Black Rap and the Martial Spirit. - Politics | PoFo

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The White European population of the Western world has become utterly emasculated and deprived of any martial spirit.

Only in black rap music do we find remnants of this. Here are excepts from arbitrary rap music:


But I ain't no politician, no competition
Sending all opposition to see a mortician

Your chances of jacking me are slim G
Cause I rock from summer until Santa comes down the chimney

I wipe niggas off the face of the Earth since birth


Stand on the block, Reebok, gun cocked
Avalanche rock get paid off mass murderous services
Chef break 'em, watch the alley cats bake 'em
Four-nine made 'em, drop grenades and take 'em
Quick fast we reflect like the sky be blue true
Wu-Tang saga continue

White music will never dare to voice such sentiments.

I think in the face of massive moral decay and depression amongst White Europeans, blacks, whose militancy is channeled towards negativity (crime and gang violence), it is still indicative of a healthier socio-cultural state. I view the decline of White power and the surge of Latino and Black influence as a natural process- the inevitable victory of races more self-confident and with a greater sense of themselves over nihilistic populations.
Go back to Congo or Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan, Syria or Libya. You'll be able to soak up some "martial spirit" and bring it back to Enlighten your countrymen!
I am really quite amazed every time at just how closely crude racism and faux-machismo ("gangsta rap is morally superior to Western culture") correlate with high school-level aggressiveness ("pussies"), which suggests this is nothing other than threatened young masculinity. There is, for instance, no difference whatsoever that I can see, in either the sources or the vocabulary of hatred and dogmatism between you and Kman. The only difference is he has chosen to resort to racist libertarian dogmatism while you have chosen to resort to racist Stalino-Fascist dogmatism.
The White European population of the Western world has become utterly emasculated and deprived of any martial spirit.

You say that like it's a negative thing?

Anyway it's plainly not true, masculinity and conflict have not vanished or stopped being dominant amongst "white" societies, there representations have just been transformed.

Liberalism is an uber masculine idolegy, based on individualism, competition, conflict and exploitation.

The language of the conflict has changed from the primitive masculinity you speak of, to one cloaked it terms such as "justice" and "rights", but the violence remains, just sanitized.

Somalians and Arabs are taking over European cities by the thousands


I can see, in either the sources or the vocabulary of hatred and dogmatism between you and Kman. The only difference is he has chosen to resort to racist libertarian dogmatism while you have chosen to resort to racist Stalino-Fascist dogmatism.

How true.
Well, the subculture of black youth (as well as the Hispanic youth who imitate and perpetuate it) is indeed extremely degenerate. It has less than nothing to contribute to the type of culture we should be promoting amongst our children and grandchildren. I will agree, however, that those races who do not adapt will perhaps deserve to perish in the grand scheme of things. The weak will be overrun, overtaken, mongrelized, and erased - culturally and genetically speaking. This applies to races as much as it applies to nation-states and indeed entire civilizations. Hopefully this will not be the fate of Europeans going forward, but if it is to be so, nationalists as well as everyday joes will have no one to blame but the diseased vile and filthy system of liberalism and liberal thought which has corrupted European civilization and fostered abject rot from the inside out.
hmm i would say there is a natural law, of there being a positive and negative side to every scenario, ideology, individual. Masculinity is such a strong broad concept to simply state that the negative characteristics of such a thing has no positive repercussions is ignorant.
Masculine virtues, such as strength, pushing boundaries, competition, especially that from white european males (which we tend to belittle nowadays in the hope of become "post modern") in fact made the world we see today, yes a lot of wars and damage was created because of this "masculinity" but think about all the positive developments, space travel, skyscrapers, air travel, science, economic and political theories etc. To undermine all of this and denounce it as being regressive is going to be have detremental effects.

