PoFo FAQ: Why are back-to-back posts frowned upon? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Question: Why are back-to-back posts frowned upon here?

Answer: Back-to-back posts (the act of posting a reply immediately after oneself) are frowned upon here because:

  1. It is a form of spam:
    • Some more nefariously inclined new members sometimes use this a a means to artificially inflate their post count.
    • It can be a means to plaster a page with a particular signature image or message.

  2. It limits the number of other forum members who will appear on a particular page. Only 20 posts will appear on any thread page. By "crowding out" other members an individual page becomes less plural, potentially less informative and requires other members to make additional page views to see posts that might otherwise have been on the same page. This also might potentially be detrimental to the forum's search engine results page ranking, as more information per page is generally better than more vacuous pages.

  3. Aesthetically it is unpleasing (yes, some people do care).

  4. In the case of some on-topic forums that specifically state: "No one-line posts please", splitting one's post into many small parts (such as briefly replying to different members) can run the risk of those posts being deleted by a moderator for running contrary to that forum's rules.

If you have additional information to add to a post before another member has replied to your previous reply then please edit your post. That is what the edit option is for! If more than 24 hours have elapsed then you will no longer be able to edit the post, and so a new reply cannot be helped. In those circumstances - and only those circumstances - back-to-back posting is begrudgingly tolerated.

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