Is the left engaging in salami tactics? - Politics | PoFo

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I was listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning and he brought up a rather interesting conversation. Rush mentioned that after the liberals and RINOs (Republican In Name Only) have finished attacking pro-lifers, they will focus their attention on gun owners. He claimed that the leftist RINOs will give up on defending gun rights and the Constitution, in favor of left-wing gun control. We've already seen some far-left RINOs do this, such as Mitt Romney and Chris Christie.

This brings up another question, however, a question of whether or not this is a left-wing strategy to divide-and-conquer the Republican Party. I'm sure you've all heard the expression that "first they came for X, and I didn't do anything because I'm not X, then they came for me, and nobody was left to stand up for me," well it's the same sort of thing. The liberals and RINOs are systematically attacking various factions of the Republican Party, first they attacked the libertarians when they ousted the Barry Goldwater group, then they attacked the Tea Party group and now they're attacking the pro-lifers. Will they attack gun owners and gun rights supporters next?

Why would are these RINOs doing this, you ask? The answer is simple, the liberal media has been constantly been accusing conservatives and libertarians of "waging a war on women," so the Republican establishment thinks the only way to "appeal to left-wing voters" is to become pro-choice. Now I don't care about the issue of abortion one way or another and I never have, however it's important to recognize what's going on around us. However, I believe that even if every single Republican suddenly became pro-choice, that the liberal media would continue their propaganda campaign to paint anyone who is even remotely right-wing as "waging a war on women," simply because it helps promote the Democratic Party and liberal agenda.

The liberal media also hates gun owners and guns in general. Under the guise of "appealing to left-wing voters" the Republican establishment will no doubt start attacking gun owners and gun rights. We've already seen the Republican establishment push anti-gun candidates on us, such as Mitt Romney, so you can definitely see them moving towards this even more in the future.

I used to be a lot more open to the idea that if we eliminated the social conservative wing of the party, it would help us better appeal to centre-left and undecided voters. However it is possible that this is exactly what the left wants us to do. This is known as "salami tactics" and it is a tactic the left has done before, namely in Europe. As I'm sure you are aware, in the wake of World War II, Europe was divided between the Eastern Bloc (allied with the Soviet Union) and Western Europe (allied with the United States). Many of the Eastern European countries had previously been democratic, so in order to maintain popular support, the communists kept the facade of democracy up. They did this by allowing minor political parties to exist and contest elections, however in reality, these parties were nothing more than puppets to the communists.

Early on the communists experienced problems with this, however, as the puppet parties had considerable public support. In fact, some of these puppet parties were so popular that even with massive electoral fraud, they still managed to form a government, notably in Hungary. The communists realized that they had to stop this from ever happening again, but they also realized that deposing the elected puppet parties would be massively unpopular with the population. So the liberals decided to run massive media attack campaigns (much like the liberal media does today against the Republicans), claiming that members of the Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party (the party in power in Hungary) were fascists, racist, sexist and homophobic bigots. This caused the public to view the ISAWCP in a negative light and for the ISAWCP to undergo a process of eliminating various internal factions of their party in order to "look better." Despite their efforts to "look better," the ISAWCP lost the next election and every election to come. The liberals then used the opportunity to ensure that all of the puppet parties would forever be subordinate to the Hungarian Communist Party.

Is this what is happening in America? If we allow the Republican establishment to continue to attack libertarians, the Tea Party and pro-lifers, will we only be hurting ourselves? Will this set the stage for the RINOs to attack other internal factions within the Republican Party? Even if the Republican Party adopted all of the same positions as the Democrats and European socialists, the liberal media would still attack us at every turn.

We have a few different options, do you continue with the establishment's plan to sacrifice our principles and our freedom in the hope that it will help us appeal to centre-left and low-information voters? Do we double down and fix the growing divide within the Republican Party? Or perhaps we come out of left-field with completely different plan entirely? What do you believe we should do in this dire situation?
We've already seen some far-left RINOs do this, such as Mitt Romney and Chris Christie


Ok. I'll bite. Mitt Romney and Chris Christie are far left? :eek:

By what wild flight of fancy did you conclude this? I just can't wait to hear.
Drlee wrote:

Ok. I'll bite. Mitt Romney and Chris Christie are far left? :eek:

By what wild flight of fancy did you conclude this? I just can't wait to hear.

Romney was much too far left for myself and many other Americans. Everything from his opposition to gun rights, his pro-choice views, his support for universal healthcare, and the fact that he wouldn't actually do anything meaningful, such as cutting spending.

Christie would be right-wing if he supported gun rights, but he doesn't.
I used to be RINO, now I vote DEMOCRAT across the board. I used to listen to Rush, now I listen to Steely Dan CDs I jumped the fence when I realized the GOP was dominated by people who called themselves conservatives. I saw tem as a bunch of southern ex democrats whose political interests didn't match mine. So today I sit here waiting for them to die as a political force, meanwhile I'll keep on voting democrat, in Florida :)
Swazi Spring wrote:Romney was much too far left for myself and many other Americans. Everything from his opposition to gun rights, his pro-choice views, his support for universal healthcare, and the fact that he wouldn't actually do anything meaningful, such as cutting spending.

That makes him a right-leaning political centrist; what makes him a hard core leftist. I have never heard Mitt Romney even vague suggest that the means of production ought to be publicly or collectively owned.
Swazi Spring wrote:Early on the communists experienced problems with this, however, as the puppet parties had considerable public support. In fact, some of these puppet parties were so popular that even with massive electoral fraud, they still managed to form a government, notably in Hungary. The communists realized that they had to stop this from ever happening again, but they also realized that deposing the elected puppet parties would be massively unpopular with the population. So the liberals decided to run massive media attack campaigns (much like the liberal media does today against the Republicans), claiming that members of the Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party (the party in power in Hungary) were fascists, racist, sexist and homophobic bigots.

I suggest there was not a massive media attack campaign by the Civil Democratic party (the Liberals of the time) against the ISAWCP, or anyone else for that matter, in the late forties. The liberals were marginal in Hungarian politics at the time. No one attacked the ISAWCP for being homophobic certainly not the Communists. For starters there was the small matter that term hadn't been invented. The Communists were not homosexual friendly at the time. Stalin introduced a penalty of 5 years hard labour for homosexual acts in the 1933 code.
Last edited by Siberian Fox on 22 Jan 2013 22:10, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Rule two. Warned.
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