2012- Russia invades Ukraine. - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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If NATO seeks to support Ukraine against Russia, I would hope that the UK leaves NATO at that time.

They aren't people I wish to be allied with, let alone die for and I most certainly would not approve of us backing them against Russia.
Backing Russia against them would be fine.

i don't think it will happen however. I expect Ukraine to renew Russia's naval base lisence rather than lose the money it brings to Belarus.
If Russia decides to invade Ukraine, it could very well be successful.Belarus is friendly with Russia and may allow it to use it's territory to outflank Ukraine.The U.S. is tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan and is in the midst of a never ending recession.The other NATO countries rely on Russian oil.The only way to halt the Russians would be a nuclear option, and I don't sew NATO initiating nuclear war to protect Ukraine.The West won big in the cold war by gaining not only the former Warsaw Pact, but also former Soviet Socialist Republics like Lithuania.Losing Ukraine would be a blow the West they could easily absorb.
Ukraine isn't in the nato umbrella, and the ukrainians are extremely disorganised and ultimately half the country is Russian. It would fall in disarray like a stack of cards, like Georgia began to fall. Intervention by the west would mean at the very least, the destruction of western europe. The EU would splinter and so would the nato alliance if the US decided to initiate ww3 and use them as expendable pawns. Germany for example would never participate. The memory of russians entering berlin in 1945 is still too strong.
Why would Russia invade Ukraine anyway? Don't they have enough problems themselves? The only thing that would be worth being taken by Russia from Ukraine is Crimea, which is mostly Russian and belonged to Russia originally.
Russia won't invade Ukraine unless Ukraine becomes a threat, which is not happening any time soon. And the entire east of the country is substantially russian as well as the crimea so dismembering ukraine would be an obvious objective should russia deem it a threat in the future.
Ukraine is a huge country, full of weapons since the breakup of the USSR. The Russians wouldn't have it easy during an invasion. Overstretched supply lines and a large country equipped with the same military hardware would make it very difficult. They would probably end up successful but with appalling casualties. And I wouldn't call it a failed state by any means. They just managed to co-host Euro-2012 and for that you need good organisation, infrastructure, facilities and security.
Franker65 wrote:Ukraine is a huge country, full of weapons since the breakup of the USSR. The Russians wouldn't have it easy during an invasion. Overstretched supply lines and a large country equipped with the same military hardware would make it very difficult. They would probably end up successful but with appalling casualties. And I wouldn't call it a failed state by any means. They just managed to co-host Euro-2012 and for that you need good organisation, infrastructure, facilities and security.

Ukraine does not have the same military hardware. Ukraines hardware has been crumbling since 1991 with no attempts at modernisation and large stockpiles of old equipment are useless if you have nobody to use them well.

Russias military budget is over $80 billion and more if you include recent procurrements, ukraines is $1 billion, not even enough for upkeep of existing equipment let alone ongoing training and modernisation. It is spending as much as Serbia on it's military forces.

Russia would roll right over them.
Ukraine does not have the same military hardware. Ukraines hardware has been crumbling since 1991 with no attempts at modernisation and large stockpiles of old equipment are useless if you have nobody to use them well.

Russias military budget is over $80 billion and more if you include recent procurrements, ukraines is $1 billion, not even enough for upkeep of existing equipment let alone ongoing training and modernisation. It is spending as much as Serbia on it's military forces.

Yes, of course much of the equipment is in a bad state, but in terms of small arms and infantry carried anti-tank weapons, it could be a quagmire for Russia, especially during any urban fighting. Don't forget that Ukraine delivered old surplus Buk SAM systems to Georgia in 2007, and they managed to shoot down at least two SU24s, an SU25 and a TU22. Even if its old and crumbling, these weapons still have the potential to cause heavy casualties. Old equipment can be deadly if used correctly. Look at the Finns against the Soviets in WWII or what Israel had to use in 1948.
I doubt Russia would consider invading the Ukraine for the sake of the Black Sea Fleet. The Fleet can be moved and although the Ukraine is much smaller than Russia and militarily weaker, the chance of NATO involvement simply makes war a very dangerous affair. I also doubt the Ukraine would turf the Russians out anyway, they know their position is weak and keeping Russia on good terms keeps them safe.
There is no chance whatsoever of NATO involvement in the Ukraine.
Any more than there was ever any chance of NATO involvement in Georgia.

This is nothing more than a pipe dream for Russia's antagonists.

Franker65 wrote: Old equipment can be deadly if used correctly. Look at the Finns against the Soviets in WWII or what Israel had to use in 1948.

A small note on this one. Israel had the exact same state of the art weapons systems in 1948 that it's enemies did.
There is no chance whatsoever of NATO involvement in the Ukraine.
Any more than there was ever any chance of NATO involvement in Georgia.

This is nothing more than a pipe dream for Russia's antagonists.

Apples and Oranges. Defending Georgia was not only extremely difficult logistically, but also of no great importance to Europe or NATO. If the Ukraine fell to Russia, that would have a massive impact on the region and undermine Europe and NATOs security.

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