Technocracy strawman - Politics | PoFo

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By Socrates91
I submited today at the forum and i start to read some topics, specially the section of technocracy. I found a lot of posts (not all) here that are missleading falling in strawman arguments, not with bad intention for sure, but for sure makes an incorrect kind of communication that may affect the quality of the forum and posts.

I think we tend to asociate technocracy with the zeitgeist movment, the venus project or other similars, that for sure have somthing to do with technocracy but in fact those are diferent systems of political organization of a technocratic model, like lassezs faire or corporativism are to capitalism, or social democracy is to democracy.

For example in the european union had arrived some kind of technocracy aspiration by puting technocracts (psedo-technocrats in my opinion) in power without being elected by the people to solve diferent problems. Also lot of people in the branch of diferent social sciences call themselves some times technocrats, for example i remember reding long time ago something by Paul Krugman (nobel economist) in the NY times, that referes to himself as a technocrat.

I personally thing that technocracy is an interesting alternative to explore for those, like myself, think that actual political models have a lot of deficiencies.

So to conclude, the problem i found very often is that people makes comments about entire political or economic models, with the intention to judge only one branch or a few branches of a model, forgeting that the model may contain other branches and parts that are very antagonic with the one that the subject is trying to refere.

Hope that the article was usefull for future post and comments, and if im wrong about something, please let me know to correct!.

PD: I apologise for my english, not my strong lenguange. Have a nice day to all.
"The name `Technocrat' may be applied to anyone who actively endorses and advocates Technocracy as a form of social control in his Area. So far as we know, there are no Technocrats on the North American Continent outside of the Organization of Technocracy Inc. There may be, and probably are, many potential Technocrats; but, like potential energy, they are dormant and without kinetic force. In fact, there is no vehicle of expression for Technocrats or would-be-Technocrats outside of the Organization of Technocracy Inc.

Technocracy has become firmly established on the North American Continent as a definite and specific form of social operation; and the name `Technocrat' applies only to one who actively supports that form of Area Control. So, when anyone attempts to apply those words to anything or anyone else, or to make inaccurate associations, you can put him down as a propagandist for, or a dupe of, some agency whose objectives for the people of North America are the antithesis of those proclaimed by Technocracy."

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