Demo at the Israeli embassy. London. 5th July. 2014 - Politics | PoFo

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These are American supremacist racist bigots. End the illegal American occupation of Texas, is the true radical slogan then Southern Texas can be offered as a state to either the Israelis or the Palestinians. The bigotry and chauvinism of the left is quite unbelievable. That people in America or countries allied with America should campaign against Israel while American forces sit in fascist Bahrain beggars belief.
Ah you think Aprtheid ended because a bunch of Extremist loons shouted outside the embassy? Nothing to do with the untenability of a country where 4 out of 5 people had no vote and demanded it. Nothing like Israel at all where Arab residents DO have the Vote and DO get to elect their own MPs

Since ultimately people like you demand an end to the entire exitance of Israel then israeis are hard;y ever going to agree. A two nation solution is a possibility but, of course, you would be against that. You think that somehow the Israelis will just abolish their own perfectly viable state and just leave because some ranting muslims and workshy leftists say so.
Great Smell of Brut wrote:A two state solution is the only answer.

This must be better than what we have at the moment. US has come around to this idea, better late than never. It was just a matter of time before S.A. apartheid collapsed and same goes for Israeli apartheid.
Great Smell of Brut wrote:how so?

I was an anti apartheid supporter since the 60s and things move slowly. The way things are developing I can see progress inregards Israel/Palestine and let's keep up the pressure. I think it is every person's responsibility to support the Palistinians.
Great Smell of Brut wrote:So ant ii South agrica and anti Israel but not anti Malaysia anti North Korea anti Maosist China or Pol Pots Kampuchea. Anti Saddam or Mobutu sese seko.

Seems to be a pattern here.

Why should I help the PAlestinians?

Don't worry brother, I am upset over ALL the suffering of humans and animals. Apartheid was a cause celebre and a focal point for caring people..and the same goes for Israel/Palistine. Negotiations and pressure do work..
QI support you over animals 100% but I see just rank hypocrisy over Israel There are people vastly more oppressed tha the PAlestimias who I think are a pretty unpleasant homophobic, backward society .

Why haven't you been bothered about the Millions murdered in Africa or the displacement of the Tibettans? The Christians murdered by muslms? Veganism isn; exactly a big thig amongst Palestinians is it whilst Israel has a thriving vegan movement and is currently a mak0r player in Animal rights -the 269 Movement of Sacha Bojoor is from israel
In MY threads we have discussed suffering in many countries these include...
El Salvador
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Emirates
South Yemen
Equatorial Guinea
Great Smell of Brut wrote:So which of these countries do you go on demonstrations against?

Most of them.
My last march was a few days before the kick-off of the Iraq war. Over a million marched in London.
I presume you are a Zionist? What sort of Zionist?
Why is Israeli treatment of Palestinians worse than the Bahraini regimes treatment of Bahraini's or the Saudi's treatment of Eastern Province? Its America or rather its current foreign policy we should be focusing on not Israel. That means Britain demanding an immediate withdrawal from NATO as well as ending all cooperation with American sanctions against Russia and Iran.
Last edited by Rich on 08 Jul 2014 16:02, edited 1 time in total.

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