Another Am I a Conservative or Libertarian Thread. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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mikema63 wrote:So instead of allowing gays to marry and adopt orphans are allowed to languish without homes so that children won't have to be raised by the government...makes sense.

Yes exactly. God forbid a gay couple raises the child to be gay, because that's how that works.
mikema63 wrote:So instead of allowing gays to marry and adopt orphans are allowed to languish without homes so that children won't have to be raised by the government...makes sense.

Gays have been allowed to adopt for the last couple of decades. As far as i know the number of children in care hasn't declined as a result. For the record, i think gay adoption would be better than having kids languish in care homes. However, the clamour for gay marriage is symptomatic of society forgetting the purpose of Marriage. The other main symptom being the destruction of the nuclear family; which leads to so many children ending up in care in the first place.
Marriage has always been about promoting the best possible upbriginging of children.

Wrong. Not true historically. Not true theologically. Not true legally. Try to find a verse in the Bible that supports this.

I defy anyone to tell me that single parent "families" produce equal or better results.

Does the data show that two parent households are better. Sure they are. All the more reason to get kids who have no family into them. But then you must also admit that all results are individual. Barak Obama, Bill Clinton and Alexander Hamilton seem to have done fine.

Today even single parents in poverty are succeeding at a considerable rate despite every effort of so-called conservatives to take away every bit of help they have.

The question we ought to be asking ourselves is this: How much more successful could the children of single parents be if they had programs like Headstart,, medical care, parents who were paid a livable wage, and just a little respect from the assholes who call them welfare queens and carp about their statistical disadvantages.

Now I see this:

Old hat said: Gays have been allowed to adopt for the last couple of decades. As far as i know the number of children in care hasn't declined as a result.

That is preposterous. It is an idiotic statement. Please think about it rather than make me explain it to you.

For the record, i think gay adoption would be better than having kids languish in care homes.

As long as those gays aren't married? Is that what you are saying? Didn't you just post something about single parent households.......oh never mind.

However, the clamour for gay marriage is symptomatic of society forgetting the purpose of Marriage.

Just the opposite. It is society remembering the purpose of marriage. I married my wife when I was 55. She was much younger. We had no intention of having children. I just attended the marriage of two 71 year olds the other day. Remind me again why I got married.

The other main symptom being the destruction of the nuclear family; which leads to so many children ending up in care in the first place.

And this was going on LONG before same-sex marriage was even a blip on anyone's radar.

Do let me correct you about something though. There is no such legal entity as "gay marriage". There is such a thing as same-sex marriage. There is no requirement that one be gay to marry another man nor lesbian to marry another woman.
Wrong. Not true historically. Not true theologically. Not true legally. Try to find a verse in the Bible that supports this.

Is is true historically. The bible has no relevance here.

Does the data show that two parent households are better. Sure they are. All the more reason to get kids who have no family into them. But then you must also admit that all results are individual. Barak Obama, Bill Clinton and Alexander Hamilton seem to have done fine.
I said there were exceptions and and all you've done is list three exceptions.

That is preposterous. It is an idiotic statement. Please think about it rather than make me explain it to you.

Mike implied that gay adoption results in fewer children in care. All i did was refute the link between numbers in care and gay adoption.

As long as those gays aren't married? Is that what you are saying? Didn't you just post something about single parent households.......oh never mind.
Civil unions are not a problem.

Just the opposite. It is society remembering the purpose of marriage. I married my wife when I was 55. She was much younger. We had no intention of having children. I just attended the marriage of two 71 year olds the other day. Remind me again why I got married.

Same reason Hugh Hefner gets married. Not the proper function of marriage.

And this was going on LONG before same-sex marriage was even a blip on anyone's radar.
Agreed, this was caused by degenerte liberal baby boomers. Gay marriage, as i said, is a symptom of the real problem.

Do let me correct you about something though. There is no such legal entity as "gay marriage". There is such a thing as same-sex marriage. There is no requirement that one be gay to marry another man nor lesbian to marry another woman.
Is that suppose to make it better? I see a couple of straight blokes in New Zealand got married so they could win a competition to the Rugby World Cup. You will no doubt celebrate this as the true meaning of marriage. You and your ilk seem determined to render marriage completely devoid of meaning.
Mike implied that gay adoption results in fewer children in care. All i did was refute the link between numbers in care and gay adoption.

Let me guess. You didn't take a statistics class. How do I know?

Same reason Hugh Hefner gets married. Not the proper function of marriage.

Honestly. Do we have to put up with another troll? This is just getting out of hand.

-Abortion: Abortions should illegal except for in the case of rape or the life of the mother being at risk. Sex education should be funded better and the adoption system should be rigorously reformed.

-Homosexuality: I do not believe in same sex marriages and I think they should be illegal. That being said, I also believe that states should be allowed to individually decide on their own marriage laws.

-Drugs: Drugs should not be legalized but I do believe that more money should be put into rehabilitation.

- Death Penalty: I support the death penalty for all instances of where someone murdered someone else, raped someone, committed treason or committed any crime against children.

-Immigration: Immigration reform is of high importance. Immigration has always infused the United States with new ideas in many ways. Once immigration laws are properly put in place all illegal immigrants should be immediately detained and sent back outside of the United States. Border patrol should be intensified as well.

