3AW right wing bias? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Not just bias, but stupidity. At 0:19 he says he went to the "Soviet Union" in 1997 and then starts to talk about how visiting there relates to socialism. I didn't listen to the rest; saying you visited the Soviet Union in 1997 speaks for itself.

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By redcarpet
He said 1987. But yeah, right-wing dumb-fuck.
redcarpet wrote:He said 1987. But yeah, right-wing dumb-fuck.

Are you sure? I replayed that a bunch of times to make sure I was hearing him right, so maybe his Australian accent is just really, really thick for me, but it seems clear that he's saying "nineteen ninety seven". I hear a distinct "n" when he's saying ninety, rather than hear "eighty".
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By redcarpet
SA is Trotskyite. They're not a political party though, just a campaign/protest group.
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