*** Look outside you're bubble and everything makes sense. Confirmation bias is not a ticket to enlightenment of human affairs.

**** Typical juvenile and childish insults and name calling a Primary school kid would have grown out of. Grow up

If you want a video to watch, here is Dr. Finkelstein ripping BDS to shreds.

The problem as I see it with the BDS movement is not the tactic. Who could not support boycott, divestment and sanctions, of course you should. And most of the human rights organizations, church organizations have moved in that direction. The problem is the goal. The official BDS movement that claim to be agnostic, neutral, whatever term you want to use on the question of Israel. You can’t reach a broad public if you are agnostic on the question of Israel. The broad public wants to know, where do you stand. And if you claim not to have a stand you lose them.

The problem is the goal. Being selective about what rights Israelis have vs. Palestinians= based on the unofficial goal to end Israel as a sovereign state. Apparently, it would seem (IMO) some if not most BDS activists literealy think they're fooling the public. That it won't click together in people's minds. That the UN would drop resolutions on Israel (which emphasises TWO STATES).
Last edited by redcarpet on 31 Mar 2016 04:31, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, I come here to debate.

Do you? Noeman asked you a bunch of questions which you ignored.

You also ignored mine, so I'll repeat: where does BDS reject Israelis the right to self-determination? It's you who's making the claim so it's you who is meant to prove it, so prove it.

I know what I'm talking about, trying to figure out what you're talking about is where I'm struggling.
redcarpet wrote:If you want a video to watch, here is Dr. Finkelstein ripping BDS to shreds.

Minute 19: Finkelstein: "I said clearly..the BDS has the right tactics...I support the BDS".

I am also interested on seeing where does the BDS reject the Israeli human rights as you claim which you are not telling.
skinster wrote:It's funny when zionists use Finkelstein in their arguments.

You skirt most of them. Where's your links to prove yours?

Still waiting.
You claimed that the BDS does not recognise Israeli human rights, you are the one who needs to prove his claim because you made the claim. The BDS campaign is public, online and based on the UN resolutions. Since you accuse the BDS of something the burden of proof is on you.
noemon wrote:You claimed that the BDS does not recognise Israeli human rights

Not just of individuals Israeli citizens, but the rights of the State of Israel as well. All states have rights and Israel has the same rights under international law the same as every other state on the globe.

The BDS campaign is public, online and based on the UN resolutions

Not totally, you know that full well.

since 1948, hundreds of UN resolutions have condemned Israel's colonial and discriminatory policies as illegal and called for immediate, adequate and effective remedies, and

The resolutions don't only condemn Israel, but Palestinian violations of international law. Henceforth the lack of specification. The only specification is on UN Res. 194. "3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194."

What about the right of Jews to Return to where they were born as well?

And where is the declaration that the State of Israel has rights? There is no mention of that in the Palestinian Civil SocietyCalls for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights of 9 July 2005.
redcarpet wrote:Not just of individuals Israeli citizens, but the rights of the State of Israel as well. All states have rights and Israel has the same rights under international law the same as every other state on the globe.

The non-sense is becoming tiresome, either show something or stop repeating yourself ad nauseum.

Not totally, you know that full well.

No, totally and I do not know anything that you would like me to imagine. Your source does not make any point for you.

The resolutions don't only condemn Israel, but Palestinian violations of international law. Henceforth the lack of specification. The only specification is on UN Res. 194. "3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194."
What about the right of Jews to Return to where they were born as well?
And where is the declaration that the State of Israel has rights? There is no mention of that in the Palestinian Civil SocietyCalls for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights of 9 July 2005.

Get a grip with yourself, is there a mention in the State of Israel that Palestinians have equal rights? That they have the right to self-determination? Why would the people denied of their basic human rights campaign for the human rights of their oppressors when their oppressors already exercise their human rights? The Israelis do have the right to return and if they do not in certain countries it is up to their own selves to campaign for that right, not for the Palestinian civic organisation to campaign on their behalf.
Are you all there? Your straw is not even smart but quite ridiculous.

