Homo Sapiens' Race Towards Destruction - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I agree with the OP, I think mankind is heading for desperate times. Like a cancer patient who thinks he's getting better before he dies mankind has become accustomed to thinking everything will be all right tomorrow because it was yesterday. Millions of people are starving while my local supermarket throws away black bags full of food from the deli gone to waste every day. We're chopping down rainforests and polluting rivers to supply people with cheap energy who then use it to power neon lights and hair curlers, leaving lights on all night and the water running from the taps.
Eran wrote:On the contrary. Humanity has never had it better.

At no point in history have more people enjoyed a higher standard of living, food security, longer and richer lives, access to communication and information, diverse experiences and life choices.

At no point in history (perhaps since the stone age) have humans lived in cleaner environment, with cheaper access to energy and other natural resources.

At no point in history was humanity as well-educated as it is today, nor were the moral standards guiding it as high. Violence at all levels (inter-personal, by small groups all the way to wars, as well as violence against women, children, minorities and animals) is at a historic low.

You are mistaking "humanity" with western society. Some parts of africa, middle-east, etc. are worst than ever in history, mainly because we westerns have sucked all their resources in order to make this "high standard society" you speak of.
Last edited by otokage on 26 Nov 2013 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
What's the big deal if we go extinct?

Libertarianism terrifies me. Do you genuinely not see the big deal or where you just trolling? Can you not understand someone having the desire to see humanity manage another few thousand years (at least)?
Decky wrote:

Libertarianism terrifies me. Do you genuinely not see the big deal or where you just trolling? Can you not understand someone having the desire to see humanity manage another few thousand years (at least)?

Yeah, it seemed to me like cheap excuse for saying: hey pollute the planet, destroy the economy and drink radioactive water. No big deal since eventually we will go extinct anyway!
Humanity will never become extinct unless the earth becomes a totally uninhabitable ball that is incapable of supporting any life. Man is too adaptable. Denying that seems like a very silly thing, to me.
Godstud wrote:Humanity will never become extinct unless the earth becomes a totally uninhabitable ball that is incapable of supporting any life. Man is too adaptable. Denying that seems like a very silly thing, to me.

I wouldn't consider Homo sapiens in my TOP 100 most adaptable species. Not even close... As a general rule, the more complex the species is, the less capacity it has to adapt. Actually, little changes in, IE temperature, of 3-5 ºC over the average, could eliminate much of the human population and overthrow society as we know it.

Most bacteria, on the contrary, are really good at adaptation, since changes like the one I mentioned do not cause a significant decrease on the population.

We shouldn't underestimate the capacity of, say Global Warming, to absolutely annihilate society as we know it.
You just liked that Supervolcano movie, Jessup!

Yes, it could cause severe problems and mass destruction, but not complete extinction.
It would pretty much wipe out everything in North America, which is the world, dagnabbit! What are you, some sort of Commie or Frenchman?
I think mankind is heading for desperate times

People have been saying this shit since the 60's. In fact they probably been saying it forever.

No suprise the apocalypse genre is so popular. Its a personal fav of mine too, especially with zombies.
unless you believe that (A) the universe will exist forever - literally without end - and (B) Human beings will never, ever, ever, EVER go extinct, I really don't see the point of arguing over degree rather than kind.

Arguments in support of action XYZ in order to "prevent our extinction" make no sense to me for that reason, because I am of the belief that our extinction is an ontological certainty.

By all means, back your arguments with reasons such as "to increase quality of life" or "eliminate suffering" or any other host of goals. But the goal of preventing our extinction simply does not compute for me.
Humans are not going to be limited to our own solar system forever, SS. As soon as we branch out to other worlds, our extinction chances drop dramatically, almost to 0. I do not see extinction as an inevitability. I see it as a preventable thing.
Godstud wrote:Humans are not going to be limited to our own solar system forever, SS. As soon as we branch out to other worlds, our extinction chances drop dramatically, almost to 0. I do not see extinction as an inevitability. I see it as a preventable thing.

Me too.

SecretSquirrel wrote:I clearly wrote "universe," godstud

But it is not certain that universe will cease to exist. Plus by then, with billions of years of human technological evolution, maybe we could overcome EVEN that?

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