BNP Youth - Fight Back - Politics | PoFo

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Not a single Asian person should consider them worth supporting, as the BNP Youth are absolutely as disgusting as they look. Also, the BNP is funded from the Kremlin to destabilise the European Parliament, I'm not sure if anyone is aware of that, but that kind of thing is bad for Asia by proxy.

Furthermore, the BNP is [1]mentally retarded, and [2]Eurosceptic. But those two things are synonyms, so I don't even know why I bother mentioning them separately.
Clearly, the BNP is overshadowed by the rise of Ukip, which is seem as a better alternative to traditional racist parties in the UK, and most voters' concerns have moved on to EU immigration since 2004 but the BNP does not address the problem at all. Just like Japan's far-right groups called "uyoku dantai" which are mostly made up of Korean Japanese members (30-70%) who do not legitimately represent the country, Nick Griffin's Traveller roots may have contributed to his party's demise. It was reported in 2009 that his great-grandfather George Griffin roamed from town to town in a horse-drawn caravan with his wife Esther and their children, selling china and crockery, and Traveller communities were marginalised on the edge of society and seen as outsiders.

Ever wondered where the BNP went wrong? In the 2010 general election, it won 1.9 of the vote, the party's best result since it was founded in the early 1980s. Four years later, support for the far-Right party has collapsed. It will almost certainly lose its representation in the European Parliament; its leader has been declared bankrupt; and it has resorted to ever more oddball tactics, as this video of Nick Griffin making like Jamie Oliver demonstrates. Earlier this week, BNP Youth released a campaign video entitled Fight Back (above). It is in equal part worrying and comical. Beginning with music that evokes a Death Star fascist aesthetic, it is presented by a handful of (white) teenagers, all of whom look awkward, pimply, nerdy and gauche – the sort of kids who would be stalwart members of the Dungeons and Dragons society if they hadn't been quite so politically aware. And the message they promote, which targets "militant homosexuals", "cultural marxists", bankers, "heartless Zionists", the media, UK immigration policy and (bizarrely) Doreen Lawrence, comes across as little more than unreconstructed fascism. The fall of the BNP is incongruous in comparison to other European states. As I reported earlier this week, a whole host of countries – France, Holland, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia – are experiencing a surge in support for the far-Right. But what sets many of these parties aside from the BNP is the extent to which they have sanitised both their policies and their images to make them more palatable to the modern voter. Under the leadership of Marine le Pen, France's Front National, for instance, has been cleansed of anti-Semitism and extremism, and been given a new focus: anti-elitism, Euroscepticism and protectionism. The polls speak for themselves: in the 22 May elections, the FN is expected to win about 18 seats, a sixfold increase on 2009. By comparison, the BNP remains entrenched in the old model of far-Right politics. It has failed to move with the times, and some – including the former Tory MP Neil Hamilton – have suggested that former BNP voters have moved to Ukip, which is seen as presenting a "decent" and "non-racist" alternative. It would be naive to declare that British fascism is dead. But it is certainly on its knees.
Nick Griffin's Traveller roots may have contributed to his party's demise. It was reported in 2009 that his great-grandfather George Griffin roamed from town to town in a horse-drawn caravan with his wife Esther and their children, selling china and crockery, and Traveller communities were marginalised on the edge of society and seen as outsiders.

I've always thought there was something suspiciously Pikey about Nick Griffin....

jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:@Rei I'm sure if it were the JNP you'd be all over it. Wait I forgot you're a liberal now.

I'll have to quote myself, since you will not stop unless I notify you of the present situation:
Rei Murasame, Sat 17 May 2014, 2217GMT (emphasis added) wrote:My Third Position outlook is about Asia, and not about Europeans. And if you don't know where to look for combinations of ethnoregionalism and socialism in Asia, then I don't know what to tell you.

To be frank, I'm tired of white people telling me what I should or should not want to see happen in Asia. None of you care what happens there anyway. And the only reason it 'seems to have no connection', is because I no longer bother trying to get European posters to accept my view of the world.

I realised during the time when I kept trying to explain why the socialist revolution in Nepal was a good thing for the Nepalese people, and 100% of white people on PoFo were bored by it, that there is no point to me constantly trying to put that side of my viewpoint out there when no one wants to hear it. So instead I [now] give you the other side, which is how can you help Asian states to lay down the groundwork for development while making money.

I don't have to be constantly harping that "this is about ethnicity and about socialism and you should care about these". In this environment (PoFo), the number of posters who absolutely need to be notified of the fact that everything I say is about the development of productive forces so that socialism can emerge in Asia in the long term, is one person --- I am the only poster who needs to be notified of that, and I have notified myself of it.

You didn't need to be notified, but I'm now notifying you so that you'll shut up about it, and I will not have to talk about this again.

Help yourselves to help the Asian peoples. European liberals - that means you, Jessup - can help by ploughing massive amounts of foreign direct investment into projects which develop areas of Asia which hitherto have been in disuse, while supporting certain regional security arrangements which are in the interest of various Asian states.

Stop complaining about it, you should be happy to have me supporting liberals.
BNP Youth - Fight Back

Well, it doesn't look promising but it's still better to see that than kids drinking beers on a bench talking about the latest reality show.

At least they have some political consciousness (even if i'd happily slap some of them in the face).
Their membership is at a record low. From defections to form new far right groups to just leaving the BNP. Another Titanic hit an iceberg.......oh dear

Neither the past nor tomorrow belongs to fascism. Even the Left isn't their best enemy, they are their own :P
What do they mean by "death of British culture"?
Because I turn on the TV or radio and all I can see is British culture, and I'm thousands of miles away from the UK.

BTW, to understand their sad frame of mind is quite easy.
Why do they hate poor immigrants? Because they steal their menial jobs.
Why do they hate rich people? Because they blame the rich for their menial jobs.
Love the matching black gloves. Fascist chic ftw!
They seem fit and intelligent to me for what are essentially kids. If the new generation means the BNP is finally evolving into a proper movement, then good on them.

Soulflytribe wrote:Why do they hate poor immigrants? Because they steal their menial jobs.

You really hold the working class in contempt, don't you?

The true face of liberal comprador attitudes right there. Would you be pleased if a group of people was brought in to usurp your job? I suppose you'd be fine with it, right? As long as the company which pays your salary could in turn pay them dirt and cut their cost, boosting their profit margin. Because a company's profits would be at the top of your concerns if you could no longer pay your bills, heat your home, and feed your family.

Your attitude and politics are the reason your country is putting on a disgusting lavish display in an act of fawning over FIFA and foreigners at a time when your urban youth grow up in drug-infested shantytowns and can't even reach an adequate daily calorie count or receive a proper education.

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