Home remedies that really work... - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I just took a swig of vinegar after eating bread rolls which often make my stomach acid flare up...

I used to carry around bottles of Tums and Rolaids for my acidic stomach until I began drinking vinegar...I just take a shot of vinegar (red or white) and instead of needing another tablet in a few hours I rarely need another shot for days or even weeks on end...

It goes down hard but for me it really works and fast too...

Anybody else have any personel experience (not second hand info) of home remedies that work for them?
We have some Alovera plants that work for burns.

There are a few plants you can grow that you can make a bitter tea out of that contains the active ingredient in aspirin.
When sick I take large doses of vitamin C and sleep with socks to hasten recovery.

Nattering Nabob wrote:I just take a shot of vinegar (red or white) and instead of needing another tablet in a few hours I rarely need another shot for days or even weeks on end...

Have you tried apple cider vinegar?
The Clockwork Rat wrote:I always maintain a stock of lemon and ginger tea and some honey for when I get a cold. It's cheaper and nicer than any drugs.

I think about the only thing I could drink for a couple of months of serious morning sickness was ginger tea w/ lemon. That stuff saved me.
I'll have to find out what my wife put on my cut to make it stop bleeding. it was quite a bad cut but it stopped bleeding in seconds.
Aloe Vera. Wife got splashed with some hot water on legs yesterday and instantly went outside and put some on where she got mildly burned. No problems!
Here's one for you.

When you contract the flu and get the chills, as we all know it is because you are getting a fever. Medical "wisdom" has said to bring down the fever with aspirin, etc.

Many years ago after many coworkers were coming down with the flu and calling in sick, I also began to experience the same symptoms they had experienced. I reasoned that the body is producing a fever for a reason and that it would make sense to work with it. Feel cold? Get warm. Don't stop the fever. Go with it instead.

I went home and immediately took advantage of a sauna that the apartment complex I lived in offered. I just sat and baked. It felt great.

About an hour later I began to sweat and began to feel hot. I wanted to cool down. So I left the sauna and went back to my apartment. And that was the end of the flu. The next day I felt great and went back to work.

I subsequently researched viruses and fevers and found that a person over about 14 years of age can withstand a fever of up to 106 degrees without harm. I also found that most all viruses cannot survive at temperatures above 103 degrees. So the fever is the body's way of killing the virus! And doctors have traditionally been prolonging the illness associated with a fever by stopping the fever.
Davea8 wrote:I should have been clearer...

"When you contract the flu and get the chills, as we all know WE'RE DEALING WITH A VIRUS because we are getting a fever."

Interesting. I am very rarely ill but will give it a try.The over use of antibiotics is counterproductive.
I've long done something kinda similar, as in push the fever to the brink to get past it quick. When I feel something coming on, I take a shot of Nyquil and a Tylenol PM. Then I load up my bed with quilts and go take a super hot bath. Keep the water lever low just in case(you don't wanna do a Whitney Housten and not come out of it). When I get out of the bath, I take a double shot of Nyquil and crawl under the quilts and just pass out and sweat that shit outta me.

I have never been taken down by the flu unless my employer has insisted my presence was necessary at work for one day. When I've been forced to bypass it, I've wound up costing my company at least 3-5 days because I wasn't given the one day I needed to get rid of the shit.
I would just like to put up the safety warning not to go this if you live alone.

I don't know that it doesn't work, but if your fever does spike dangerously at some point and your helping it, having someone else around would be prudent.
The Clockwork Rat wrote:I always maintain a stock of lemon and ginger tea

"Maintain a stock"? That depends on how long ginger root lasts.
Ginger tea's the easiest to make. Take fresh ginger root, slice, boil, et voila..."ginger tea".
I don't bother with lemon but I do lace it with honey.

anarchist23 wrote:Interesting. I am very rarely ill but will give it a try.The over use of antibiotics is counterproductive.

If it's a viral disease you're not supposed to use antibiotics. ABs are for fighting bacteria.
My husband works in a hermetically sealed office, where he and his co-workers pass germs back and forth all winter. I used to urge him to use zinc lozengers if he felt a slight tickle in his throat. For several years he resisted, and suffer for 1 to 6 weeks.

Finally, he noted that I could prevent a cold with using zinc, but if I did catch it, it would last maybe 3 days, maybe 4 days as opposed to weeks & weeks. To prevent a cold when you note the tickle, 3 lozenges a day. If you catch it, up the number to 4 or 5.
Studies on zinc for colds are very mixed, but if their really cheap you can take a chance on them since they aren't going to hurt you.

If it's a viral disease you're not supposed to use antibiotics. ABs are for fighting bacteria.

Indeed, but I would put it more bluntly, your not only not supposed to but its absolutely terrible to take antibiotics when you don't have a bacterial infection. You put your entire community at risk.

Antibiotic soaps should also be regulated to remain only where its actually necessary to kill everything on your hands.

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