The 'liberal order" has allowed black men, hispanic men, and asian men to still keep hold of that fighting spirit, white men unfortunately are nearly a lost cause, if you are a white male that comes across as masculine attending a socialist meeting of some sort, you will be looked upon as some sort of regressive Neanderthal, all i can do is laugh in this situation, as its going to have bad results in the future, eventually people will see through the bullshit and there will be a reaction to this unnatural pressure being adhered to as a social norm. Relativism and construcitivism, can't be treated as absolute truths, its the contradiction in every sense.

Manhood is a genuine stage that boys (see how i use the terms boys) have to go through, the way society has kept up the gender stereotype of males being disposable even to the family since the 60's, is going to result in an abundance of mentally retarded males who will never be real men, women will be dissatisfied and feel empty because this balance in a family or in society isn't being addressed. Boys can either go two ways, either they become emasculated and timid creatures who will fail to socialise and challenge women/society in general, or they will just become aggressive savages, who have nothing to fall back on due to lack of identity and direction, resulting in violence, destruction etc.

As for black rap, there is a lot of decent rap music coming from black youth in France, American rap is a joke, and consists of MTV materialism, which is animalistic in every sense, it serves an anti intellectual culture that is destroying black communities across the world to this day. Its a shame and is so obvious yet no one points it out, maybe because they want to see black communities decay inwardly. The rap of the 80's, 90's had an element of intellectualism and true empowerment in it, these days its all about having sex with sl*tty white women.
"fear gorm" was a term first first recorded Ireland in the 10th Century when Vikings began bringing Africans to Northern Europe.


The playing down and trivialization of very real concerns is pulled right from the core of the cultural Marxist playbook. This is just more of the same "everything is nothing" nonsense, designed to convey to the common folk that they should be shamed for quite natural and legitimate concerns, that they should do nothing to put out the flames around their engulfed homes, and that what has already happened and is currently happening is natural and inevitable "progress". It's bunk created to advance an agenda which ends in the ethnic, cultural, social, and political dissolution of contemporary nation-states, and I long for the day when Europeans and indeed peoples everywhere will wake up from this nightmare and cast off the yoke of an alien ideology with merciless fury.

I also sincerely wish that Marxists, holding a belief system which at its core calls for egalitarian internationalism and the dissolution of unique national entities, could simply be open about their agenda in a medium such as this designed for open and honest political discussion, without operating behind such thin curtains.
Marxists have nothing to do with race mixing. (The "cultural Marxist" stuff is nothing but feverish conspiracy.) It is entirely the product of international capitalism - at the same time the Transatlantic slave trade, the creation of colonial empires (and inevitable "native" presence in the metropoles) and postwar immigration. All this has always existed to feed the profits of the capitalists, or simply as a consequence of capitalist prosperity. Marxist states have been pretty indifferent to this question, often being mono-ethnic crypto-nationalist states, notwithstanding a some of their universalist propaganda.
Oh, it has nothing to do with a so-called conspiracy. The neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School such as Herbert Marcuse had and have a great deal to do with it. The problem within our societies is twofold - Yes, liberal-capitalism is the problem, but to weaken and breakdown nation-states, Marxist principles have been thoroughly ingrained and internalized. Liberalism and Marxism ultimately share one major goal and that is the systematic destruction of unique and individual nation-states - ethnic groups as a unified bloc and their diverse cultures, however this must be achieved. I do not need to be told this is conspiratorial, because I have seen it progress utterly throughout my lifetime. The overt destruction of sovereign states by the physical combative outstretched arm of international finance capitalism, is the tactic used against states with a single shred of independence and national feeling left, such as Serbia or Libya. The promotion of internally destructive policies such as unfettered immigration, lionization of cultural parasites while the workers starve, and advocacy for the exploitation of the domestic economy by multinationals is the path most often chosen for nations such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France, and Italy; states already firmly within the hands of the global banking structure.

