Israel,leads us to war - Politics | PoFo

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By skeptic-1
Syria: Attack on military facility was a 'declaration of war' by Israel (CNN)

Now, when Syria responds The USA is committed to defend Israel ( per the President) as I read it, even though Israel struck the first blow and is selling arms to the insurgents as well. The reason... Syria is sending missiles to Iran.

Israel is like a tooth that needs extraction or a root canal !

Iran with the bomb can force restraint by Israel.

Syria is a civil war (We should butt out !).

What is the Brits and Canadiens position ?
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By Ter
skeptic-1 wrote:The USA is committed to defend Israel ( per the President) as I read it, even though Israel struck the first blow and is selling arms to the insurgents as well. The reason... Syria is sending missiles to Iran.

Skeptic, I don't believe Israel is on the side of the insurgents. And I certainly don't believe they are selling arms to them. Wher you get such information ?
skeptic-1 wrote:Iran with the bomb can force restraint by Israel.

Iran with the bomb will bully and blackmail the whole Middle East. It is imperative that they will not have the bomb. And as far as I read the news, they won't have it.
By Baff
Here in Britain it looks like my government is desperate for another war. I can't for the life of me work out why they should want one. But it's pretty clear that they do.
Syria looks weak.
But they don't have the balls to go it alone. If America attacks, they'd love to hang on your coat tails. Otherwise, covert stuff is all they will do.

I don't give a shit about Israel. We have no alliance with them nor any interest in forming one. We are friendly towards them, but they are not our friends and cannot be relied upon to accord us the same treatment.

I'm concerned about Iran but not angered or offended by them.
I expect they will get the bomb and I expect this to make life harder for us in the Gulf.

Sooner or later Israel and Iran will become close friends again. As long as they manage not to go to war with eachother in the meantime.
Syria is not stupid enough to engage Israel in a war, while battling Rebels. They might blow some shit up in Golan, and Israel will bomb them again. Both sides save face....blabalbablabala
By Baff
It's got along history of Empire.
Bullying it's neighbours, it's region, elements of it's own population and even foreign powers.
It twice captured UK servicemen on deployment in Iraq for example.

It's certainly playing an active role in supporting or destabilising other regimes in the region. Afhganistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon for example.

Bot track records count for shit.
Only capability.

It is not for us to try and anticipate what they will decide to do, only what they are able to do. That which we can guarentee, not that which they might chose to.
Wherever possible, we prefer to keep the iniative.
To have the capacity to exert our control over things in case we ever need to. We can always chose not to ourselves. The important part is that we still have this choice to make.
That we retain the capacity and capability as, when and if, it is ever required.

I think it would be wrong to look at other societies and think that they are nicer people than us. Some are just as nice, most are nothing like as nice.
If a Top Dog is a social inevitability, it is important that the top dog is me. I trust myself more with this role than any other.
Israel aren't taking either side. They are just defending their security interests the only way they know how. Syria is effectively paralysed anyway...there is no easy way to strike back at Israel. A two front war against a guerilla army and the Middle East's most advanced military power would not bode well for them.
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The Syrian regime if it survives the civil war will probably fund some palestinian terrorist to blow up a bus in Israel and then claim they have retaliated, Syria even before the invasion was no match for Israel and the losses experienced over the last few years mean they won't be in our life times.
I doubt Syria will be attacking Israel in any form any time soon. Everybody knows the Israeli government are one of the most paranoid and aggressive regimes on this planet.
If Israel attack's it's neighbour it's viewed as necessary defensive actions, however if they are attacked even if it's just by a gang of terrorists launching rocket powered fire crackers across the border it leads to all out warfare!
Sure Israel is almost invincible but at what expense. The people of Israel are living under an oppressive secretive power hungry regime who are slowly turning their small strip of "heaven on earth" into a nuclear dump-site.
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jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:I doubt Syria will be attacking Israel in any form any time soon. Everybody knows the Israeli government are one of the most paranoid and aggressive regimes on this planet.
If Israel attack's it's neighbour it's viewed as necessary defensive actions, however if they are attacked even if it's just by a gang of terrorists launching rocket powered fire crackers across the border it leads to all out warfare!
Sure Israel is almost invincible but at what expense. The people of Israel are living under an oppressive secretive power hungry regime who are slowly turning their small strip of "heaven on earth" into a nuclear dump-site.

Yeah Israel are producing huge amounts of nuclear waste........

If Israel is oppressive ( a country that allows openly seditious MP in their parliament) then what do you call their neighbours?
Arabs aren't totally equal to Israeli Jews in Israel, don't deny it.
By Baff
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:I doubt Syria will be attacking Israel in any form any time soon.

They fired on an Isreali vehicle the other day.

I'll see if I can find a news google.

JERUSALEM — In blunt language marking a turn away from diplomatic caution, Israel warned the Syrian government Tuesday that it “would suffer the consequences” if it continued to press attacks, hours after Syrian and Israeli troops exchanged fire along the cease-fire line in the occupied Golan Heights.

After an Israel Defense Forces jeep was hit by machine-gun fire from a Syrian military post on the cease-fire line, a potential flash point for spillover from Syria’s civil war, Israel “returned pinpoint fire at the source,” an Israeli military spokesman said.

Israel warns Syria to halt attacks after exchange in the Golan Heights

The clash took place along a cease-fire line in the region, raising fears of a spillover from the Syrian war.

Israeli defense officials said the military responded with a short-range, antitank Spike missile. ... story.html
Oxymoron wrote:Syria is not stupid enough to engage Israel in a war, while battling Rebels. They might blow some shit up in Golan, and Israel will bomb them again. Both sides save face....blabalbablabala

In short, i agree!
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By Godstud
As a Canuck, I can say that we should, "Stay the fuck out of that region, entirely!".
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Godstud wrote:As a Canuck, I can say that we should, "Stay the fuck out of that region, entirely!".

As an Aussie I couldn't agree more, can't wait until they run out of oil in the gulf, then we don't have to pretend we actually care.
skeptic-1 wrote:Syria: Attack on military facility was a 'declaration of war' by Israel (CNN)

Now, when Syria responds The USA is committed to defend Israel ( per the President) as I read it, even though Israel struck the first blow and is selling arms to the insurgents as well. The reason... Syria is sending missiles to Iran.

Israel is like a tooth that needs extraction or a root canal !

Iran with the bomb can force restraint by Israel.

Syria is a civil war (We should butt out !).

What is the Brits and Canadiens position ? ... stine.html :-)
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