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By RhetoricThug
Apparently still fuming over a recent report by an American cyber security company blowing the whistle on Chinese government-sponsored hacking groups, China's Ministry of Defense says its military sites are frequent targets of attack originating from the U.S. It also said that Mandiant's report is "full of loopholes" and adamantly denied (again) that the Chinese government has ever supported any hacker activity.

Like the U.S., China claims that it too is is facing serious cyberattacks. The Defense Ministry said that it recorded an average of 144,000 hacker attacks per month last year, and that 62.9 percent of them came from the U.S. In other words, China is accusing the U.S. of being responsible for nearly a third of all cyberattacks against its military networks. -

"We note that the U.S. media recently reported that the United States will adopt the policy of 'pre-emptive cyber attacks, large-scale expansion of network warfare units, and the development of network rules of engagement. The above practices are not conducive to the joint efforts of the international community to enhance network security," Defense Ministry representative Geng Yangsheng said in a translated statement.

A week ago, Yangsheng told Reuters that it's easy for hackers to steal IP addresses, and that hacking attacks from compromised IPs happen on a daily basis. The point he was making was that the U.S. shouldn't assume China is responsible for hacker attacks that are traced back to the country, yet China's Defense Ministry is perfectly content to blame the U.S. for hacking attacks based on IP tracking. - ... ary-Sites/

Here I thought the Chinese to be backwards. The U.S. must engage in hacktivity, it is only another front line in the 21st century.
Imagine what chaos will look like when drones are hacked and controlled by other countries.
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By ThirdTerm
APT1: Exposing One of China's Cyber Espionage Units

This report is focused on the most prolific cyber espionage group Mandiant tracks: APT1. This single organization has conducted a cyber espionage campaign against a broad range of victims since at least 2006. Our analysis has led us to conclude that APT1 is likely government-sponsored and one of the most persistent of China's cyber threat actors. The scale and impact of APT1's operations compelled us to write this report. In an attempt to bolster defenses against APT1 operations Mandiant is also releasing more than 3,000 indicators as part of the appendix to this report, which can be used with our free tools and our commercial products to search for signs of APT attack activity.

Highlights of the report include:

- APT1 is believed to be the 2nd Bureau of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Staff Department’s (GSD) 3rd Department, which is most commonly known by its Military Unit Cover Designator (MUCD) as Unit 61398.
- APT1 has systematically stolen hundreds of terabytes of data from at least 141 organizations.
- APT1 focuses on compromising organizations across a broad range of industries in English-speaking countries.
- APT1 maintains an extensive infrastructure of computer systems around the world.
- In over 97% of the 1,905 times Mandiant observed APT1 intruders connecting to their attack infrastructure, APT1 used IP addresses registered in Shanghai and systems set to use the Simplified Chinese language.
- The size of APT1’s infrastructure implies a large organization with at least dozens, but potentially hundreds of human operators.
- In an effort to underscore that there are actual individuals behind the keyboard, Mandiant is revealing three personas that are associated with APT1 activity.
- Mandiant is releasing more than 3,000 indicators to bolster defenses against APT1 operations.
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By W01f
Thompson_NCL wrote:The fact 90% of the attacks come from IP addresses that originate in the same street outside the Chinese cyber warfare unit does tend to hint at their involvement.

It also hints at their incompetence.
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By Canis_Lupus
China hacking it. The pot calling the kettle black,eh! It's a hacking world out there! ... ly-us.html

China fires back at hacking claims: ‘144,000 hacks a month, mostly from US’

News | 01.03.2013 | 05:59

In a fresh round of cyberwarfare accusations, the Chinese Defense Ministry said two of the country’s major military sites endured about 144,000 hacking attacks a month last year, two-thirds of which originated in the United States.

"The Defense Ministry and China Military Online websites have faced a serious threat from hacking attacks since they were established, and the number of hacks has risen steadily in recent years," ministry spokesperson Geng Yansheng said Thursday.

"According to the IP addresses, the Defense Ministry and China Military Online websites were, in 2012, hacked on average from overseas 144,000 times a month, of which attacks from the US accounted for 62.9 percent," he added.

The Chinese official also said that the US has been unhelpful in efforts at international cooperation against hacking: "We hope that the US side can explain and clarify this."

Earlier this month, US security firm Mandiant said that the Chinese military were likely behind a large number of hacking attacks against US targets. Mandiant claimed that the Shanghai-based Unit 61398 of the People’s Liberation Army was the driving force behind the hacking; China has denied the allegations.

The war of words comes as the US ramps up its cybersecurity and cyber-attack capabilities. Earlier, numerous US officials claimed that Chinese hackers were a major threat to both national security and US commercial interests.

Some experts believe the US is exploiting the rhetoric of China as a cyber-threat as part of its mounting rivalry with the ascendant Asian nation.

"I think what we’re looking at is part of this Obama pivot to focus on China and to paint China as a new military threat to the world,” geopolitical analyst William Engdahl told RT. “It’s a demonization of China.”

So far, the only public case of cyber-weapons being used for geopolitical ends is the alleged attack by American and Israeli hackers on an Iranian uranium enrichment facility. While neither nation has officially acknowledged using the Stuxnet virus to damage centrifuges at the Natanz plant, the so-called ‘Olympic Games’ operation was widely reported by international media, citing anonymous government sources.
By Rancid
China fires back at hacking claims: ‘144,000 hacks a month, mostly from US’

If I were the US, I wouldn't even bother denying this. Fuck China. They can suck on a big black rubber dick.

Whether China is or is not hacking the US (I'm sure China is). The US should most certainly be hacking the Chinese. Fuck them.
By Rancid
Chinese (Hong Kong).

Generally speaking, I don't have anything against Chinese people themselves. I just think their government sucks more than ours. Hey, even my wife say's you can't trust Chinese people.
The Chinese government is certainly better at:

- Executing corrupt officials, drug traffickers, common murderers, and other riff-raff. As a matter of fact, they just put to death a major Burmese drug lord yesterday or the day before who was causing trouble around the Chinese-Myanmar border. They desperately need to develop the famed Burma Road as a land route to India and are concerned with monopolizing Yangon's natural gas exports, so once again they demonstrate a greater show of long-term strategic thinking than many in Washington

- Approaching the subject of population control vis-a-vis abortion from a far more competent perspective, without the pervasive Christian moralism that gives way to weakness worship which is endemic throughout the West

- Employing touches of technocratic governance where warranted, and the overall higher competency level of their political class, owing to their engineering degrees measured against the law careerists in the U.S. Congress

Other than that, they are Western capitalism with a yellow tint with the aim being to correct the failed mistakes of Western policymakers while still implementing a failing ideology that will manage to leave over ninety percent of the population's needs unaddressed in the long term. And at this stage in their development on environmental issues, they are damn near terroristic as even their drifting toxic air should give Japan and others cause to begin taking more substantive measures against this new rogue of Asia.

On the hacking issue, color me less than mildly surprised.
By Rancid
The Chinese government is certainly better at:

Of course. There's always stuff some organizations do better than others. The point is, after visiting China, I can first hand say, I'd much rather live in the US than in China. There's a reason so many Chinese people are still immigrating to the US.

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