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Some people believe all sorts of things. I have heard that some people believe the earth was formed by an explosion over billions of years and even claim it is a fact. Since I see evidence for a very intelligent and powerful Creator, I believe it is very possible that Creator could have made our physical world in six days. Perhaps He took that long to establish our week and to provide a way for man to easily remember what He did. I actually have no good reason not to believe it just as I learned as a child.
Hindsite wrote:Some people believe all sorts of things. I have heard that some people believe the earth was formed by an explosion over billions of years and even claim it is a fact.

Some may have done so but those with even a little knowledge of the science would suggest that there is very strong evidence, not proof, for such a theory.

Hindsite wrote:Since I see evidence for a very intelligent and powerful Creator,

Then you whould have no difficulty in presented your evidence.

Hindsite wrote: I believe it is very possible that Creator could have made our physical world in six days.

Gen 1:14 "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
Gen 1:19 "And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

So how were the three previous days measured?

Hindsite wrote: Perhaps He took that long to establish our week and to provide a way for man to easily remember what He did. I actually have no good reason not to believe it just as I learned as a child.

Bishop James Ussher dates the creation, based on the bible chronology, at 4,004 BC. So that would make it about 6,000 years ago.
The fossil records for many, many thousands of species date from millions of years ago. Trilobites dated from about 500 million years for example.

The views are so diametrically opposed that they can't be both be right.

I picked trilobites as an example. A colleague and I were involved in a project at a cement works in Derbyshire. We walked round the limestone quarry during lunch break and found dozens of these under many metres of rock that was being cut - and this quarry was over 150 metres above mean sea level. Marine anthropods so far from the present sea and at such an elevation suggests significant seismic shifts.

Noah type floods? Except that these wee beasties, according to scientsts were extinct millions of years before Noah built his improbably large boat...........and that's another stort for another day.
By Rich
Hindsite wrote:the Holy Bible
I'm sorry I don't know what you mean by "the Holy bible". There are thousands upon thousands of so called holy bibles. Which one do you take to be holy? They vary in language, translations, what books, they include. some include the Book of Mormon, some don't. but even if we start with say Genesis, right away intelligent (I know you're keen on your intelligence) analysis reveals that we dealing with a gang of fraudsters, hucksters liars, that make Donald Trump look like a study in honesty. Genesis 1 - 2:4 is form the Priestly or P source. A second and contradictory creation account begins at Genesis 2:4, it is from the J or Yahwistic source. We see this both in the first Testament and the second Testament, where different sources have been cut and pasted togethor. I must apologise that I'm not that clued up on the Bible's third testament.
It is the one that is titled "Holy Bible" on the cover. I still have the copy i was given as a child and on the first page it has the title "THE HOLY BIBLE containing THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS". There are various new translation that update the English to our modern English with different titles, but most of them are basically the same.

I disavow the Jehovah's Witness bible made by the Watchtower and the Book of Mormon and the Koran or Quran if you were referring to those books.
Last edited by Hindsite on 11 Mar 2016 00:36, edited 1 time in total.
Hindsite wrote:and is also a common sense fact

There are no common sense facts.* Anyone who believes so is likely being deceived or indoctrinated in some closed-minded culture or religion. Facts come from the material world unless strictly dealing with the immaterial.

Except in math where you set the rules and can follow logic through, therefore creating facts.
By Rich
Hindsite wrote:It is the one that is titled "Holy Bible" on the cover.
Well for example do you believe in Mark 9-16? Most scholars believe those verses were only added to Mark long after the original was written. They are not present in the oldest manuscripts. As well as many textual variants there is the problem of interpretation of these ancient languages. the Bible is not just reliant n a historical Jesus and the supposed testimony of eyewitnesses and the recorders, transmitters, copiers and editors of that testimony but on Church councils hundreds of years after Jesus's alleged human incarnation.

Do you believe the council of Trent was divinely inspired? Or some other council?
It does not make sense that half the book of Mark was added much later. Much of those eight chapters seem to be supported by other gospels. I haven't heard that before, but there are always so-called scholars trying to become famous by criticizing the text of the Holy Bible, so I don't really take them seriously and neither should you. I believe what seems clear and understandable to me. Anything I don't understand, I wait until later and usually I come across something that makes it more clear to me.
What does not make sense is to attribute a story book of parables, and metaphors, to be about facts.
To Besoeker:

Evidence of Trilobites with Humans


Evolution Theory- What They Aren´t Telling You


Overwhelming Evidence For Creation And Intelligent Design

That's all pseudoscience, and not backed by any reputable scientist. Creationism/intelligent design, is bullshit, and not, in any way, factual(or even scientifically backed). It's simply religious dogmatic shit.

