NASA proves EM Drive works in a vacuum... - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Anything from household gadgets to the Large Hadron Collider (note: political science topics belong in the Environment & Science forum).

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I don't think he's aware of how crazy he sounds.

Pofo said, "The earth is flat."

RT said, "The earth is round."

Pofo: "You're crazy."

RT: "No."

Electricity is the key to energy and energy is the key to gravity, the world is a giant electromagnetic band of frequencies. How many sounds have to vibrate your ear holes before you feel instead of hear the truth. How many light formed symbols must pour through your lock-picked eye sockets before you feel instead of see the truth?

Wake up, people.

You can't stop with equations of gravity & general relativity, something is igniting gravity and the evolution of each organism. There's somekind of eternal spark recycling light inside our spine making our heart beat like the alternating current. The body has genetic plasma circulating endlessly, as does the universe! Planets act as batteries consuming plasma from celestial veins. The sun is converting the unseen source and churning out the synthesis of light therefore life.
I never claim to be Galileo, what kind of logic trap is this?

The earth being round had been supported by evidence below & above.
Gravity being the product of celestial electronic plasma can be supported by evidence below & above.

Empty space does not exist, it is an illusion of the eye & mind (something we verify with technological extensions of eye & mind, telescope, microscope XRAY vision, etc). Even on earth we are tunneling through unseen dust, like the air & water. Space is not empty, the god particle is the spark that gives light & life. Everything is vibrating thus continuously in motion & colliding all-at-once giving us our current sensual experience.

Look at how the invisible frequencies take human voices and break the time & space barrier to communicate a message within seconds around the world. We will unravel the frequencies of space. Exactly how we slip words over wireless frequencies here on earth, we will slip ships over the celestial frequencies, because everything is connected through electronic plasma meshing the universe together. Relativity is relevant when dealing with the human senses & physical being, but the universe exists all at once and we will bridge any gap between matter and light, thus traveling like a radio wave physically. We will ride the cosmic tapestry one day.

Gravity started with the apple falling on the head (allegedly ). Slip space travel started with the wireless transfer of words & images. We will figure out how to break time & space and move large items instantaneously around the universe (because things may not be destroyed or created, only manipulated & discovered). We must discover all the frequencies (chemical composition & interaction) before we can travel the stars. After all, each living organism is a star with a biological flash shell interacting with chemical compositions through the senses.

Wake up.

This is our reality

Humanity, or individual humans, can not possibly comprehend something that I can not. My current level of knowledge is the epitome of all knowledge. You must acknowledge this and live as I deem best. Human history clearly shows the majority is right and the crazy person never is. Oops, reverse that based upon actual reality.
Humanity, or individual humans, can not possibly comprehend something that I can not. My current level of knowledge is the epitome of all knowledge. You must acknowledge this and live as I deem best. Human history clearly shows the majority is right and the crazy person never is. Oops, reverse that based upon actual reality.

Come on, admit it One Degree: you're this guy, aren't you?

Maybe, but don't under estimate my ignorance. I have no idea who that guy is.

Heresy! Do you not recognise your Lord and Saviour, the divine Emperor of Mankind?

The Inquisition must purge your soul of the taint of Corruption....
I would recognize a photo of 'Q', but I refuse to read the blasphemy of fantasy that pretends to be science fiction.
One Degree wrote:Humanity, or individual humans, can not possibly comprehend something that I can not. My current level of knowledge is the epitome of all knowledge. You must acknowledge this and live as I deem best. Human history clearly shows the majority is right and the crazy person never is. Oops, reverse that based upon actual reality.
I have my third-fourth-fifth eye on you

Although I give you one thumb up for the bold print, literally.

I wish to know who plays the music we all dance to.
I also want Lexington to know that this
Look at how the invisible frequencies take human voices and break the time & space barrier to communicate a message within seconds around the world. We will unravel the frequencies of space. Exactly how we slip words over wireless frequencies here on earth, we will slip ships over the celestial frequencies, because everything is connected through electronic plasma meshing the universe together. Relativity is relevant when dealing with the human senses & physical being, but the universe exists all at once and we will bridge any gap between matter and light, thus traveling like a radio wave physically. We will ride the cosmic tapestry one day.

Is more valuable than his 2699 posts since 2009. That is why he responds with
I don't think he's aware of how crazy he sounds.
Reality said: Most people who think they're Galileo are crazy.

Unwarranted red herring assumption.
or or
Fuck it
If we acquire interstellar capability this early on, and if it proves to be this easy, it will be hilarious. A bunch of highly segmented, superstitious, hairy, idiotic brutes prancing around the galaxy complicating matters even further for everyone involved. We are bound to piss off some alien species that will eat us for breakfast.

Can't wait.
If we acquire interstellar capability this early on, and if it proves to be this easy, it will be hilarious.

Maybe there really is a God that loves us. It would be obvious to him that we will need to destroy more than one planet before we become civilized.
This is amazing, we are on the cusp of becoming a space faring species. Try as they might they can't falsify the readings. Our quantum physics are grossly incomplete; this is experimental proof. However I am concerned that harnessing something we don't really understand could lead to problems down the track. As long as it gets us off this rock.
The possibilities of this technology are almost limitless. We might be able to get through the Dartford tunnel in under two hours.
Yeah, I hope all the assholes and Muslims hop on the next starship and let us reforest and detoxify our home, so that we then can enjoy it.
Frollein wrote:Yeah, I hope all the assholes and Muslims hop on the next starship and let us reforest and detoxify our home.

I think we should let a few Europeans and North Americans stay, as long as they are willing to integrate into indigenous cultures.
I have a better idea: hop on board and create a multiculti heaven some hundred lightyears from here. Have you already bought your ticket?
Frollein wrote:I have a better idea: hop on board and create a multiculti heaven some hundred lightyears from here. Have you already bought your ticket?

I think our original idea is better (minus the Muslims thing) because this way we get rid of the people causing the problems.

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