Protestantism IS Atheism - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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An atheist-free area for those of religious belief to discuss religious topics.

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Forum rules: No one line posts please. Religious topics may be discussed here or in The Agora. However, this forum is intended specifically as an area for those with religious belief to discuss religion without threads being derailed by atheist arguments. Please respect that. Political topics regarding religion belong in the Religion forum in the Political Issues section.
This forum is about religion, and discussion of religion. No faith or belief is necessary, especially when people make absurd claims that refer to reality, not faith, or imagination.

Religions have nothing to do with facts or evidence. Lack of facts and evidence haven't made any religion go away.

Too bad...
I only know about Christianity which is based on a lot of historical facts and evidence. I suppose the other religions do not go away because of tradition mainly. But the fact that they do exist probably means there was some fact or evidence that started them.
Hindsite wrote:there was some fact or evidence that started them

There are always some facts that a religion is based on, but the relation of these facts to the religion or the validity of new 'facts' that are created in support of the religion is not guaranteed. Religion has always been about belief and faith. That is why scientists haven't been discovering religious truths through the centuries, but ones about observable phenomena and concepts.
History reveals Christians started modern science

W. R. Miller has complied a fine list of quotes and resources in an Appendix over at Tektonics to emphasize the point that many of the greatest scientists in history were Christians or had Biblical presuppositions. Miller also points out that;
•For most of these, their faith was the driving force behind their discoveries.
•True self-sustaining modern science (not just engineering, logic or mathematics) was born within a Christian society. ... n-science/
This is Christian propaganda. Muslims first used the method of conducting experiments to gather data. Either way, this doesn't address the fact that, while facts were discovered in the name of religion, they were not facts proving religion.

AuRomin wrote:That is why scientists haven't been discovering religious truths through the centuries
Hindsite wrote:This forum is about religion and it is primarily opinion on belief and faith. However, facts and evidence are often used in coming to those beliefs. Christianity is a fact because it exists and is believed in various degrees by millions of people today. ISIS is also a fact that should not be ignored. How we each evaluate the facts and evidence determine our beliefs and actions and possibly our future.

But beliefs, not known supportable facts.
To AuRomin

Nonsense. You are only repeating Muslim propaganda like the propaganda that the Palestinian Muslims were in the land of Israel before the Jews and Israel has no right to exist. They (Christians) discovered the facts because they believed in a creator God that designed things with order and could be understood.

Rosalind Franklin, the woman that actually first discovered the structure of DNA was a Jew. Although she has been described as a agnostic, she confided with her sister that she was always consciously a Jew searching for proof of the Creator.
None of this contradicts my statements. Neat information at most. Having a belief in a deity while discovering something does not make the discovery proof of the deity.
By Rich
Hindsite wrote:If you don't have the common sense to know that it takes an intelligent Being to write the Instruction code in the DNA for making the different kinds of creatures,
So does it take an intelligent being to create this hypothesised intelligent being?
Man was created to have a certain amount of intelligence, but not as much as his Creator, of course. If you don't understand this, then i am obviously more intelligent than you on the matter. I don't consider myself all that intelligent either. But I have someone in my family that is considered a genius to compare myself with. I realized my mental capabilities were below his before he entered High School. I thought I was pretty intelligent until then. Now I am far more humble.
Man was "created"? The evidence shows that man was not created, as he is now, but evolved to the state he is at. Your whole argument becomes shit, when science is involved.

Hindsite wrote:Now I am far more humble.
Insulting someone's 'intelligence' is also not a valid argument, and against the forum rules of etiquette, as well as being rude.

Assuming you are more intelligent than anyone else is far from humble. I believe pride is one of your 7 Deadly Sins.
I never said I was more intelligent that someone else. Didn't you see the word "if" in my statement? Don't you know what that means? But it should be obvious that I am more intelligent than some people.
You insinuated it. You need not have said anything like that, had you not wanted to do so.

Hindsite wrote:But it should be obvious that I am more intelligent than some people.
Pride goes before a fall.
Hindsite wrote:I never said I was more intelligent that someone else. - But it should be obvious that I am more intelligent than some people.

Nah ... Rich and Quatz still got a bit of an edge on you ... Hard to make an accurate assessment until you get yourself deprogramed ... But there's always hope ...

As for Protestantism=Atheism, You might have a slight lead on whoever came up with THAT proposition. Atheists have been around a LOT longer than protestants ... “Doth some one say that there be gods above? There are not; no, there are not. Let no fool, Led by the old false fable, thus deceive you.” Bellerophon, by Euripides (480–406 BCE)
I also said I am not very intelligent. So I will let you guys determine where that leaves you guys. There is really no point is starting an argument about such a trivial matter as that. Maybe there is a genius on this forum for all I know, but I would bet that genius is not one of you guys.

You're new here so you get a little slack, but we very much encourage you to attack positions and ideology while not ever attacking other users.

-TIG Edit
Hindsite wrote:I also said I am not very intelligent.

That's OK, few Humans are ... But I was serious about the deprograming. I doubt you realize it, but you are as predictable as a cuckoo clock ...

Hindsite wrote:There is really no point is starting an argument about such a trivial matter as that.

I agree, it's just one of the few issues you've raised that can be engaged on an open minded basis ... (no joke).

This thread is (IMHO) about the roots of Atheism ... Where do YOU (not Falwell or Roberts, etc ...) think it comes from? Is it:
A satanic plot ?
A Human failing ?
A punishment from God ?

Is it:
OK ?
Unacceptable ?
Inevitable ?

I'll bet you have an opinion ...


Maybe there is a genius on this forum for all I know, but I would bet that genius is not one of you guys.[/quote]
Hindsite wrote:Man was created to have a certain amount of intelligence, but not as much as his Creator, of course.

You state that as fact. It may be your opinion and that's fine. Stating it to as fact when you can't know it to be so is not.
It is a fact written in the Holy Bible and is also a common sense fact which apparently atheist do not always use. It is also many people's opinion besides myself. The courts have ruled that Atheism is a religion.
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