Evolution: Brilliantly explained for Creationist simpletons
Last edited by Godstud on 11 Mar 2016 02:17, edited 2 times in total.
By Rich
Hindsite wrote:Overwhelming Evidence For Creation And Intelligent Design
Yes but that totally disproves the Bible. The god of the bible is distinctly lacking in intelligence. Its totally implausible that the god of the bible could have been responsible for this amazingly complex and wondrous creation.
To Godstud:

It is obvious that you did not have time to watch those three videos. Therefore you have no credibility with me. So bug off and let those that are really interested in truth comment and ask questions of someone that can provide logical answers instead of the nonsense you claim is science.

Your next post seems to explain your problem.
Hindsite wrote:To Besoeker:

Evidence of Trilobites with Humans

There are some very obvious flaws in this.
"The rocks are assigned ages assuming evolution to have occurred. "
Various dating techniques are used. That, as far as I'm aware, isn't one.

"The print was found among trilobites."
That is not evidence that they were contemporaneous. But there is another very obvious problem.
It describes slate as a a very hard sedimentary rock. Yet it has footprints detailed down to the very stitching of what is purported to those of sandals??
Do you really think that's credible?

Then the worldwide flood......rained for 40 days and forty nights, so the story goes. That would need over 8,000 inches of water a day. Every day.
Waters from the deep? If so, where did they go afterwards? Where are they now?
How did fresh water and salt water creatures coexist?

I need not comment on the Dr Nelson clips. His stance has been debunked often enough.
Why would I waste my valuable time on Creationism nonsense? I'm not stupid. I don't want to ignore the science because it doesn't agree with my version of reality. Hindsite(a fitting name, BTW), YOU can take your childish comments and go away, if you don't like people disagreeing with your fakery and pseudoscience. You have no idea what facts, nor truth even mean. Poser.

edit spelling error
Last edited by Godstud on 11 Mar 2016 19:35, edited 1 time in total.
Hindsite wrote:It is the one that is titled "Holy Bible" on the cover. I still have the copy i was given as a child and on the first page it has the title "THE HOLY BIBLE containing THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS". There are various new translation that update the English to our modern English with different titles, but most of them are basically the same.

I disavow the Jehovah's Witness bible made by the Watchtower and the Book of Mormon and the Koran or Quran if you were referring to those books.

From the KJV, Isaiah 45:7.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Why would god create evil?
There is a simple explanation........
Godstud wrote:Why would I was my valuable time on Creationism nonsense? I'm not stupid.

You continue to make me laugh with your trolling. i have heard that laughter is good for the soul. So may God bless your soul.
Besoeker wrote:Waters from the deep? If so, where did they go afterwards? Where are they now?
How did fresh water and salt water creatures coexist?

In creation, God made the earth in water and it was covered with water and the cooled crust formed the original surface or the earth as God made the landscape of the earth, thus dividing the land from the water as it is written. Waters from the deep refers to the waters that were under the crust of the earth.

It should be obvious that when the water that had been trapped above the firmament in heaven was released to fall to earth as rain that lasted for those 40 days and the eruption of crust of the earth released a tremendous amount of water to flood and cover the earth. After nearly a year of the earth being soaked the soil became malleable resulting in a change in the earth's surface. Part of the earth sank down by the weight of the extra water forming the oceans and seas as we see today. The underwater volcanic action also resulted in the rise of land to make higher mountains such as Mount Everest.

The psalmist put it this way:

You covered it with the deep as with a garment;
The waters were standing above the mountains.
At Your rebuke they fled,
At the sound of Your thunder they hurried away.
The mountains rose; the valleys sank down
To the place which You established for them.
You set a boundary that they may not pass over,
So that they will not return to cover the earth.
Psalm 104:6-9

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, .....

knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.

(1 Thessalonians 4:13; 2 Peter 3:3-7; Exodus 20:11)

I believe fresh water and salt water creatures are an adaption by the original sea creatures because of the increasing salt over time after the flood.
Besoeker wrote:Waters from the deep? If so, where did they go afterwards? Where are they now?
How did fresh water and salt water creatures coexist?

Hindsite wrote:In creation, God made the earth in water and it was covered with water and the cooled crust formed the original surface or the earth as God made the landscape of the earth, thus dividing the land from the water as it is written. Waters from the deep refers to the waters that were under the crust of the earth.

It should be obvious that when the water that had been trapped above the firmament in heaven was released to fall to earth as rain that lasted for those 40 days and the eruption of crust of the earth released a tremendous amount of water to flood and cover the earth. After nearly a year of the earth being soaked the soil became malleable resulting in a change in the earth's surface. Part of the earth sank down by the weight of the extra water forming the oceans and seas as we see today. The underwater volcanic action also resulted in the rise of land to make higher mountains such as Mount Everest.
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.

All this volcanic, geological, and tectonic action along with creating all life within SIXdays?

Hindsite wrote:I believe fresh water and salt water creatures are an adaption by the original sea creatures because of the increasing salt over time after the flood.

Makes it sound like a creationists version of evolution.

I asked you why god created evil. No response.
Another question for you. If god is omnipotent why would he need to rest?
Again, there is a simple answer.
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