Israeli bereavement is more human than Palestinians - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Tuesday that there was no room for comparing Israeli mourning to Palestinian mourning because Israel "educates its sons to live, to be human, to act like humans, to strive for peace" unlike the Palestinians who actually wish for death.
This is the type of racism that Palestinians face every single day of the week for the past five decades as the world looks-on and does nothing.

Moshe Ya'alon - the human face of Zionism
Same culture as ISIS, no need to treat the Palestinians apart. Before ISIS era, when the Palestinians were the chosen victims of the whole world, and were the only international dispute that was covered by western press it was easy to frame their cause as special and unique and their criminal actions coming from "occupation", "desperation", and "oppression" and blaming all their crimes on Israel. Now that it is revealed that there is nothing special about their hatred and fanaticism, the clinging on Palestinian cause at any cost in pathetic and touching.

The minister is right, the Palestinian Islamic jihadi inhumanity will be needed to be treated as such. Any show of sympathy is compromising on the existential struggle. Just like Nazism.
Heinie wrote:Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Tuesday that there was no room for comparing Israeli mourning to Palestinian mourning because Israel "educates its sons to live, to be human, to act like humans, to strive for peace" unlike the Palestinians who actually wish for death.
This is the type of racism that Palestinians face every single day of the week for the past five decades as the world looks-on and does nothing.

The Ha'aretz article is behind a paywall, and I'm not going to pay for their junk.

Yes, the PA and Hamas teach children to strive for death. They openly say so. What Ya'alon said is that the palestinian SOCIETY mourning is different compared to israeli SOCIETY mourning, which is true. Palestinians celebrate the death of a terrorist. Israelis don't celebrate death, ever.

On a personal level though, I'm quite sure there's no difference between palestinian and israeli parents. and Ya'alon certainly didn't speak about such a difference.

What might save us, me, and you
Is if the Russians love their children too
anasawad wrote:Yes ofcourse, the same old concept of one of us is worth 10 of them.

Yes ... but lets be clear, that isn't an Israeli invention ... War mongers have been telling people that for Millennia ... In this case they CAN point to Arab suicidal tactics ... But hey ? Remember the Japanese Kamakazis? Remember the American Indian Ghost Dancers? Remember Masada? Suicidal Tactics are an act of Desperation, not an indicator of value.


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