-Euthanasia and attempted suicide: I am for neither of these things. Both are abhorrent.

-Economy: Free market capitalism.

-Welfare: Drug testing for welfare recipients should be mandatory. Welfare recipients must provide documentation for every penny they spend with their money. Abusers should be fined heavily.

-Inalienable Rights: I believe all people have the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, right to assembly and the right to bare arms.

-Foreign Policy: American interests are of high importance even globally. The war on terrorism is real and we should continue the George W. Bush Doctrine because it worked so well against keeping terrorism off of our soil.

Education: Early child care is of high importance and should be made to be more affordable.
Abortion: Abortions should illegal except for in the case of rape or the life of the mother being at risk. Sex education should be funded better and the adoption system should be rigorously reformed.

Why? You used a typical republican buzz word. Reformed. How should they be changed?

-Homosexuality: I do not believe in same sex marriages and I think they should be illegal. That being said, I also believe that states should be allowed to individually decide on their own marriage laws.

So you would also repeal the Equal Protection Act. For it is based upon this that the vast majority of courts have overturned same-sex marriage bans.

-Drugs: Drugs should not be legalized but I do believe that more money should be put into rehabilitation.

What drugs? Pot? You want more money put into rehabilitation? Typical big-spending neo-con. How much money? Paid by who? At what level?

- Death Penalty: I support the death penalty for all instances of where someone murdered someone else, raped someone, committed treason or committed any crime against children.

"Any crime against children"

-Immigration: Immigration reform is of high importance. Immigration has always infused the United States with new ideas in many ways. Once immigration laws are properly put in place all illegal immigrants should be immediately detained and sent back outside of the United States. Border patrol should be intensified as well.

Yea. Yea. Yea. Your corporate masters will never let this happen. Open your eyes. Illegal workers are the backbone of the service industries. Eliminate them and you will see labor and food prices skyrocket. Look. Deportations under Obama are way up from Bush. Reagan gave us amnesty. Don't make your corporate masters mad and move on. As a republican all you are allowed to want is the status quo.

-Euthanasia and attempted suicide: I am for neither of these things. Both are abhorrent.


-Economy: Free market capitalism.

Again. Your corporate masters do not want this. Your opinion, if you are a republican, is moot.

-Welfare: Drug testing for welfare recipients should be mandatory. Welfare recipients must provide documentation for every penny they spend with their money. Abusers should be fined heavily.

Pole vaulting over mouse turds. First if all, there should be no federal welfare. It should be state administrated and the taxes raised at the local level. All federal welfare money, including Medicaid and food stamps should be eliminated. Local politicians should deal with their own poor.

-Inalienable Rights: I believe all people have the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, right to assembly and the right to bare arms.

Except gay people who want to be married.

-Foreign Policy: American interests are of high importance even globally. The war on terrorism is real and we should continue the George W. Bush Doctrine because it worked so well against keeping terrorism off of our soil.

We should reacquire Iraq and destroy ISIL.

Education: Early child care is of high importance and should be made to be more affordable.

A laughable suggestion from a member of the party that has been cutting funding for this very thing for a decade.
-Drugs: Drugs should not be legalized but I do believe that more money should be put into rehabilitation.

By keeping them illegal you will keep prison populations bloated with drug offenders, some of who, are only guilty of being an addict. This issue to me is black or white. You treat addicts like criminals, or you treat them like patients. Note that I am not talking about any additional crime.

All illegal immigrants should be immediately detained and sent back outside of the United States.

Good luck with that endeavor.

-Economy: Free market capitalism.

Regulated or unregulated? Do you support any publicly or government owned industry? What about subsidization?

-Welfare: Drug testing for welfare recipients should be mandatory. Welfare recipients must provide documentation for every penny they spend with their money. Abusers should be fined heavily.

They tried it in Florida:
"In Florida, during the four months the state tested for drug use, only 2.6% of applicants tested positive. Meanwhile, Florida has an illegal drug use rate of 8%, meaning far fewer people on services are using drugs than their better-off counterparts. The drug testing cost taxpayers more money than it saved, and was ruled unconstitutional last year." ... g-testing/

I'm not saying you hate the poor or distrust them, but it sure as hell seems that way.

-Inalienable Rights: I believe all people have the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, right to assembly and the right to bare arms.

We have common ground, although I think Gays and even Polygamists are entitled to marriage rights. It'd be cool if you elaborated on this and define your boundaries of freedom.

-Foreign Policy: American interests are of high importance even globally. The war on terrorism is real and we should continue the George W. Bush Doctrine because it worked so well against keeping terrorism off of our soil.

It's also worked well to curtail civil liberties, and create power vacuums in the middle east which were filled by ISIS.

Education: Early child care is of high importance and should be made to be more affordable.

That is somewhat contradictory to your "Free Market" stance. Granted I don't know what you mean by free market, but you'd be either regulating the price of private child care, or you'd be supplementing income to make it affordable.

You seem like a center-right fellow. Although some of your stances are slightly left leaning. In comparison to the rest of the forum, we'd be lumped together as "Liberals" in the scholarly sense of the word, not in the American sense.

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