Is laziness a part of human nature? - Politics | PoFo

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I'm asking this question because I am apparently too lazy to succeed in life, or at least that's how it has seemed recently. I get worn down very easily by work, and I always want to relax and sleep. I feel like I'll never really be happy because I really don't like to work, but I don't have the luxury of not working. So I have to get my shit figured out, and fast. So that's me.

What about the rest of you? Are you naturally lazy and how do you handle the stresses of work and everything else in life? Is there anyone here who likes to work and who prefers to work rather than sit around and be lazy? I think most people would prefer to be lazy, but I think there's a small few number of people who actually prefer the reverse. I wish I was one of those people.
There are different types of laziness as far as I can see. One can come from bad health. Other as I can see comes from doing something that your heart just hates. Another comes, from a calling to do something drastic with your life, (this has to be done at least once in ones life, travel on adventure, test one self, etc, this is important for men). But these are just guesses in the end, from my own experience.

You are not lazy, there are reasons for your lack of energy. Good time to reflect and see where it is coming from. Go to church this Easter Sunday, and ask god in prayer to grant you understanding and renew your spirit like the spring renews the summer. He will grant you it, he never refuses.
I think laziness is culturally conditioned according to what the culture demands of us. It's true that without incentives, people probably wouldn't get themselves up at 7 in the morning, sit through morning traffic, and go file insurance forms all day. Mostly because it's meaningless work, and people aren't inclined to do meaningless work unless you offer them some incentive to do so. People do, however, strive to be creative and to improve themselves. Why do people bother learning a musical instrument? Or creating works of art? Or climb a mountain? Or plant flower beds in their yard? These sorts of things fulfill something within us that cannot be reduced to economic incentives. The difference between "work" and "play" is that work tends to be forced, while play is spontaneous.
No. It's not. It merely means you haven't found anything, or anyone, to motivate, or inspire you.
When I was unemployed, it was unbearable. Then when I started work, I was happy. But sometimes when I start to run out of things to do in the office, it would become unbearable again and I end up constantly checking what time it is. I need to be kept busy.

It's good having a rest every now and then though.
A great many people find it quite the opposite. They don't know how to relax without being constantly entertained, or getting bored.
Godstud wrote:A great many people find it quite the opposite. They don't know how to relax without being constantly entertained, or getting bored.

This is very true and I can't stand it at all. Sometimes when I talk to my friends, they still have their earphones plugged in, and in the middle of conversation they pull out their phone and start playing a game. Unbelievable and incredibly rude. It's why I ban personal electronic devices when I host parties.
Sometimes when I talk to my friends, they still have their earphones plugged in, and in the middle of conversation they pull out their phone and start playing a game. Unbelievable and incredibly rude. It's why I ban personal electronic devices when I host parties.
I don't invite people like that. I despise that lack of socialization, too.
I take that back. I'm not lazy. I have my ups and downs. School has been so goddamn hard lately. It wears me down really easily. It's just very tiring. I like to think I'm pretty normal for the most part, I'm not a failure. I'm not perfect but I'm no failure. It's just been a very disappointing last few days. I'm really down and when I'm down I analyze things and ask questions like this, and everything seems like it's negative, my mind makes things negative and I don't even realize it. I know I'm not lazy. It's just really hard to succeed in this world.
Plaro, I'm simply unable to bring myself to pray to something for which there is a lack of evidence. How can I make a prayer to the God of Jesus Christ, thinking that there's a reason that he'l save me? How is Christ any different from the existence of other religious Gods? I've seen the reasons to think that the Jesus' story and the way in which it was passed on was based upon other ancient religions and has been mistranslated to mean he conducted miracles. Also, any reasonable person would be skeptical of the resurrection. If you were not there to see it, why should you believe it? How can you take other people's word for it?

I used to make desperate prayers to Jesus in my darkest hours, hoping that something would come from it. Nothing ever did. I have not a single shred of evidence in my entire life for God or any type of supernatural being. If this God were able to help the world, make it right, and give me the greatest gift possible, surely I would want that to be true. I have a very hard time seeing why anyone could think that it is a reasonable thing to believe in.
The only think that makes you not see god is doubt as I hear some Buddhists say and people of eastern religion. If god truly exist, then also ask him to make it evident to you. And patience is a virtue, it might take some time, and you will find yourself returning to the same question again. Be patient in hardship as it says in the bible, I forget where, sorry can not quote it.

But if you have these question, then ask him to answer it for you, to grant you wisdom and knowledge to see the truth. If he is truth. why would he hide?

Why would he make you blind? He does not need to, you can either see or not see? So just pray, it is only for few minutes and after you can just go back to the usual.

Also as soon as you kneel, your prayer and need god already knows. They say, the best prayer is a silent prayer.

Just do it bro. You got nothing to loose, lol.

I'm sure you will be fine.
I'm incredibly lazy myself. Work just seems like a waste of time.

Work as it exists in capitalist society - alienated and alienating - is indeed experienced as "a waste of time". Work in its fullest sense, however, is the means by which man comes to know himself as being-in-the-world - it is the means by which man interacts with the material world, transforming and enriching it and reciprocally transforming and enriching his own inner Being, and thereby becoming fully human. After all, when you read Hegel or Marx, when you write poetry or compose a song, aren't you doing work? The fact that no capitalist is paying you to do it doesn't mean it isn't work, work in its fullest and least alienated sense.
Yes, I think it is because most people want to just sit around and do nothing. I have known very few people who liked to work and be physical. I know I am not lazy because I had an office job that paid good money that I quit because I hated doing nothing. All I did was sit around and answer the phone. I love to be active and on the move, so I got a job in retail. I cannot even tolerate doing nothing on my off days. I get to cleaning and organizing or go out to running or for a walk. I hate wasting time. I already waste enough time sleeping. I want to be productive when I am awake. So I am one of those people that are the opposite. It seems like you are abnormally tired. Do you happen to have low blood pressure? I have that problem and when it was really bad, I was tiring easily and wanting to sleep all the time.

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