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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Anything from household gadgets to the Large Hadron Collider (note: political science topics belong in the Environment & Science forum).

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You guys have it so back to front it is alarming. No wonder we're still stuck with ancient superstitious cults...

No, we leave all the crap on earth, and all that is good and logical leaves. Then we nuke earth from orbit, annihilating decisively all the crap. No chance of it ever spreading.

Suddenly, nonsense like Islam for example simply ceases to exist never to be revived.

If you send the zealots out into space instead, they will return with armadas and simply conquer your stagnating ass.
Igor Antunov wrote:You guys have it so back to front it is alarming. No wonder we're still stuck with ancient superstitious cults...

No, we leave all the crap on earth, and all that is good and logical leaves. Then we nuke earth from orbit, annihilating decisively all the crap. No chance of it ever spreading.

Suddenly, nonsense like Islam for example simply ceases to exist never to be revived.

If you send the zealots out into space instead, they will return with armadas and simply conquer your stagnating ass.
The entry above is one moronic philistine position. All cultures come from one mind & the universe isn't far behind. You spew such ethnocentric bullshit, and you fail to recognize that all technology comes from mining the earth. Everything you appreciate comes from the living organism called earth. You know what's crap, unappreciative spoiled brats that exploit the fruits of our planet and then have the audacity to ramble on about destroying the source of all progress.

How about you return to your detached hedonistic cyberspace (where nothing matters), and leave the real progress to human beings. The digital screen world has pickled your brain Igor.

The planet isn't a rock, it's a spinning vibrating organism responsible for the pinnacle of now. You ignoramus.

that is good and logical leaves.
Define what is good & logical, amuse me.

Then we nuke earth from orbit, annihilating decisively all the crap.

So you wish to be the zealot & impose your will on others?

If you send the zealots out into space instead, they will return with armadas and simply conquer your stagnating ass.

So you're one of the zealots now?
The planet is a rough, rocky sphere with a molten metallic core, the crust and biosphere is not particularly rich in crucial minerals and elements relative to what is in orbit around Saturn, Jupiter etc. Whoever leaves earth will become 100x greater technologically and in terms of assertive power in a very short period of time. Eg. US vs UK. Britain was left in the dust, a mere pet it has become-because the former has access to a far greater resource base. Logically, one would not want religious zealots in control of the solar system's resources; they would end up terrorizing the galaxy for counter-productive, inefficient reasons.

So you wish to be the zealot & impose your will on others?

I fail to see what is zealous about annihilating genetic/cognitive degenerates of all persuasions, starting with the biggest cults. These are organizations built around malicious lies and primeval rites, that brainwash children from an early age with dogmatic fables designed to empower the cult; furthermore they resort to zealous aggression against other groups; no, not just other cults, but other groups devoid of their dogma. They belong in prehistory.

Just to be sure, the clock needs to be reset. Careful select maybe 1 million people, some heavy genetic tinkering thrown in for good measure, and incinerate the rest, 7 billion must go-including you and me, we've been compromised by our inferior cultures relative to what could be. There is a chance here for a fresh, far more favourable start. Let's not squander it by exporting our degeneracy into space.
The planet is a rough, rocky sphere with a molten metallic core, the crust and biosphere is not particularly rich in crucial minerals and elements relative to what is in orbit around Saturn, Jupiter etc. Whoever leaves earth will become 100x greater technologically and in terms of assertive power in a very short period of time. Eg. US vs UK. Britain was left in the dust, a mere pet it has become-because the former has access to a far greater resource base. Logically, one would not want religious zealots in control of the solar system's resources; they would end up terrorizing the galaxy for counter-productive, inefficient reasons.

Robot Voice,
I am a machine, bebop bee beboo... The earth is a rough, rocky sphere with a molten core. I am a cold callous human without a soul, bebop bee beboo... I live in a detatched world of electricity, bebop bee beboo, I will murder you alllllllllll...


