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By anasawad
What do you think the limit on sexual behavior should be ? as in practices that are allowed by law but probably shouldn't be allowed.
And in matter of likes and dislike during sex, and in general likes and dislikes of body parts (for both genders), what do you think is usually normal and common and accepted ? and what do you think that is not common and usually weird ?

Is this too straight forward or i can keep just asking away what ever that comes across my mind ? basically is it ok to detail in such things here or against the rules about such topics ?
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By The Sabbaticus
This thread is about Sweden, right?

Incest and necrophilia 'should be legal' according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People's Party

'Incest can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting'

Lizzie Dearden, Elsa Vulliamy
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Incest between siblings and necrophilia should be legalised, a branch of the Swedish Liberal People's Party has argued.

The Stockholm branch of the party's youth wing (LUF) voted on the controversial motion at its annual meeting on Sunday.

It called for the repeal of several laws to make consensual sex between brothers and sisters aged over 15 legal, as well as allowing people to "bequeath" their bodies for intercourse after death without fearing the perpetrator would be prosecuted.

Cecilia Johnsson, president of LUF Stockholm, told Aftonbladet counter-incest legislation amounted to “morality law”, adding: “These laws protect no one right now”.

“I understand that [incest] can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting”.

The LUF also voted to support the legalisation of sexual acts with a corpse, on the condition that the person consented while they were still alive.

Ms Johnsson said: “You should get to decide what happens to your body after you die, and if it happens to be that someone wants to bequeath their body to a museum or for research, or if they want to bequeath to someone for sex, then it should be okay.”

The central Liberal People's Party disagreed, however, with spokesperson Adam Alfredsson telling Expressen the proposals were “nothing like the mother party endorses.”

“Incest is and should remain illegal,” he added. “We think it will continue to be illegal to use a dead man’s body in [a sexual] way.”

Meanwhile, a former Swedish Liberal MP, Carl B Hamilton, took to Facebook to dismiss the youth wing's proposals as a publicity stunt concocted by "nitwits".

The Independent has contacted Ms Johnsson for a response.

It is not the first time similar proposals have been raised in Europe.

In 2014, the German Ethics Council also called for an end to the criminalisation of incest between siblings, after examining the case of a man who was jailed for having four children with his sister.

The council argued that the risk of disability in children was not sufficient to warrant a law putting couples in “tragic situations”, and that decriminalising incest would not fuel the spread of the “very rare” practice.

“The majority of the German Ethics Council is of the opinion that it is not appropriate for a criminal law to preserve a social taboo,” a statement said.

A spokeswoman for Angela Merkel's CDU party dismissed the possibility of abolishing criminal punishment at the time.

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By anasawad
Nope, just thought if seeing if my usual practices and likes and dislikes are common and usual or not.
What does Sweden has to do with this ?
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By Bulaba Khan Jones
I guess it just fails to make any sense to me why something shouldn't be allowed between some people because other people who have no say whatsoever aren't into it or approve of it. It goes without saying that abuse, pedophilia, rape, etc are criminal, but as for stuff between consenting adults I'm glad I live in a place that isn't sexually repressed or filled with people who try to create weird laws regulating people's sexuality.

What sorts of things would you want to punish people for as far as sexuality goes? I ask because this is obviously on your mind and it sounds like you've given it some thought about things you don't like other people doing that you'd like to take it upon yourself to tell other people what to do. Or are you just wondering in general, but you don't really have a desire to get involved in the sex lives of other people?
By Political Interest
The only way should be the way of nature, that which is biologically mandated and normal. Anything else should be forbidden by law. I do not want to go into details but acts that violate the order of nature are completely unacceptable. I hold this view of both heterosexual and homosexual relations, just so people do not misunderstand what I am saying.
By anasawad
Its not about regulating and stuff.
We haven't actually settled yet here in Minsk, although we rented an apartment but we're staying these few days with my wife's aunt so i can get to know her extended family better.(because her family usually meets there and there are spare rooms)
And the topic of sex life was brought up the other day when i was with her cousins (all guys) and uncle.
And it came to me that nothing me and my wife do, or the things i like are anywhere near the average between them.

In which also a certain hard core practice that i really like and we're used to do came to them as crazy people or freakish people do that.
So 'm generally asking to see whats the limits of normal and common stuff around.
By Political Interest
^ You know what is normal and what is not. You will have been taught this by the society around you unless the society is completely lost.

However I think in Lebanon it is not so. I do not know for certain and am speaking out of ignorance.

