The DONALD TRUMP Prophecies - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Ha, ha. The point is that Jesus was more white and not black. Jesus is the one with the longer hair in case you did not know. Ha, ha.
Jesus spoke aramaic and was born in the middle east. The only whites in the middle east were the Romans and Jesus certainly wasn't roman.

There is literally no foreseeable way for Jesus to be white and this is generally accepted by biblical scholars and apologists.

i don't have anything against those wetbacks either.

Excuse me?
Hindsite wrote:Ha, ha. The point is that Jesus was more white and not black. Jesus is the one with the longer hair in case you did not know. Ha, ha.

It is the artistic license. When the movie was shot the society wasn't ready to realize and live with Jesus' skin blackness. But now we must open our eyes and speak honestly. Jesus was black like Alexander the Great and Henry VIII.
Ha, ha. The point is that Jesus was more white and not black. Jesus is the one with the longer hair in case you did not know. Ha, ha.
What is the problem with Jesus being brown? You know Jewish people are not, technically white skinned(2000 years ago), and that's not a problem to anyone. Jesus was, in all likelihood, of olive complexion.

The odds are against Jesus being white.
Jewish Ethnic divisions.

Historically a depiction of a white, western European looking Jesus has been the most prominent. Arthur Maxwell’s “The Bible Story” and the Hanna-Barbera video series “The Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible” are two examples of how mainstream Evangelical Christianity has made Jesus white. But incorrect ethnic depictions of a “black” Jesus can be seen in the Ethiopian Orthodox church, and South American Christians have utilized a Latino Jesus.

We unfortunately create Jesus in our own image. So who was Jesus?

Jewish as a Hebraic Jew, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but his earthly mother, Mary, and his earthly father, Joseph, were from the northern parts of Galilee. Jesus would not have been white; he would have been olive-skinned. The closest thing in our day and age would be Middle Eastern Arabs or Middle Eastern ethnic Jews.

Jesus would have looked like a multi-ethnic Jew. He would have most likely had Jewish traits, a prominent nose and jaw, and dark hair, but he would have most likely also had traits and blood from various ethnic and cultural lines (look at the inclusion of Ruth (a Moabite), Rahab (a Canaanite), and others in Jesus’ genealogy). Additionally, as the son of a carpenter and a young man who trained in carpentry, we can deduce that Jesus was probably tanned by the sun and at least in decent shape, but not necessarily “cut” or especially athletic. He was also fairly short (compared to us) and overall probably looked pretty run of the mill. ... OKA4h.dpuf

Jesus was Jewish, and born in the Middle East. He was not descended from Northern Europeans, and as such, did not have white skin. That would be just perfectly normal. Blonde, blue-eyed Jesus, is made up!

Now, back on topic. Trump is a giant blowhard, and that's aas close to anything as he's going to ever get. He's a horrific example of a human being, as he's a compulsive liar, bigot, and a racist.
mikema63 wrote:Jesus spoke aramaic and was born in the middle east. The only whites in the middle east were the Romans and Jesus certainly wasn't roman.

There is literally no foreseeable way for Jesus to be white and this is generally accepted by biblical scholars and apologists.

i don't have anything against those wetbacks either.

Excuse me?

Lighten up man, it is all just a joke. Didn't you get that hint with my reference to "Jesus Christ Superstar" earlier?
Godstud wrote:What is the problem with Jesus being brown? You know Jewish people are not, technically white skinned(2000 years ago), and that's not a problem to anyone. Jesus was, in all likelihood, of olive complexion.

Now, back on topic. Trump is a giant blowhard, and that's aas close to anything as he's going to ever get. He's a horrific example of a human being, as he's a compulsive liar, bigot, and a racist.

I have no problem with Jesus being brown. I was just joking and being argumentive because we can't prove his exact skin color. We can only speculate on it and it does not really matter to a true believer, like me, anyway.

