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An atheist-free area for those of religious belief to discuss religious topics.

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Forum rules: No one line posts please. Religious topics may be discussed here or in The Agora. However, this forum is intended specifically as an area for those with religious belief to discuss religion without threads being derailed by atheist arguments. Please respect that. Political topics regarding religion belong in the Religion forum in the Political Issues section.
mikema63 wrote:Whelp, this is the point where I don't really have an argument. Largely because you've lost me.

Sorry, I'm sure that that loss is due to my lack of skill intellectually, in conveying what is not and cannot be a fully intellectual exercise. I pray that you understand later then, if not today then tomorrow perhaps. In the interim, be assured of my best regards for you.
annatar1914 wrote:Good to see you, friend! We need more Orthodox, and more Russians here, badly!

That is wrong. A bigot has as much worth in a discussion on society and morality as an astrologer has in a debate on astrophysics.
You can always say, that he might bring up something important or that he might randomly contribute in unforeseen ways, but most of the time, he will just waste time with backwards nonsense.
mikema63 wrote: I was raised by a catholic and a Pentecostal.

The Pentecostals especially think they know, though they talk about hell a hell of a lot more.

Oh shit mike I'm sorry. No wonder you are an anti-theist. Pentecostals are just awful. Even Southern Baptists seem quaint and kind in comparison (for the record baptists are fucking vipers).
That is wrong. A bigot has as much worth in a discussion on society and morality as an astrologer has in a debate on astrophysics.
You can always say, that he might bring up something important or that he might randomly contribute in unforeseen ways, but most of the time, he will just waste time with backwards nonsense.

Please try not to be an anti-intellectual clown. We have been down this trolling atheist shit for years here. If you have something to discuss, do it. Otherwise stop throwing shit balls.
Drlee wrote:Please try not to be an anti-intellectual clown. We have been down this trolling atheist shit for years here. If you have something to discuss, do it. Otherwise stop throwing shit balls.

You are so far the least polite person I've seen in this forum. Every second of your comments seems to some attack on atheists, which you apparently despise simply for not bowing to your deity.
I made my criticism clear with my comparison, while you simply called me a clown.
If you want to say something in defense of this blatant bigotry, then do it. Don't distract with personal attacks.
If you want to see him even more polite remind him that the yanks were pathetically crushed by some third world peasants in Vietnam. Remind him they ran like cowards, leaving their allies to their fate.
You are so far the least polite person I've seen in this forum. Every second of your comments seems to some attack on atheists, which you apparently despise simply for not bowing to your deity.

I made my criticism clear with my comparison, while you simply called me a clown.
If you want to say something in defense of this blatant bigotry, then do it. Don't distract with personal attacks

On the contrary. You made no argument. And for the record I could not care less what your religious beliefs are. You will find that many atheist are uncomfortable with my criticisms for this very reason. You will not find me quoting Bible versus to you EXCEPT when you are speaking of my beliefs rather than your own.

You made a comparison that made no sense. In other words you are wrong. You said:

hat is wrong. A bigot has as much worth in a discussion on society and morality as an astrologer has in a debate on astrophysics.

What absurdity. First. A bigot has a great deal of worth in discussing a bigoted society. A society such as....well all of them since to a greater or lesser degree all societies contain vast numbers of bigots. And these bigots inform the public debate, vote in elections, raise children, hold public office, make employment decisions and run businesses. You may not like them and you may wish to ignore them but they are engaged, powerful and a force with which we who wish to end bigotry must contend. You "write them off" at your own peril.

You mention the contributions of an "astrologer in a debate on astrophysics". Can you see why this is a poor comparison? I most certainly can. I'll bet so can just about everyone here. You picked astrology because you consider it a fantasy. Bigotry is not a fantasy. It is a vital, dynamic and important fact of life in every society.

So is religion I might add as that is your logical conclusion. There is no society on this planet that is not profoundly affected by the religious beliefs of its population. You may not like that but it is a fact of life with which you will be well advised to come to grips.

So you are the one who is acting defensive rather than proving your argument. I see no reason to hide from you or throw snowballs. You got caught and are embarrassed. That's all.

You are so far the least polite person I've seen in this forum. Every second of your comments seems to some attack on atheists, which you apparently despise simply for not bowing to your deity.

I have no problem with some atheists. The respectful and mature ones are not on my radar. The childish and disrespectful ones I am happy to engage.

We aren't all like drlee. I promise..

We? To what group are you referring?

In addition, praise the quality of rap music and recommend that the state play it to children.

You needn't go so far. Just praise the "quality" of some rap music. Particularly that which is misogynist, violent and racist. But wait Comrade Tim. Aren't you a communist? Aren't you opposed to racism?
Drlee wrote:You needn't go so far. Just praise the "quality" of some rap music. Particularly that which is misogynist, violent and racist. But wait Comrade Tim. Aren't you a communist? Aren't you opposed to racism?

Was it not obvious I was getting on the joshing train?

+Patriotic Socialist, thank you.
Last edited by ComradeTim on 27 Jul 2015 21:52, edited 1 time in total.
Drlee wrote:First. A bigot has a great deal of worth in discussing a bigoted society. A society such as....well all of them since to a greater or lesser degree all societies contain vast numbers of bigots. And these bigots inform the public debate, vote in elections, raise children, hold public office, make employment decisions and run businesses. You may not like them and you may wish to ignore them but they are engaged, powerful and a force with which we who wish to end bigotry must contend. You "write them off" at your own peril.

Yes that's where the comparison starts failing. When the bigot becomes the object of observation, rather than an "expert".
You did, though, understand what I was saying?
I very much doubt the person, I was originally responding to, was in favor of more "Orthodox Russians", because he considered them a good research object.

Now of course we must address all kinds of opinions and study and seek conversation, but my point was: what makes a good society is no less subjective than what makes a good bridge or a good car.
Even though people prefer different cars, they are objectively better or worse for certain tasks. Even though people prefer different societies, some are evidently better at supporting human well being.

Anyways thanks for pointing out the limitations of my comparison.

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