Does Iran want to see Armaggedon? [split] - Politics | PoFo

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Bottom line here is the Mullahs in Iran would like to see Armaggedon sooner rather than later, as that will bring their Messiah sooner. Iran also wants to win the religious war with the Shia (or is it Sunni, I forget). The crazies on top of the heap are akin to Christians in the year 300 and are basically in the stone age of thought process when you compare them to the Muslims of the 7 and 8th centuries. These nutters with their thumbs on the nuclear trigger is flat not acceptable to any rational human being. Israel is in their sights and they will not hesitate to slay one and all in that land. Thank god they can take care of themselves and yes that our tax dollars also back them up. Iran won't be wiped from the map, but hundreds of thousands of lives are in peril in Iran. Don't think for a moment that the nutters in Tehran are worried about that, they would rather bring it on, it is their creed and true belief.....
AndresSerrano wrote:the Mullahs in Iran would like to see Armaggedon sooner rather than later, as that will bring their Messiah sooner.

Muslims have already had their messiah. Perhaps some other group is hoping to induce their own unarrived superhero?

Iran also wants to win the religious war with the Shia (or is it Sunni, I forget).

And yet Iran hasn't invaded any neighbors or occupied other lands in centuries. Maybe some other country in the area was created as some kind of military base with a radical superstitious agenda?

These nutters with their thumbs on the nuclear trigger is flat not acceptable to any rational human being.

Could there be another country in the region with nuclear triggers?

Israel is in their sights and they will not hesitate to slay one and all in that land. Thank god they can take care of themselves and yes that our tax dollars also back them up.

I think God would be very happy to see tax dollars propping up a religious/military/ethnic construct built by bankster wars and money. The living animals and plants of the earth, not so much.
QatzelOk wrote:Muslims have already had their messiah. Perhaps some other group is hoping to induce their own unarrived superhero?

The Occultation (Arabic: غيبة‎ Ghaybah) in Shia Islam refers to a belief that the messianic figure, or Mahdi, who in Shi'i thought is an infallible male descendant of the founder of Islam, Muhammad, was born but disappeared, and will one day return and fill the world with justice. Some Shi'is, such as the Zaidi and Nizari Ismaili, do not believe in the idea of the Occultation. The groups that do believe in it differ on the succession of the Imamate, and therefore which individual is in Occultation. The Hidden Imam is still considered to be the Imam of the Time, to hold authority over the community, and to guide and protect individuals and the Shi'i community.

Of course the Sunni consider Shia as kuffār because of this.
Neat. I like it when a thread about war morphs into a discussion about sectarianism. Why can't we all just get along? After all, we're all descended from the same African ethnic group. All of you guys have African ancestors, so you ought to become atheists, shake hands, and exchange gifts. :)
Social_Critic wrote:Neat. I like it when a thread about war morphs into a discussion about sectarianism. Why can't we all just get along? After all, we're all descended from the same African ethnic group. All of you guys have African ancestors, so you ought to become atheists, shake hands, and exchange gifts. :)

Like our 'atheist' African ancestors? They must've gotten along so well. I wonder why we find their offspring here in the cold north and all the way on the other side of the planet. I guess the immense amounts of love experienced by these ancients made them just want to spread it all over the place - or because hunter gatherers just need space. Not everything can be shared in this small world.

You must've never had a difference of opinion with anybody?
I wonder why we find their offspring here in the cold north and all the way on the other side of the planet.

Why did homo sapiens leave Africa? Because they were adventurers and Africa is connected to the Holy land and Middle East.

The first migration out of Africa (excluding erectus, which got out a long time before but was wiped out) was by robust types which became neanderthals. Some ended up in the Holy Land, so you could say they were the original Palestinians. But things got colder and the first homo sapiens travelers died off. The Neanderthals survived but they died later, but that's a different species, I think.