But truly, whether cutting gas subsidies for Nigerians earning a pittance or championing the "rights" of Turkish migrants in the Berlin suburbs, their card is well known by those with any clarity on the subject, and the time will arrive in history when they will have played out their role.
You are incorrect, FRS. In fact, what is called "Cultural Marxism" was given another name in the Soviet Union- "Rootless Cosmopolitanism". Interesting how a doctrinally Marxist state was the only country which actively fought against "Cultural Marxism" within its borders.

"National differences cannot disappear in the near future, . . . they are bound to remain for a long time even after the victory of the proletarian revolution on a world scale".
(Josef V. Stalin: ibid.; p. 4-5).

"We have abolished national privileges and have established national equality of rights. We have abolished state frontiers in the old sense of the term, frontier posts and customs barriers between the nationalities of the USSR. . . . But does this mean that we have thereby abolished national differences, national languages, culture, manner of life, etc.? Obviously it does not mean this".
(Josef V. Stalin: Political Report of the Central Committee to the CPSU (B), in: 'Works', Volume 12; Moscow; 1955; p. 376).

"Communism has nothing in common with cosmopolitanism, that ideology which is characteristic of representatives of banking firms and international consortiums, great stock exchange speculators and international suppliers of weapons and their agents. Indeed, these circles operate according to the Roman saying ubi bene, ibi patria (where there is profit, there is one's motherland -- Ed.)".
(N. Baltiisky, in: Benjamin Pinkus (1989): op. cit.; p. 151).

"Internationalism in art does not spring from the depletion and impoverishment of national art; on the contrary, internationalism grows where national culture flourishes. To forget this is to . . . become a cosmopolitan without a country. .
It is impossible to be an internationalist in music or in anything else unless one loves and respects one's own people. . . . Our internationalism in music and respect for the creative genius of other nations is therefore based on the enrichment and development of our national musical culture, which we can then share with other nations".
(Andrei A. Thdanov: Concluding Speech at a Conference of Soviet Music Workers, 1948, in: 'On Literature, Music and philosophy'; London; 1950; p. 62-63).

"Cosmpolitanism is the militant ideology of imperialist reaction in our time. By disseminating the corrupt ideology of cosmopolitanism., the American imperialists are trying ideologically to disarm freedom-loving people who stand up for their national independence, to foster in them indifference to their own motherland, to cultivate national nihilism, and to weaken their vigilance. . .
The ideologists of American imperialism declare that in our century such concepts as the nation, national sovereignty, patriotism, etc., are 'out-worn', and must be thrown overboard. .
The right-wing socialists, the faithful servants of American imperialism, are active preachers of cosmopolitanism".
(E. Dunayeva: 'Cosmopolitanism in the Service of Imperialist Reaction'; in: 'Current Digest of the Soviet Press', Volume 2, No. 16 (3 June 1950); p. 18).
You entirely missed the point, Andropov. I made specific reference to the neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School such as Marcuse. Stalin and Lenin's view on the subject is irrelevant. I'm well aware that Stalin, despite being an ethnic Georgian, displayed elements of Russian (cultural) chauvinism and was opposed to multiculturalism or, as you reference, rootless cosmopolitanism. Marx himself was not keen on Slavs. It's beyond irrelevant. Marx and Lenin were dead long before I came into being. Yet throughout my life I have seen Marxist and neo-Marxist intellectuals deeply embedded within "Western" intelligentsia advocate widespread miscegenation, unrestricted immigration both legal and illegal, and all the destructive elements that go with a policy geared toward internationalism. Of course, they are not Western, but internal aliens who have hijacked our great civilizations. And a spade must be identified and liquidated as a spade.
FRS wrote:Liberalism and Marxism ultimately share one major goal and that is the systematic destruction of unique and individual nation-states - ethnic groups as a unified bloc and their diverse cultures, however this must be achieved.

There is a kind of humor in this. The liberals will often accuse Marx of being racist and petty in concluding that everyone is getting swept up by a Western system like capitalism.

