Divorcing Fascist and Esoteric Thought - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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Far-Right Sage wrote:I decided on my better judgment not to allow myself to become mired as I envisioned ending up in the same place with those who are setting out with an original ingrained pre-conception of the Eden parable, but I must say, Rei, that I thoroughly enjoyed your Melek Taus analogy, although I imagine it escaped some.

Yay! I'm glad someone caught the comparison. Sometimes it really is an uphill to get the point across, so using analogies can save a lot of effort.
You mean a stronger version of the liberal-capitalist state..

NO WAY!! I mean the end of democracy, and supremacy of the State over corporations and everything else. Ultimately, I think capitalism must and will go, since it is a system designed to cater to individuals.

..personal veneration of the person of Joseph Stalin.

Not true. I think his policies were basically correct but I'm no communist, and he had flaws such as fondness for booze and tobacco.
mikema63 wrote:Enjoying your life is not a flaw. :|

I don't think booze and tobacco are essential for enjoyment. IIRC treatment of alcohol related illness cost about $300 billion annually. Surely the State has better uses for the money. :)

Even the fascists seem to leave a bit more room for choice than you do.

Real world fascism was very sacrificial. The masses indulged in the usual vices but at least they didn't have as much resources to waste on them.
mikema63 wrote:Certainly the state has better uses, mainly allowing those people to face the concequences of their own actions...

Better to curtail irresponsible behavior in the first place. A great State is proactive.

What is the difference for wholist vs fascism proper.

Fascism and communism were wholism in that the State or whole was supreme under both. But I see them as mere precursors of a future, ultimate wholism, based on vastly better technology and science.

..like an ant colony.

Given genetic engineering, cloning and future authoritarianism, some semblance of that is possible. :)

Scotch, Bourbon and Gin..

The wave of the future...
Given genetic engineering, cloning and future authoritarianism, some semblance of that is possible.

People should decide on their own future transhumanist evolution thank you very much.
starman2003 wrote:Scotch, Bourbon and Gin..

The wave of the future...

The wave of my present... Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'd prefer to continue drinking myself to death than further imagine man as an ant colony with ray guns, thank you very much.
Michael, no son of mine shall prove to be an anarchist.

This should be at least enough to convince you to mull over a bit of Giovanni Gentile.
Figlio di Moros wrote: Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'd prefer to continue drinking myself to death...

Suit yourself. :)

If you guys made a fascist state, he might become the leader.

I think the policies of a future State will resemble what I advocate, whoever the leader is.

Anarchism forever.

It's suffice to say that as our own Rei has indicated, I don't believe the user Starman's ideas have a wide degree of traction within the bosom of the far-right community present.
I'm not sure about dialectics, I can conceive of space without being able to conceive of the lack of space before the big bang. I cannot conceive or understand true nothingness. I know I exist without experiencing

I must disagree with giovani's philosophy.
..I need reassurance that you will be able to prevent some future leader from implementing ant transhumation.

No such reassurance is possible. :)

Far-Right Sage wrote:It's suffice to say that as our own Rei has indicated, I don't believe the user Starman's ideas have a wide degree of traction within the bosom of the far-right community present.

I don't care. Time will tell who is right.
starman2003 wrote:I don't care. Time will tell who is right.

Indeed, it shall. Then again, the "time" concept is so far distorted- for instance, your persistance in viewing time linearly.
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