Then about 55 thousand years ago a group left and left a trail of settlements all the way down to Australia. A bit later, another group left and settled in the Holy Land and the Middle East. Eventually they turned whiter, and there you are, descended from an African with dark skin and looking so Korean. :)

They didn't end up in the cold until later, of course, but eventually figured out it was pretty profitable to hunt mammoth, so off they went as far North as they could. One of these groups eventually figured out how to ride horses, and they left what today is Russia to take over all the way down to India. But in those days, as far as I can tell, people were all politheistic and they seemed to take religion with a grain of salt. It was more like in Conan the Barbarian.
Hatred is something else to behold. It colors thinking and thus writing and thus posting. Bashers and haters will bash and hate regardless of facts as plain as the noses on their faces. Thing to do is look away and walk away quietly out of embarassment.
The cold facts are: Iran is a Theocracy run by religious nutters (would anybody stand for the Pope running Italy or Europe? I am thinking not) who perpetuate themselves in power through dictatorial repression and flat out cheating on elections. Said nutters continually, CONTINUALLY (in case you missed it) call for the destruction of a nation and the assassination of a whole people who rightly live in the place of their origin, as decided by the UNITED NATIONS. They are signatories of the NNPT. Yet they continue to strive for a nuclear weapon. To do what, I wonder? Defend themselves against the evil empire? I would accept that, if they had not signed the treaty, they were no nutters who want armageddon so their Prophet comes back, they did not leave in the 7th century. Oh yeah, it is for peaceful purposes. Yah right, nothing to do with threatening the Shias (or Sunnis I forget), it has nothing to do with lying through their teeth at every negotiating turn (infidels, after all can be lied to according to the nutter version of Islam). It bears repeating, the nutters aim at hegemony among Muslims, they figure the way there is through destroying Israel and if that comes with Armageddon, so much the better, their new improved prophet will arrive and it will rain virgins so all will be taken care of, not with a measly 72 of them, 144!! Imagine that!! Before all that happens though, the other sad reality is that Iran will be bombed to the stone age, hundreds of thousands of young Iranians will die needlessly and in utter futility, their Prophet will not come. THAT is the bottom line.
The cold facts are: Iran is a Theocracy run by religious nutters (would anybody stand for the Pope running Italy or Europe? I am thinking not) who perpetuate themselves in power through dictatorial repression and flat out cheating on elections. Said nutters continually, CONTINUALLY (in case you missed it) call for the destruction of a nation and the assassination of a whole people who rightly live in the place of their origin, as decided by the UNITED NATIONS. They are signatories of the NNPT. Yet they continue to strive for a nuclear weapon.

What facts? Would you care to provide a single shread of evidence that they actually want a nuclear weapon? Another smoking gun perhaps? As for religious nutters, they're closer to home. No need to go all the way to Tehran. You had a president of the most powerful country in the world who was communicating to God. God has made him an instrument on earth so he attacked Iraq. Blimey.
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming

The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:

In Genesis and Ezekiel Gog and Magog are forces of the Apocalypse who are prophesied to come out of the north and destroy Israel unless stopped. The Book of Revelation took up the Old Testament prophesy:

“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”

Bush believed the time had now come for that battle, telling Chirac:

“This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins”…

There can be little doubt now that President Bush’s reason for launching the war in Iraq was, for him, fundamentally religious. He was driven by his belief that the attack on Saddam’s Iraq was the fulfilment of a Biblical prophesy in which he had been chosen to serve as the instrument of the Lord.

And British Prime Minister Tony Blair long-time mentor, advisor and confidante said:

“Tony’s Christian faith is part of him, down to his cotton socks. He believed strongly at the time, that intervention in Kosovo, Sierra Leone – Iraq too – was all part of the Christian battle; good should triumph over evil, making lives better.”

Mr Burton, who was often described as Mr Blair’s mentor, says that his religion gave him a “total belief in what’s right and what’s wrong”, leading him to see the so-called War on Terror as “a moral cause”…

Anti-war campaigners criticised remarks Mr Blair made in 2006, suggesting that the decision to go to war in Iraq would ultimately be judged by God.