In Belarus are the people conservative?
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By Bulaba Khan Jones
Oh okay that's clearer. If it helps, I have an BDSM lifestyle, which means I like tying women up, among other things. However, I don't advertise that fact to anyone, and most of my friends and family don't know. The things I like to do when it comes to sex are of no business to family (which is just weird to me to consider discussing with them what gets me off) or some friends, particularly people who probably wouldn't understand anyway. So you'll always encounter people who think anything beyond the missionary position is too exotic, or people who think getting a blowjob and having your cum swallowed is the pinnacle of kink.

Just don't feel the need to have to tell anyone the things you like, because it's no one else's business.
By anasawad
Well, not really, since where i come from these things do not go much outside.
And i was raised to be mostly in the driver seat of my life so there wasn't that usual restraints on trying all sort of things.

For Belarus, i didn't meet much people yet around here, but i get the sense that there are some good percentage of conservations around.

Just don't feel the need to have to tell anyone the things you like, because it's no one else's business.

I didn't, i barely participated in general outlines and mostly just listened to what they were discussing.
I hell aint going to get half of them doing that weird look at me and my wife.
By anasawad
But seriously on the topic question.
What do you think are the things and practices or likes that are most common between people ?
And that its usual to find ?
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By redcarpet
anasawad wrote:But seriously on the topic question.
What do you think are the things and practices or likes that are most common between people ?
And that its usual to find ?

No offence, but it's absurd you've created a thread to ask this kind of stuff. Sexology and analysis of human sex practices are VERY well established. We don't need to discuss it. I suggest the thread be closed for the sake of sanity and good taste
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By AuRomin
Enough of your PC nonsense. Sex has created all of us and is therefore an integral part in all of our lives. It is deserves to be thought of and questioned as much as anything else.

I suggest that you use your genitals at some point when having sex.
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By noemon
LOL @ redcarpet, I agree with Bulaba especially what he told you PI, but I think anasawad is trying to see what are the limits of his own kinkiness in order to get approval for some sexual fantasies that might be going around in his mind.

I was raised a prude but broke my chains and set myself free, now I cannot be explicit and not because I don't want to but because I can't due to being oath-bound, however one should assume the worst or the best depending on how you look at it, I can say I'm not into BDSM as a matter of preference not as a matter of judgement, I am into pretty much anything else though.

My guiding principle is everything in moderation but that should not be construed as every act in moderation, there is no moderation in acts themselves rather moderation in the frequency of the acts so that they do not get reduced to nothing and so that they retain their exotic element. This is a principle that I like to apply to everything in order to maintain the boundaries of contention. Once you break a threshold a new one appears in the horizon and once you have broken all of them, then boredom comes along, boredom breeds misery and misery breeds hate & discontent. So break them but don't shatter them, abstain so you can enjoy the re-enactment. These are the only boundaries.
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By Saeko
Political Interest wrote:The only way should be the way of nature, that which is biologically mandated and normal. Anything else should be forbidden by law. I do not want to go into details but acts that violate the order of nature are completely unacceptable. I hold this view of both heterosexual and homosexual relations, just so people do not misunderstand what I am saying.

We should all go back to living as hunter-gatherers by that metric, uh I mean imeprial unit.
By anasawad
No offence, but it's absurd you've created a thread to ask this kind of stuff. Sexology and analysis of human sex practices are VERY well established. We don't need to discuss it. I suggest the thread be closed for the sake of sanity and good taste

It is not, if we do not have specific definition of common sense to begin with, and we (people in general) don't have any specific agreement on what is considered normal and by what standards ?
Do you have a certain website that specifically specifies what type of practices is mostly around and what people like the most ? or better say what kind of things that some people do not like or accept ?
Because those are almost non-existent, infact there isn't a single study that has any accuracy to it, or scientific basis, or even answers to those simple questions.

but I think anasawad is trying to see what are the limits of his own kinkiness in order to get approval for some sexual fantasies that might be going around in his mind.

Well, i think i would say what ever comes to our minds we do it already.
Simply comparing where we stand in comparison to other people but anyways.

My guiding principle is everything in moderation but that should not be construed as every act in moderation, there is no moderation in acts themselves rather moderation in the frequency of the acts so that they do not get reduced to nothing and so that they retain their exotic element. This is a principle that I like to apply to everything in order to maintain the boundaries of contention. Once you break a threshold a new one appears in the horizon and once you have broken all of them, then boredom comes along, boredom breeds misery and misery breeds hate & discontent. So break them but don't shatter them, abstain so you can enjoy the re-enactment. These are the only boundaries.

I understand that point, and true that everyone should follow similar guide lines for his or her own sake. Preferably not beyond measuring periods above in days but sure. LOL

It seems it would be pretty hard to get into details on such topic since most people (including me) don't feel much comfort talking about it. Even on most websites, though you can spot what people might think about what type of things that are considered normal or weird or over the line in some cases. Yet even in those little comments no one dares to actually go into details as in what is the act, where does it stand and why.
I do get that this is probably not constant from place to place so its pretty hard to determine these things.