Both the Liberal interpretation and, respectfully, yours are a little incorrect in that Marxists don't make "the systematic destruction of unique and individual nation states," a goal. We instead recognize it as a fact. Nobody cheerleads for this to happen any more than mourning the loss of the sun at night. It is a simple fact that it is happening; and it's a fact that it happens..

Marx and Engels wrote:The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilised nations, by industries that no longer work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common property. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more and more impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises a world literature.

The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation. The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians’ intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate. It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image.

It's irrelevant to if you think this is a good thing or a bad thing. But it is a thing. And it happened. And everybody is different as a result of it. You can mourn it, I suppose, but you're going to have to accept it and move on. There's nothing to be done about it.
Well of course they have the stronger martial spirit. In the West there has been promotion for generations of an idea that there is nothing more valuable than money and that the purpose of life is just to earn it, base materialism. So in essence you are told from the day you are born by education, media and those around you that the purpose of life is to earn money and live a comfortable life. There is nothing else which is more important. If anything is to threaten your comfort or financial position then it is dismissed as "silly". Sacrificing your comfort, money or life to defend anything higher is considered an outrageous idea. Naturally the result is that people become less aggressive and martial minded. It creates passive and weak scared men. They never actually become men but remain permanent boys. Ideas like being a man, stoicism, having honour and dignity are simply not regarded as important providing you have career, status and money. Also because more people have become middle class they will start to be less tough as the working class people and will not want to lose their comfortable life. Feminising ideas about not being aggressive and 'new age' man who is something more like a woman with a male gender are also common. The media through music, television, print and other mediums promote feminine behaviour in men as well as feminine dress styles. This is repeated among the children who are brought up in this not knowing anything else. Sadly this attitude is very common in the British middle class.

Because the society is so materialistic it is also very cynical and unromantic. For this reason people are not stirred by the warrior culture. The music they listen to reflects this as well. They do not like emotional or powerful songs, instead they prefer some buzzing noise which repeats. So if people are so cynical, unemotional and unromantic then how can they be tough?

However this is not a hundred percent true. Once I was in the northern part of the UK and there were some hyper-aggressive white working class people there.
However this is not a hundred percent true. Once I was in the northern part of the UK and there were some hyper-aggressive white working class people there.


Surely this shows that your whole OP is just a series of generalisations? Where were you anyway? Yorkshire, Cumbria, Lancashire?
Decky wrote::lol:

Surely this shows that your whole OP is just a series of generalisations? Where were you anyway? Yorkshire, Cumbria, Lancashire?

No, they were not generalisations because you yourself have also alluded to them. They are mainly traits of the middle to upper classes.

The incident took place on a train from Scotland to London through the north of England. These guys were sitting in the aisles of the trains blocking the way and drinking, being loud. London is a dangerous city and I have encountered some dangerous people here but I did not ever feel like anyone here could beat me up. These people were different. If you looked them in the face you can be certain one would ask you what you are staring at.

I like the north of the UK because it is so far removed from the bankers and hipsters of London. Also it has a very rural feeling. The mentality of the British working class is very different to that of the other classes in my experience. In general I have found it very easy to have conversations with them.
No, they were not generalisations because you yourself have also alluded to them. They are mainly traits of the middle to upper classes.

Indeed but you are saying it's a north south thing in the OP, there are working class people in the south you know. :p

So which is it (in you opinion)? North south divide or class culture?

As for the bold I am allowed to be bigoted towards southern shandy drinking poofy types; I am immersed in the culture in Britain, you are an outside observer, you should at least try and be objective. :lol:

I am glad that you like people outside the south east though, I wouldn't live in London if you paid me so we are on the same page there. :lol:

In general I have found it very easy to have conversations with them.

The stereotype is that London sorts are less friendly and more cold. I wouldn't agree, I would say they are just as friendly with people they already know but are far more reluctant to take to a stranger or make friends outside of a formal environment.

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