Bill Moyers reports that the organization Christians United for Israel – led by highly-influential Pastor John C. Hagee – is a universal call to all Christians to help factions in Israel fund the Jewish settlements, throw out all the Palestinians and lobby for a pre-emptive invasion of Iran. All to bring Russia into a war against us causing World War III followed by Armageddon, the Second Coming and The Rapture. See this and this.

This all revolves around what is called Dispensationalism. So popular is Dispensationalism that Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind series has sold 65 million copies.

It would be great for your personal development if you actually started researching instead of blindly believing in neo liberal propaganda-rubbish. ... -iran.html
Dispensationalists include the following mega-pastors and their churches:
■Jerry Falwell
■Pat Robertson
■Billy Graham

They are supported by politicians such as:
■Newt Gingrich
■Joseph Lieberman
■John McCain
■Texas Senator John Cronyn
■Former House Minority Whip Roy Blunt
■Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
■And others

Dr. Timothy Webber – an evangelical Christian who has served as a teacher of church history and the history of American religion at Denver Seminary and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Vice-President at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Lombard, IL, and President of Memphis Theological Seminary in Tennessee – notes:

In a recent Time/CNN poll, more than one-third of Americans said that since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, they have been thinking more about how current events might be leading to the end of the world.

While only 36 percent of all Americans believe that the Bible is God’s Word and should be taken literally, 59 percent say they believe that events predicted in the Book of Revelation will come to pass. Almost one out of four Americans believes that 9/11 was predicted in the Bible, and nearly one in five believes that he or she will live long enough to see the end of the world. Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return.

Millions of Americans believe that the Bible predicts the future and that we are living in the last days. Their beliefs are rooted in dispensationalism, a particular way of understanding the Bible’s prophetic passages, especially those in Daniel and Ezekiel in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. They make up about one-third of America’s 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. In the last part of the 20th century, dispensationalist evangelicals become Israel’s best friends-an alliance that has made a serious geopolitical difference.
I have seen the light. A towering intellect has made me see that light. I am soooo thankful for the guidance.
Iran is actually a saintly kingdom, it is ruled by a benign pastor of a vey, very nice church, that has as its first tenet, "love all peoples and never do harm to another human being, regardless of the sin'. This wonderful country preaches peace and love throughout the world. It has actually created two saintly religious groups, one called Hezbollah, the other one Hamas. They are entirely and totally dedicated to the spread of good will among all peoples, they strive for peaceful conflict resolution wherever they are and they are sworn to non-violence as a way of life. The saintly Islamic Republic of Iran is well known for its tolerance, and particularly for its extending full human rights to the females inhabiting there. Sweden and Norway, paragons of sexual equality actually send their leaders to study in Iran, twice a year, to learn how to properly treat females. As to the nuclear issue, well, WHAT nuclear issue? Crying out loud, New Guinea has medical equipment that uses radioactive isotopes, why should Iran not have a right to nuclear technology for medical purposes?? The evil empire wants to kill Iranians by the thousands by denying them radiation treatment. The evil empire figures the less radiation therapy there is in Iran, the easier it will be for the evil empire to steal Iran's oil. The master plan is to steal all of Iran's oil, secretely dump it in the canadian tar sand fields, and then claim it belonged to Canada all along. This of course follows the theft of all the Iraqui oil by the Shrub-Chenney-Halliburton cabal. Said oil now rests securely under the Shrub's ranch in Texas, well, some of it. The tanker line that goes from Basra to the Houston ship channel is not done unloading.
AndresSerrano wrote:Bottom line here is the Mullahs in Iran would like to see Armaggedon sooner rather than later, as that will bring their Messiah sooner. Iran also wants to win the religious war with the Shia (or is it Sunni, I forget). The crazies on top of the heap are akin to Christians in the year 300 and are basically in the stone age of thought process when you compare them to the Muslims of the 7 and 8th centuries. These nutters with their thumbs on the nuclear trigger is flat not acceptable to any rational human being. Israel is in their sights and they will not hesitate to slay one and all in that land. Thank god they can take care of themselves and yes that our tax dollars also back them up. Iran won't be wiped from the map, but hundreds of thousands of lives are in peril in Iran. Don't think for a moment that the nutters in Tehran are worried about that, they would rather bring it on, it is their creed and true belief.....

