Temperature Nationalism - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Ongoing wars and conflict resolution, international agreements or lack thereof. Nationhood, secessionist movements, national 'home' government versus internationalist trends and globalisation.

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To me it seems that nationalism is partly based on climate. For example, many will feel affinity to those from similar climates to them. Racism is also to do with climate because it is the dislike of those from conditions completely different from ones own. In my view temperature is very much a part of nationalist feelings.
I don't agree. Nationalism is partly religious, partly tribal/racial, partly geographic, and partly the result of brain washing and propaganda we get when we are children. Has nothing to do with temperature. Look at hyper bloody conflicts we have had or have. Hutu versus Tutsi, Palestinian Muslim and Christian versus Jewish, Shia versus Sunni in Iraq, Tamil versus Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, Tibetan versus Han in Tibet....they share the same weather and location and yet they really hate each other.
By geb
Political Interest wrote:To me it seems that nationalism is partly based on climate. For example, many will feel affinity to those from similar climates to them. Racism is also to do with climate because it is the dislike of those from conditions completely different from ones own. In my view temperature is very much a part of nationalist feelings.

Which nation is more typically associated to British climate? Welsh or English?
Western Russia has a similar climate to the Midwestern USA yet I feel more affinity to the British because they are more culturally similar. Meanwhile I view the Russian way of life and mindset far more foreign. Nice attempt but I am not buying it. If you want to get more extreme there's not much difference between Beijing and where I live climate wise yet it is miles away from me culturally.
I believe it is not a coincidence that countries with sunnier/hotter climates tend to have the highest levels of government corruption. Naturally, these countries seem to have a far more laid back culture than that of Northern European countries. I'm a Brit currently living in Spain; i'd be more like to trust the advice of a financial advisor from the Basque region(rainy) than from Murcia (hot and sunny).

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