What is with India and all the rape? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in India.

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What in the world is wrong with India? Sometimes I feel it'd be a more civilized place if the British ruled it. There is literally a rape story every week. And not just individual acts, but disturbing mass gang rapes. Does India have any redeeming qualities?
India covers an entire subcontinent and over a billion people live there. It shouldn't be necessary to point out that within such a demographic - whole seventh of the world's population - rape is a constant occurrence. An hourly occurrence would be a more accurate description than weekly, that's how big an area we are dealing with here. It's also very important to understand that when we are dealing with this kind of scope, local variations can be massive: in language, religion and quality of life.

The recent surge in rape incidents in India being reported in the West has largely to do with the Delhi gang rape and following trials. The whole incident was simply too brutal, too fucked up to be ignored like rape often is - anywhere in the world, not just India. I'm generally opposed to death penalty but things like this make it very hard for me to regret that these men were stringed up. But yes, it deserved to be a massive story, and while it's good more rape incidents are being brought to publicity, the singling out of India here is troublesome.

But yeah, India has a massive problem with all sort of gender violence, not just rape and they definitely show up pretty.. unfavourably in comparison to a lot of rest of the world. It's all tied to an extremely patriarchal culture, it's male entitlement all the way. Rape is a symptom of a larger problem - a view of the world where women are simply inferior to men. You don't have societies where women are financially independent, have equal opportunity but risk a gang rape walking in the wrong part of the city. Indian women are less educated than men and they're still mostly forced to be financially reliant on their spouses. Infanticide of female babies occurs constantly. Marital rape is not even a crime in India, as it's not in much of Africa.

But to propose it was somehow more 'civilised' under British rule is ludicrous and shows a lack of understanding regarding the British rule. The deeply patriarchal aspects of Indian society were actually supported by colonial rule and a lot of the backwards legislation you see in India today are colonial remnants. There was rape in British India and if something, women were even in a weaker position then. The fact that rape statistics are skyrocketing in India is ultimately a good thing, because it doesn't tell us of rape skyrocketing, but that it's being reported more and more. When you see things like this, like horrible stories coming out of India and Indians speaking against it, you shouldn't think all hope is lost on India but actually think of it the other way around - these things have frankly always happened, but now people are actually rising to oppose all that. India needs feminism, and that can't be granted to them by anyone else - not by men, especially not white Western men like you seem to suggest. Men can only support Indian women in struggle thats ultimately theirs, because entitlement and privilege never moves over willingly, you have to actively fight it or better yet, destroy it. Getting women into schools, getting them integrated into society as individuals and not as wives is what is needed to not only fight rape but to promote the idea of Indian women every bit as worthy as their male counterparts. It's why feminism is still very much of a 21st century ideology, the victories of feminism we take for granted in the West have not been won in India yet, or much of the developing world, which were in many regards held back for ages by European powers.
Please don't try to pit two countries that are good friends against each other, SIBO:

wiki: India-Japan relations wrote:Throughout history, India–Japan relations have traditionally been strong. For centuries, India and Japan have engaged in cultural exchanges, primarily as a result of Buddhism which spread indirectly from India to Japan, via China. During the Second World War, Subhas Chandra Bose's Indian National Army and the Japanese Imperial Army fought together in battles against the British forces.[1] India is the largest recipient of Japanese official development assistance (ODA).[2]

Political relations between the two nations have remained warm since India's independence. Japanese companies, such as Sony, Toyota, and Honda, have manufacturing facilities in India, and with the growth of the Indian economy, India is a big market for Japanese firms. Japanese firms in fact, some of the first firms to invest in India. The most prominent Japanese company to have an investment in India is automobiles multinational Suzuki, which is in partnership with Indian automobiles company Maruti Suzuki, the largest car manufacturer in the Indian market, and a subsidiary of the Japanese company.