Re fucking nutters:

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The last time Iran started a war.
Submitted by SONICMASD on Thu, 09/15/2011 - 12:26

Ron Paul 2012
Bill BillOreilly Factor Iran john Persian RonPaul Russo Stossel War
A lot of talk has been going on surrounding RP and his position on Iran.

Stossel made some great points while defending RP on O'Reilly Factor (Caution - Bill is the biggest moron ever in this video)
> Jump to 03m 00s for the Iran talk.

I think that telling people that Iran has not started a war in 200 years is a great point to make while supporting this position. The US can't even go 2 years, let alone 200 - so which country is really the greater danger to mankind?

Anyways, it got me thinking - When exactly was this war that Iran started 200 years ago? Because if I make this point I need to be able to back it up.

So after much research I believe that the answer is: 1826 during the 4th Russo-Persian War. If anyone finds an error in this or a more recent war that Iran started please post.
The us brought you the Internet. Obviously the us is better for mankind and Iran will be smashed.

Edit: I see that you care about who starts wars or not, but the key point is who wins them :) ok Iran hasn't started a war. They took our hostages in 1979. Every single person in Iran who was involved and supported that operation should and hopefully will be choked with piano wire. Or a drone stike :)
[quote="Social_Critic"I like it when a thread about war morphs into a discussion about sectarianism.[/quote]
This is because sectarianism has been used to create the world's biggest mafias.

And the biggest mafias are the ones who use wars as "hits" on the uncooperative.
About Iran not invading other land in centuries, rmadison wrote:
Why do some posters post total lies and garbage like this that is so easily refuted?

Noam Chomsky and I are both liars.

Noam wrote:Iran too has carried out aggression – but during the past several hundred years, only under the U.S.-backed regime of the shah, when it conquered Arab islands in the Persian Gulf.

The Western-backed Shaw attacked Arab islands back when the West was pulling his strings. Left to their own devices since 1980, Iran has attacked no one, but the Western-backed Saddam Hussein attacked them with chemical weapons.

Seems like the West is always pulling the strings when atrocities occur in this region. The West is like a cancer on the Houses of Petroleum.
Iran is more than just Ahmadinejad ... Khatami, Mousavi and others are important political players that oppose him. And the clerical establishment headed by Khamenei is probably trying to contain him. Any possible 'Armageddon' scenario is likely to be instigated by Ahmadinejad and the Revolutionary Guard who are the faction of the army that has extensive economic clout and controls all the high end weaponry. The US has imposed sanctions against its economic base, which has fucked it off. And Israel could do something dramatic to enrage it.

The trouble with trying to contain Ahmadinejad and the Revolutionary Guard is that they can just reference the coup against Mosaddeq to garner popular support. They can just say ... "look ... the US is trying to do the same thing yet again".
AndresSerrano wrote:Bottom line here is the Mullahs in Iran would like to see Armaggedon sooner rather than later, as that will bring their Messiah sooner. Iran also wants to win the religious war with the Shia (or is it Sunni, I forget). The crazies on top of the heap are akin to Christians in the year 300 and are basically in the stone age of thought process when you compare them to the Muslims of the 7 and 8th centuries. These nutters with their thumbs on the nuclear trigger is flat not acceptable to any rational human being. Israel is in their sights and they will not hesitate to slay one and all in that land. Thank god they can take care of themselves and yes that our tax dollars also back them up. Iran won't be wiped from the map, but hundreds of thousands of lives are in peril in Iran. Don't think for a moment that the nutters in Tehran are worried about that, they would rather bring it on, it is their creed and true belief.....

The fanatics in Iran aren't the only zealots with active policies to bring about "armegeddon." Let us not forget that the very existence of the Israeli state is based on the premise that it is land that was promised to Abraham in Judaic tradition. These Jews are willing to commit any atrocity to see their goals through. There is a large number of Evangelicals in America that support Zionism simply because they believe that it's essential for the return of Christ. This scenario puts the entire world at risk of a major war for zealot causes.

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