Can someone explain empathy to my operating system... bee



I fail to see what is zealous about annihilating genetic/cognitive degenerates of all persuasions, starting with the biggest cults. These are organizations built around malicious lies and primeval rites, that brainwash children from an early age with dogmatic fables designed to empower the cult; furthermore they resort to zealous aggression against other groups; no, not just other cults, but other groups devoid of their dogma. They belong in prehistory.
I am perfect, I am the machine, bee bop boooooop, all other humans are inferior. I live through screens, I live comfortably in a first world country... beeeboop, thank god I wasn't manufactured in a third world shit hole... bebop bee boo, maybe then my operating system would recognize empathy.

We should nuke evil doers... beebop boo, evil doers are inferior, I shall shoot them with my cold callous laser scopes.

It's their own fault for being inferior, bee boo, I can't feel anything, bebop bee boob.

Why didn't they ask to born in the 1st world, like I did, beebop boooooooo.

Meh, I'm bored. You're one detached person Igor, with psychotic tendencies. You should volunteer at a nursing home or maybe do some work at a hospitable, get in-touch with the human condition. Life is incredible, and you have no right to judge a whole group of people. Stop acting like a first world brat.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 07 May 2015 06:36, edited 2 times in total.
I'm the nicest, calmest, most giving person you could ever meet in an everyday setting-precisely because I can read and feel your very own primeval emotional responses like an open book and respond favorably in real-time to placate you in every way. That doesn't mean my agenda won't result in your eventual termination, circumstances permitting. It just means it will be humane and painless; but most prudently, for a very good reason. I would take no pleasure in it. In fact it would be very difficult on my emotional equilibrium. A psychopath has no such issues because he or she has no ability to feel.

Yes this philosophy does resemble a machine response, but the mechanisms are entirely different. By not being able to feel, a machine would make critical errors in judgement down the line regarding its own status. It cannot be a simple survival instinct, like that of the psychopath for example. Sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good. The key is total equilibrium without losing capacity for sympathetic introspection.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 07 May 2015 06:42, edited 1 time in total.
Igor Antunov wrote:I'm the nicest, calmest, most giving person you could ever meet in an everyday setting-precisely because I can read and feel your very own primeval emotional responses like an open book and respond favorably in real-time to placate you in every way. That doesn't mean my agenda won't result in your eventual termination, circumstances permitting. It just means it will be humane and painless; but most prudently, for a very good reason. I would take no pleasure in it. In fact it would be very difficult on my emotional equilibrium.
You & the rest of them.

Text has no emotional context, silly. You can't feel how blazed I am right now.
One degree already pointed out the fallacy in your judgement. The human condition is universal, backwardness & evil tend to be present in all humans. Killing off anything you consider to be inferior is laughable logic. You're a zealous narcissist, with a pickled screen brain.

Also, you're not on the space list, sorry Mr. Machine.
You'll perish with the rest of the undesirables, you're not on the Forbes list.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 07 May 2015 06:47, edited 1 time in total.
One degree already pointed out the fallacy in your judgement. The human condition is universal, backwardness & evil is present in all humans. Killing off anything you consider to be inferior is laughable logic.

Ah yes, the dogmatic response on full display. No capacity to visualize something different.

All that can be removed, a brain, biological or otherwise will be engineered from scratch eventually. No reason for those to be universal, or even present at all. Furthermore, those creations need not inherit the traits of their makers.

And no, I don't condone killing off anything I consider inferior, intellectually or otherwise. I condone killing off potential threats and vectors for derailment of progressive future civilizations. Islam might not be around but Chimpanzees will be. And don't confuse progression in this context with your neoliberal babble of freedom of religion and freedom of speech, on the contrary, such tendencies would be brutally suppressed to maintain optimum technological efficiency and societal stability. Realistically, the most efficient form of such a society would be a single intelligence with the ability to manipulate as broad a region of matter as possible. This means many specialized individual units cooperating at a very integral level, a hive linked by a very expansive central decision making nexus. The goal at all times would be the conversion of matter into computational capacity.