But as for Trump, who we can see is either white or beige in color, unless he sits under ths sun lamp that makes him appear red, with blonde hair, that is another story. I disagree with all of your assessments of the Trump of God. It is not being a giant blowhard to sound the Trump of Truth. He is a wonderful human being, just ask his wife and children if you don't believe me. It is the fact that he is telling the truth for a change that is making so many of the people that hate the truth angry. And there is no proof he is a racist or a bigot. Those are just code words of leftist for "he does not agree with me."
Godstud wrote:We unfortunately create Jesus in our own image

What is wrong with a mythical figure that people look up to looking like them? Probably makes Jesus more relatable (and also helps with feelings of solidarity and racial supremacy). Yes, Jesus was likely not Latino, Black, or White, but people think that this guy is the son of God. Why not make him represent everyone by having parts of his image represent every race? Just imagine a red-haired, black guy with white arms, a convex nose, slanted eyes, etc.
Trump almost never tells the truth, so he cannot be the "Trump of God", if being truthful is a part of that.

Hindsite wrote:It is the fact that he is telling the truth for a change that is making so many of the people that hate the truth angry.
You are, quite deluded, if you think Trump is telling the truth.
People are tracking what he's saying:

Trump's statements
True (2%)
Mostly True (6%)
Half True (14%)
Mostly False (17%)
False (42%)
Pants on Fire (19%)

DONALD TRUMP quotes(some):
"Under the Iran nuclear deal, "we give them $150 billion, we get nothing." - Expert: He got the name of country right, but that's it
"GDP was zero essentially for the last two quarters." - Big lie.
"Says Mahatma Gandhi once said, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - No an actual quote from Ghandi.
"I don't know anything about David Duke." - Total lie.
"We (Trump University) have an ‘A’ from the Better Business Bureau." - Lie.
Says Ted Cruz "said I was in favor in Libya. I never discussed that subject." - he discussed it on his own blog.
"If it weren’t for me … (illegal immigration) wouldn’t even be a big subject." - lie
Says that in the Philippines more than a century ago, Gen. John Pershing "took 50 bullets, and he dipped them in pigs’ blood," and shot 49 Muslim rebels. "The 50th person, he said, ‘You go back to your people, and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years, there wasn’t a problem." - pants on fire
On the Iraq war, "I said it loud and clear, 'You'll destabilize the Middle East.' " -lie
"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent." -lie

Hindsite wrote:And there is no proof he is a racist or a bigot.
Actually, there is a great deal of evidence of this, from his own statements, to how he reacts to certain things. You're merely deluding yourself, by ignoring the truth, that you claim to hold so dear.
So much for believing in truth. You are delusional if you think Trump and truth are synonymous!

Fuck your holy spirit. Fuck it with a great big stinky cock!
Hindsite wrote:Yeah, I have heard arguments like that before. I am not racist. I have nothing against blacks, some of my best friends are black. i don't have anything against those wetbacks either.

Ha, ha.

Who mentioned race??
Hindsite's afraid that Jesus will look like a "wetback"(his words). But then again, he's a Trump supporter, so it should come as no surprise that he's a southern, conservative redneck.
Besoeker wrote:
Who mentioned race??

I did not say you mentioned race. I was just comparing that argument to disavow racism and the like with the argument you used to back up your statement that you have no animosity towards me or anyone who has a profound religious belief, when you say you have a Muslim friend or a Christian friend.
Last edited by Hindsite on 18 Mar 2016 19:02, edited 1 time in total.
Godstud wrote:Hindsite's afraid that Jesus will look like a "wetback"(his words). But then again, he's a Trump supporter, so it should come as no surprise that he's a southern, conservative redneck.

I was raised in Texas and "wetback" was a term used by many to identify persons illegally crossing the Rio Grande River to get into Texas in the old days before the politically correct term "illegal immigrant" was invented. I don't think it is meant as a racist term, at least I did not mean it that way to show I was a racist, which I disavow. But for conservative redneck, that would be another story.
Wetback is, like Redskin, racist terminology. You don't have to agree with it for it to be that. Just saying.
Godstud wrote:Wetback is, like Redskin, racist terminology.
Redskin racist that's absurd. One of Britain's iconic anti racist bands called themselves the Redskins.

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