In December 2006, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Japan culminated in the signing of the "Joint Statement Towards Japan-India Strategic and Global Partnership". Japan has helped finance many infrastructure projects in India, most notably the Delhi Metro system. Indian applicants were welcomed in 2006 to the JET Programme, starting with just one slot available in 2006 and 41 in 2007. Also, in the year 2007, the Japanese Self-Defence Forces and the Indian Navy took part in a joint naval exercise in the Indian Ocean, known as Malabar 2007, which also involved the naval forces of Australia, Singapore and the United States. The year 2007 was declared "India-Japan Friendship Year."[2]

According to a 2013 BBC World Service Poll, 42% of Japanese people view India positively, with only 4% expressing a negative view.[3]


India and Japan also have close military ties. They have shared interests in maintaining the security of sea-lanes in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean, and in co-operation for fighting international crime, terrorism, piracy and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The two nations have frequently held joint military exercises and co-operate on technology.[12] India and Japan concluded a security pact on 22 October 2008.[35][36]
Rape has very little to do with sex but it is often incorrectly viewed as a sexual offence. It's all about control. A male rapist wants absolute submission from a woman. The men who rape do not like women who are confident, in control or look to resist being interested in the male species. It can happen in any culture where the women have historically been the submissive in society but are looking to be equal. It still happens in western society where the odd rapist wants to control another. It is the ultimate violation, whether it be man on woman, man on man or woman on woman. There are historic records of rape in Britain when women demanded the vote. However, in those days women would more likely be arrested of soliciting if they dared report the incident. It was a male dominated society much more so than a class dominated one.

The larger the population the greater the numbers of offences. In Bosnia, rape was part of the warfare waged on civilians. This was another form of control to spoil the bloodline of the other faction. This happened on both sides as a form of genocide and racial dominance.

There needs to be a very grown up debate to differentiate 'rape' the violation and control of a person from 'forced sex' and 'sexual assault'. This in no way suggests that one is less that another, but charging for one of these offences that can be more easily proved will convict more offenders. Always trying to convict on the basis of rape may mean that offenders are acquitted due to lack of evidence or found not-guilty because the plaintiff is not a good witness. We have classifications of murder such as 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, murder in the third degree and manslaughter. The prosecution will decide what they are likely to win based on the strength of the evidence. Perhaps rape should be categorised in the same way. The conviction of rape will be upheld so that the perpetrator is off the streets and cannot harm any other women and at the end of the day murder is murder no matter what the degree and rape will still be rape also regardless of degree.

Whatever way you look at it and whichever society is suffering from the increase, it's about policing the law. We cannot protect ourselves legally so we rely on the police to do so. In America and in certain states a woman can carry a concealed handgun. That means that the criminal and this includes the rapist isn't the only one armed. He is already dangerous because of the nature of his way of life. A woman who can protect herself is only dangerous to him. 'You can't rape a 38' was on many a 'T' shirt sold by the NRA in the US.
There are issues with the rise of hinduvatra and hindu nationalism and the general position of women in India, extreme misogynist masculinity holds sway over much of India, pushing on one hand a deep oppressive social conservatism and on the other a wild neo-liberal economics, both devalue the position of women and sexually commodify them.
Main problem is there are too many young men and not enough women to go around. Most families welcome boys and reject girls, this attitude has to change. It will get even worse with new technologies around which will enable couples to choose the sex of their child.

India will either turn into a country full of homosexuals or degenerate into a criminal, corrupted cesspit. At least their history books will be full of "facts" blaming their downfall on previous invasions of "evil Islamic empires" or the evil British Raj oh and the "Aryan invasion of India"
Both India and China have a similar problem. A surplus of men. That's why having a war is beneficial from time to time. China has a surplus of 40-50 million and India its also 40. Rapes would be one of the side effects of such a huge surplus. So several things could happen. This could be a future breakthrough for homosexual rights in Asia or those sexually frustrated males will have to take out their urges on something else like war for example.
In India rape cases has increased quite dramatically with in past few years, whatever may be the reason people has to change their mindset regarding this then only it will stop and government has to take some action against this.

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