We have worker specialization, cities, real time telephony and our respective political systems-our hives already-but they are laughably inefficient because of all the crap you and your ilk continuously peddle. They are no more integrated than what termites have achieved, and the goal is the same-conversion of matter into usable consumer resources. The recent rise of communications technologies and wearable computers is finally putting us on a path toward the singularity that would usher in the end of termite capitalism-itself an extension of the base self-replicating instinct of all biological species. It is only a matter of time; my goal is to safeguard and promote the singularity, where economic focus would shift from uncontrolled bacteria-like propagation to the propagation of ever-greater intelligence.

Why? Because it would lead to objectively better tools. You can be as idealistic, zealous and wishful as you can be, but that path through the mountains you must cross is nothing to one pilot in an aircraft.
Ah yes, the dogmatic response on full display. No capacity to visualize something different.

All that can be be removed, a brain, biological or otherwise will be engineered from scratch eventually. No reason for those to be universal, or even present at all. Furthermore, those creations need not inherit the traits of their makers.

And no, I don't condone killing off anything I consider inferior, intellectually or otherwise. I condone killing off potential threats and vectors for derailment.

Evil & backwardness tend to be products of the human imagination, therefore evil & backwardness can manifest in any human.
Are you running out of computations? My writing speaks for any accusation of dogmatic visualization. I could tunnel through the catacombs of your mind, but that's not the key component. The energy in the spine, the celestial source giving life/spark is far more interesting. You can take your comic book philosophy babble, with your super human cyborg fantasies, and write some radical fan fiction. If you want to have an intelligent discussion without unwarranted assumptions concerning particular dogmatic visualizations (I may or may not possess) or what it is I'm feeling behind this emotionless text, then proceed. I'm not going to stay & chat bout genocide or your narcissistic smatterings (that actual reveal certain psychological & intellectual characteristics).

That's enough amusement for one day... I'm glad the real technocrats know what they are doing.

We have worker specialization, cities, real time telephony and our respective political systems-our hives already-but they are laughably inefficient because of all the crap you and your ilk continuously peddle.

Oh man, Now I'm part of something larger and I have ilk

So, back to the interesting stuff, what gives the sun its energy? Why do planets have dualistic magnetic fields? How does a gas planet have a hexagonal north pole (Saturn). If the human body has a heart that pumps plasma to the beat of one alternating current, isn't it plausible that the entire universe is made of electric blood, so to speak, one vibrating micro & macrocosm?

Now, I want your opinion, not solely some regurgitated text I can read on my own time.
The answers and deductions to the above are freely available a few clicks away via the google search engine, thanks to cold, hard scientific inquiry and the technology that makes associated experimentation and data compilation possible.

Evil & backwardness tend to be products of the human imagination, therefore evil & backwardness can manifest in any human.

When you watch a slasher horror film, do you go out and mimick what you saw, axe a few people to death in the street afterwards? Maybe you'd try to imitate if you were 2 years old-that's when cults like to indoctrinate their victims.

Do you also take the bible literally (as it should be taken according to that scripture)? There is a difference between Japanese save the world RPG fantasy and achievable reality based on an idea. There is nothing fantastical about learning machine systems or robotics. The terms Evil and backwardness mean nothing on their own. Just more religious dogma. If Sharia on its own can lead us to the next industrial revolution, then I'll readily support it. But that is absurd to expect.

and your super cyborg fantasies

Wake up, 200 years ago you would have been laughed out of the room had you suggested chimps and humans had a common ancestor. 'God' forbid had you suggested human built cameras on the then unknown moon Titan would be taking snapshots. Funny how atheists and agnostics are over-represented among the teams that build on such ideas and who conduct these revolutionary feats. No...not funny, just logical. Eventually you will be forced to swallow your conservative pride and accept that things change in dramatic ways, at ever shorter intervals and that eventually, human minds won't be spearheading that change because the emergent technologies to build something more capable are already here. At that point all semblance of your Japanese light vs darkness RPG fantasy will be extinct.
The answers and deductions to the above are freely available a few clicks away via the google search engine, thanks to cold, hard scientific inquiry and the technology that makes associated experimentation and data compilation possible.
Thanks, I appreacite it when posters tell me something interesting & new.
Man with conceited knowledge, always conceiving the fabricated self. Before you ramble on about being conceited, do some market research & hit your target audience, check out the definition of conceited.

