Telesur news channel gives Cubans glimpse of world - Politics | PoFo

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February 10, 2013
By By ANDREA RODRIGUEZ, Associated Press

Cuba Television

In this Feb. 1, 2013 photo, pictures of Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Cuba's President Raul Castro hang on the wall of a home as a television shows the Venezuelan channel Telesur in Havana, Cuba. Telesur, which is bankrolled primarily by Venezuela, has been broadcast live about 12 hours a day on the island's open airwaves since Jan. 20. Telesur's outlook may be sympathetic to Cuba's socialist model, but it's still a relatively unfiltered news source, and many say the decision to carry it here is as groundbreaking as other recent reforms, such as legalizing more private businesses or allowing greater travel freedom. Telesur was conceived as a force for regional integration and as a counterweight to Western channels such as CNN and the BBC. (AP Photo/Ismael Francisco, Cubadebate)

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Notice the flat screen TV? In Cuba?
I don't watch Univision. I live in Europe, remember? I suspect Univision is a us channel you don't like.

The point, my dear Sith, as I keep telling you over and over and over, is not to think that life is black and white. I'd prefer for the Cuban people to be free to watch whatever they want.

I'm not inclined to violence, but I do admit I would feel neutral if a Cuban citizen went postal and shot Raul Castro dead. I wouldn't counsel him to go do it, but I would definitely understand. My preference would be to put him and his cronies on trial and then lock him up for life.

But lets be absolutely clear, those who deny freedom to other human beings to cling on to power and those who advocate tyranny and repression are not going to heaven. My god told me so.
The various Hispanic channels are:


And many others. A lot are based out of Maimi, Florida, while others are in Mexico.

A point can be made that, due to its closeness to Florida, Cubans can receive telecasts from there. I believe that is true. However, in the previous repressiveness of Fidel, anyone watching them might be reported by neighbors. Perhaps all that has changed under Raul and he wants to put a light flavor to Cuban official media.
When I lived in Cuba we had to hide our short wave radio antenna, but that was a long time ago. But the regime does seem to be a bit less Stalinist which isn't saying much. When I left Cuba I became a voracious reader, and got involved financing USA politicians because when I was in Cuba the lack of freedom and ability to get informed and speak out was suffocating. I wanted us politicians on the libertarian mold, but that was a fairly dumb dream. Living in Castro's Cuba was sheer hell for me. It's like being buried alive. I hate those mother fuckers for what they tried to do to my life with a vengeance, and I ave channeled into fighting these bastard regimes wherever I can. I've got to the point I'm more of an anarchist libertarian, because once one releases the chains a bit, it's urgent to break chains whenever possible

I have no illusions, I've seen too much bad shit to believe in anything, but I do want to emphasize they can take Telesur and put it up their rear ends, TV tower and all. One day I hope all the sons of bitches who do propaganda work for all of these repressive regimes , their leaders, and the leaders of the whore regimes who look the other way when all of this goes down, will burn in hell. Let the devil sort them out.
Telesur isn't that big of a deal, Univision is owned by cuban exiles and a far right zionist who have lately lost all credibility by releasing sensationalist programs about Iran moving through Venezuela to convert natives to islam and use them to attack the US border. All news is propaganda, with Telesur you can at least access certain ignored sectors of life.
I agree. I'm mostly concerned with the lack of diversity in the information presented to the populations in nations where the media is censored. It's true that being ignorant allows people to survive better when they have to live in a tyranny. Not knowing what goes on is like a drug for them. But it allows governments to Ed up like that fat boy's in North Korea. Not a good ending. The Cuban regime has a serious problem because we free Cubans go to Cuba and undermine the shit they put on TV. So in the long term their efforts are doomed unless they succeed colonizing Venezuela.

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