Anyways, for future posters, i think its easier if the question was. What sexual acts, likes, fetishes, etc. That under your own perception of what sexual behavior should be, considered un-natural, not normal, weird, way too much,
and simply not right ?
If you like to add a why as well it would be even better.

And also on the side. What is the standards (if there is any) for a certain sexual behavior to be considered normal or not normal in your perception or general culture. ?
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By redcarpet
anasawad wrote:Do you have a certain website that specifically specifies what type of practices is mostly around and what people like the most ? or better say what kind of things that some people do not like or accept ?

Because those are almost non-existent, infact there isn't a single study that has any accuracy to it, or scientific basis, or even answers to those simple questions.

I did come across a 2014 article of some interest that might address what you seem to be addressing;

The Psychology of Sexuality

Sexuality is part of what makes us human. Naturally, its fundamental function is to propagate the species. But clearly, sex goes far beyond the powerful evolutionary instinct to procreate. Sex is also about sensual pleasure. Enjoyment. Excitement. Even ecstasy. In addition to the earthly and earthy delights of the flesh--the thrill of physically touching and being touched by another warm body, the mounting excitement toward sexual release, the climactic ecstasy of orgasm, and the pulsating, peaceful afterglow of relaxation following orgasm--human sexuality also serves both a psychological and spiritual purpose. Sex is a way of lessening our alienation, isolation and aloneness by physically connecting with, penetrating or being penetrated by another person at the most primal level of existence. (See my prior post.) Sex substantiates, humanizes and incarnates existence. It produces joy, love, comfort, affection, and sometimes, ecstasy.

Ecstasy is not only a physical, but a psychological and sometimes spiritual experience. The etymology of the word ecstasy is ex-stasis: The temporary transcendence of time, ego and our shared human fate of existential separateness. Sex connects us not only with another being, but with our own being and humanity. Sex, like eros, from which it draws its profound psychological and spiritual power, is daimonic: it reminds us of our intrinsic capacity to be involuntarily taken over at the moment of orgasm; to be possessed by passion; to surrender control. Both lust and falling in love are examples of being possessed by sex or eros. This capacity to experience the daimonic quality of sex or eros is an essential and centering part of being human. It reminds us that we are, first and foremost, as Freud pointed out, passionate creatures, motivated and driven by primitive, irrational forces operating just below the surface of civilization and rationality far more powerful than our puny little egos.

Sex, like romantic love, is a constant reminder of our irrationality, and its sway over our hard-won rationality. Of our inescapable physical embodiment. It is humbling to our spiritual hubris. And it is dangerous. The concept of "safe sex" is an oxymoron. Sex, when fully engaged in, is always risky business. Possible pregnancy, disease, injury and even death accompany the sexual act on the physical level. (See, for example, the new reality show Sex Sent Me to the ER on TLC.) Falling in love, obsession, rejection, abandonment, loss of self, fear of annihilation, psychosis and the manic madness of ecstasy are all potential psychological side-effects of sex. One passionate, spontaneous sexual encounter can change the course of a life, for better or worse.
By anasawad
That actually point out what 'm trying to understand, just doesn't dig into details.

By online search and by simply asking such questions in places that does not effect my real life. 'm trying to put a certain range of what people perceive as normal,understandable and acceptable. And hopefully understand why.
As this thing has came to my mind a number of times and now i have extra time i am interested in exploring.

For the sake of the argument and to make it easier for others to participate 'll put my self as somewhat of a test subject or sample.
I personally have a number of fetishes (8 as far as i counted), and i do have a number of sexual behaviors that are not very usual. 'll take 1 as an example.
For fetishes, one of the ones i have is for feet. This is infact a common one.
Now what i know clearly about my self is that i have it since my very early childhood, basically as far as i remember.
And although during my growing up sexual expressions and exposure was highly limited in my community, i do know that it is something considered weird, and by some disgusting. But since i basically grew up with it, then it is something natural, and scientifically it is explainable.
I actually had it far before i realized that men put their penis inside of women and that there are actually options to where and how to put it.
So the like is known, its position by people's common perception is also known. However the why is hard to answer.
If its something natural, then what is the social standards that makes it unacceptable? and why is it unacceptable ?
And its not only in my community but everywhere else, as i clearly noted from the internet.

And this one is in fact a light one as during the conversation the other day, one of the other things not just me but me and my wife like came across as a joke, which my wife's cousin added as a joke that do you believe some people actually do that.
So what is the range of what is considered normal ? and why does it stop there ?, why other things are considered not normal ? and what is the social standards that made it that way ?

Though i am trying to simplify it as much as possible but this is an actual topic of debate in the world, and in science.
A very big one that is clearly not very easy to get a hang on.
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