Anyway, Saturn's hexagonal north pole is a real mystery for particle physicists. You can take the conservation of angular momentum & follow it up with lab experiments, but the patterns suggest that gravitational fields swirl with thermalelectromagnetic charge, creating tiny fissions at particular rotational speeds to give the hexagon its shape. Saturn being a gas planet, suggests that the kinetic energy is self-contained, meaning that this can be used as evidence for the electron-plasma theory. The vibrations occurring on every planet (giving each planet its own unique tone) suggest that different waves or frequencies are present throughout the galaxy & can be harnessed if we discover their properties. Right now we have a very rudimentary explanation for the law of energy conservation & kinetic force.

What we need to do now: pinpoint the source that is forcing kinetic waves to continuously vibrate (the tiniest action & reaction). Around 2012 & 2013, scientists found that the plasma energy entering & leaving the sun's field of energy (corona) is 300 times hotter than the flares occurring inside & outside the sun's field. What kind of particles are penetrating the sun, giving the sun fuel, which undergoes a nuclear fission process, giving light & life to our galaxy? Like an electric capacitor, it will eventually burn out, but also like a capacitor, the sun is converting & & storing kinetic energy that comes from an external source, something in the electric universe-grid.

The universal lifeblood, or music, perpetuates the motion or dance.

When you watch a slasher horror film, do you go out and mimick what you saw, axe a few people to death in the street afterwards? Maybe you'd try to imitate if you were 2 years old-that's when cults like to indoctrinate their victims.

Do you also take the bible literally (as it should be taken according to that scripture)? There is a difference between Japanese save the world RPG fantasy and achievable reality based on an idea. There is nothing fantastical about learning machine systems or robotics. The terms Evil and backwardness mean nothing on their own. Just more religious dogma. If Sharia on its own can lead us to the next industrial revolution, then I'll readily support it. But that is absurd to expect.

Archetypes or symbols manifest from hemispheric communication between the right & left mind, the internalized idea of evil & backwardness can not be defined, because the externalized projection of each evil/backward archetype is entirely subjective based on a culture's experience or view (pattern) of the world around them.
Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you have trouble following simple logic? Evil & backwardness tend be subjective terms formatted by the human imagination. Something evil & backward will always exist. I don't care about your personal views & narcissus psychosis. You clearly have some growing to do in this world, brother.
I have a better solution, instead of lobotomy, how about the digital equivalent.
If you want a super cheap 120-250 inch tv, I'll forward you the details. Quality even under lit room conditions is close to led television. Never going back to tv screens, ever again.

You should send 120-250 inch tvs to every third world child. This will pickle their brain and disable their critical thinking skills. Thanks for taking this thread off-topic, I'm sure the spectators enjoyed your demonstration, showing the internet how the screen brain sees the world. You've bounced from gibberish ethnocentric smatterings, cliche science vs religion dialogue, finally suggesting that our world needs The Great Operation from Zamyatin's We. If you're not trolling, I suggest you see a therapist & cut the cretin cords for a bit. Also, your retinas must be damaged from the screen brain you lavishly nurture.

Dear PoFo, if you wish to know how a first-world brat sees the world, just read Igor's posts. Void of compassion for humanity, completely detached from the natural rhythms on this planet, and obtusely scientific. Way to go, Igor, you're a sadistic statistic.
Split hemisphere patients can lead normal, cognitively uninhibited lives.

You should send 120-250 inch tvs to every third world child

You mean cheap projector screens with an entry-level projector? Combined cost = one television? Sure. Hundreds could use it to view on-demand educational programming. I'm sure most don't even have televisions (which is good, free to air programming is mind numbing drivel).

If you're not trolling, I suggest you see a therapist & cut the cretin cords for a bit. Also, you're retinas must be damaged from the screen brain you lavishly nurture.

Awww, it agitates itself.

I'm not trolling, and if I went to see a therapist, it is the therapist that would receive a healthy dose of therapy, not me. I just have that effect on people.

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