Will the United States be held responsible for its crimes? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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For its operations in/with Nicarauga, Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Brazil, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Cambodia, Laos, Phillipines, Indonesia and East Timor, Congo, and the list goes on. To lazy to fully list or provide examples one by one so I'll provide evidence when a case or a group of cases is challenged.

But do you think the United States leadership will ever be tried for any of its crimes, violations of international and domestic statues, sponsorship of atrocious acts, or its hand in the destruction of nations through non conventional means (IMF/WTO, NAFTA, capital flight, multinationals, etc.).

I think no unless change comes from within (slim chance), what about you guys?
Or Pakistan, for that matter.

It's primarily the rural poverty and lack of a centralized authority's reach to certain regions (such as those plagued by the Islamists and communists) which prompts ridiculous comparisons to an Afghanistan or a Somalia by those who fail to take into full account the span of Indian history, its emergence as a state, and its countless prospects for the future when blasting it.

And then, some simply don't desire to see a challenge to an emerging Chinese hegemony in Asia. Some are Westerners who have already jumped ship and are planning their Mandarin lessons.
Since we're on this subject, that reminds me. I assume that everyone has heard about the rape problem that exists in India within and between communities.

What I'm now hearing is that the Indian congress wants to raise a bill to make rape into a crime that can carry the death penalty for the perpetrator. If it passes, India might in fact be the first and only developing country to actually use death penalty as the ward against sex criminals.

This decision emerged as a result of a massive riot - I'm told it is led by women - that occurred pressuring them into making this law, and it places India light-years ahead of the other countries in its class, if it passes.
This would be most excellent news if it comes to fruition, and would set a remarkable example for other nations in the region. I was wondering if the issue of capital punishment as a whole was receiving any negative heat in India over the past several years as it has in some other states, but then saw that Kasab of the Mumbai attacks back in '08 was executed, which was pleasant news to have tea over.

Speaking of tea, perhaps I'll go off to fix a cup of chai in a small show of homage.

In any event, was this proposed by the opposition and if so does it have significant support from within the Congress party?
I haven't been able to make heads or tails of who supports and who doesn't support it yet. At the moment it seems to be a mixture of people supporting it, and some other people trying to shut down the debate by claiming that 'there is no time for this discussion'.

But the people who tried to shut down the discussion seem not to have succeeded since all the Indian newspapers are still talking about it, and the idea still seems to be moving forward.
Rei Murasame wrote:What, is there some sort of anti-India thing going on, or something? The way that people refer to India with such contempt you'd think that they were Afghanistan or something.

1/3 of India is poverty which is pretty much the entire population of the United States , they don't have modern amenities for 1/3 of the population, they don't have enough resources, they are not even aggressive like China.

India telling people what to do is laughable. They have a lot of foreign investment also...mostly Westerners.

Singapore is probably the best country in the World and it doesn't tell anybody what to do.

China telling people what to do is more realistic because they can tell United States what to do because they USA owes China money and they fuck with the World on a daily basis.

Rei Murasame wrote:Since we're on this subject, that reminds me. I assume that everyone has heard about the rape problem that exists in India within and between communities.

What I'm now hearing is that the Indian congress wants to raise a bill to make rape into a crime that can carry the death penalty for the perpetrator. If it passes, India might in fact be the first and only developing country to actually use death penalty as the ward against sex criminals.

This decision emerged as a result of a massive riot - I'm told it is led by women - that occurred pressuring them into making this law, and it places India light-years ahead of the other countries in its class, if it passes.

Saudi Arabia has the death penalty for Rape....

Death Penalty for rape is dumb though.
DeadPresidents wrote:And Texas, Georgia and Louisiana has death penalty for rape of a child

Unfortunately, this is in name only.

When Louisiana attempted to effect this penalty against a convicted child rapist several years back, the federal government intervened to prevent it on the grounds of barring "cruel and unusual punishment" as defined by the constitution. It was really a pathetic affair worthy of ridicule. What's more ridiculous was the fact that this man had not only raped a child, but violently raped her on several occasions, damaging her uterus and eliminating her ability to ever have a child - All this before she reached puberty. Yet our lovely feds have nothing better to do than protect such worthless men on everyone's dime. It's a nauseating circus act at this point.
"Rei Murasame"

The greatest justice will come when the US is playing third fiddle to the likes of India in 30 years, or even 4th fiddle to a united europe. :lol:
This. Total agreement, Igor.


The winds of change are blowing as never before but it is hoped justice does not take the form of diminishing the USA but rather to "wake it up".

My mutterings are not well read (to put it mildly) but I blow that off as a reader malfunction. :D

Perhaps Oliver Stone in his upcoming movie revising our history to more resemble the truth of the matter will jar the minds of some to remember they'd read that somewhere before. ?

Regardless, I trudge on. Obama has with finesse squashed BE BE and sent him back to Sears and selling refrigerators and put us in a better position for talks with Amadinjad. Israel goes on selling arms to those unfriendly to us.

Remember ... the not too friendlies have the bulk of the oil. :lol:

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