Where is your explicit declaration that both people have absolutely equal human rights? to return, to property, to education, to life?
noemon wrote:Get a grip with yourself, is there a mention in the State of Israel that Palestinians have equal rights?

We're talking about BDS and its official position, resort to lawyer's tactics is brazen and pathetic.

The founding document of BDS only refers specifically to ONE UN Resolution, and there is not equal recognition of rights of Israel as a state nor its Israeli citizens. "2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and".

No amount of lawyer's tactics can change that. The document is in English, online in public record.
The non-sense are indeed brazen, pathetic and quite tiresome. Also lol in using my own statements that the BDS is in online and public. It's quite laughable. You can't even be original in that.

We're talking about BDS and its official position

The BDS is campaigning precisely because the State of Israel does not recognise its people their human rights. Israelis have their rights secured by the state of Israel, so I do not see why Palestinians would campaign for Israeli human rights?

Where is your explicit declaration that both people have absolutely equal human rights? to return, to property, to education, to life?
noemon wrote:Where is your explicit declaration that both people have absolutely equal human rights? to return, to property, to education, to life?

As in the UNDHR is insufficient? Or Israel's Basic Law?

All Israeli citizens have the same rights. Foreigners don't have the exact same rights as Israeli citizens. If you're demanding that they should, well you're being absurd. No state gives full and equal rights between its citizens and foreign nationals.
Yes, none of your imaginations are sufficient.

I do not believe that you prefer it that we go through the treatment of non-Jewish Israeli who are second-class citizens or the treatment of Palestinians who have less rights than Israeli animal pets, again, especially when the question is directed at you personally.

Where is your explicit declaration that both people have absolutely equal human rights? to return, to property, to education, to life?
Heinie wrote:Rosanne Barr is a true American intellectual. Now that the Israelis have enlisted her to fight against BDS as only she can do, we can expect the movement to fold. Right?

I don't know what my favourite part of that speech and interview was; when she called BDS rightwing and fascist, when she kept talking about herself being an "old socialist" and simultaneously shitting on leftists, the left, socialism etc. and endorsing rightwing-Israel's policies....or when she kept talking about class issues in Israel between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews while fully ignoring the status (or non-status) of occupied Palestinians.

She is a riot.
noemon wrote:Where is your explicit declaration that both people have absolutely equal human rights? to return, to property, to education, to life?

They do in the UN UDHR, as I pointed out, not beyond that. Citizens of a state and foreigners dodn't totally have the same rights in any state's domestic laws, nor should they. But it's not relevant to my point. Anymore lawyer's tactics and I'll just report your illegal post.

BDS does not accept Israel has rights the same as all other states. I've quoted from BDS' founding document. No Israeli domestic document can change the positions of BDS' founding document or affiliated groups. Now if BDS wants to honestly use international law it can't cherry-pick from it.

Indeed, the positions f some/most BDS supporters can be so extreme that there are people like Lamis Deek
in this clip claims states "don't have rights" only people do (53:24), which is a complete lie. As a qualified lawyer she knows that full well.
redcarpet wrote:They do in the UN UDHR, as I pointed out, not beyond that. Citizens of a state and foreigners dodn't totally have the same rights in any state's domestic laws, nor should they. But it's not relevant to my point. Anymore lawyer's tactics and I'll just report your illegal post.

Calling a post illegal is illegal and will be reported indeed. You have not pointed anything out just blabbering non-stop non-sense.

BDS does not accept Israel has rights the same as all other states. I've quoted from BDS' founding document.

I think delusions have taken hold here. You have not quoted any such thing from the BDS founding document because no such thing exists.

Indeed, the positions f some/most BDS supporters can be so extreme

Your position is extreme because you keep refusing to recognise the equal human rights of Palestinians and you are not even Israeli.

Shall we bring forward the extreme positions of the supporters of the state of Israel? Positions that call for the mass extermination of the Palestinians to compare one supporter with another? Hmm? Again you dig your own hole here.

The simple thing would be for you to recognise the equal rights of all human being in this world and be done with it, instead of bringing the State of Israel and its supporters in the equation because that would result in total ridicule for them and have all the faults brought to the surface once again.
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