Do numbers exist? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Decky
That makes sense. Mexico/ Scotland it's all foreign after all.
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By Rainbow Crow
They don't really exist unless maybe if we can find a base number system that doesn't fall apart at any point, which seems unlikely. Or if some unforeseen form of mathematical breakthrough were to occur, which would be cool.
Numbers: A very useful abstract concept.
Mathematics: A few axioms about and logic applied to numbers.

Amazing result: Applicable everywhere.
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By Smertios
This thread exemplifies pretty well why I hate philosophy.
By lucky
Zagadka wrote:Well, is saying "4572842" exists any more sensible than saying "jdshbal" exists?

The meaning of the word "exists" depends on the context.

Numbers are a mathematical concept. The statement "there exists an n such that n = 4572842" is true in the context of mathematics (more precisely, in the context of Peano axioms, or ZFC axioms of set theory). There is an easy proof. The statement "there exists an n such that n = jdshbal" doesn't parse in that context.
Zagadka wrote:Well, is saying "4572842" exists any more sensible than saying "jdshbal" exists?

If you pose the question like this, I'd say numbers do not exist. They are a concept which is extremely useful to describe things that exist, though. Maybe you could say, they are a kind of perspective.
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By name_xox
The answer to your question “Do Numbers Exist?

The answer would be YES is like saying “Do Words Exist?”

Being philosophical I remember saying to someone who seemed good at maths (quite some time ago).
Is there a branch of Maths that can show that the number 1 , Does Not Exist?
He mentioned Pure Mathematics. I also saw a TV programme I think called Philosophical Mathematics using Equations which might be able to answer the question?.

In Philosophy you can say there's always going to be a number after one or -1 < 1 > 1+ .
I know as Kaiserschmarrn states “They are a concept which is extremely useful to describe things that exist”
Example: if you break a stick in half what would you see? Two or philosophically 2 = -1 <2> 1+ or -1 <0> 1+
By Rugoz
Zagadka wrote:Well, is saying "4572842" exists any more sensible than saying "jdshbal" exists?

4572842 is


Every intelligent life form in the whole goddamn universe knows that is a number and how big it is, even when it has never seen zeros or ones.
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By name_xox
Re read your post again and saw right at the bottom.

"But I don't think that "1" exists.
"1" is specifically 1 of something.
You don't have to necessarily mention or define that something,
but 1 unit divided by 2 units is half of 1 unit."


("But I don't think that "1" exists"
Would of been a better title since I think a lot of philosophers had the same thought, I did).


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our Reality can represent 1 = 3

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Dimensional Co-ordinates

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------^
In Maths X,Y,Z
Describing Space and its Objects in our Universe like atoms, Sun, Planets and All Life Forms on Earth what some people (like programmers) call
3D objects or Just 3D, like 3D humans and 3D animals etc.
As Kaiserschmarrn states above "numbers are a concept which is extremely useful to describe things that exist", like describing 3D objects as 1

Also Our Reality can represent 1 = 4
4 Dimensional Co-ordinates of describing Space and its Objects in the Universe




Have to point out when you state: "but 1 unit divided by 2 units is half (0.5) of 1 unit."

You forgot the other half (0.5)
Added would be............................"but 1 unit divided by 2 units is half (0.5) + half (0.5) of 1 unit." = "1" unit exists.

Last edited by name_xox on 08 Mar 2015 18:43, edited 33 times in total.
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By Ummon
It is an open question as to whether or not the universe is quantized. Numbers are necessary for systems that can't process infinities and it is only there that they have meaning. Science doesn't answer everything, because it doesn't deal well with values questions regarding ethics/morality and it can only approximate answers about complex systems/processes (and unless we find a way to overcome uncertainty it will always be limited in scope in these areas).
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By name_xox
In Maths W,X,Y,Z (Or numbers)

Reality can represent 1 = 4

4 Dimensional Co-ordinates.


Reality can represent 0 = 4
(zero being a number or symbol)

4 Dimensional Co-ordinates.


Most 3D programmers or 3D computer Artist will use the 4 Dimensional Co-ordinate of W, X, Y, Z lines or points
or 3 Dimensional Co-ordinate of X, Y, Z lines or points. Circle and Square to Create.
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