Is it okay for children to know about homosexuality? - Page 38 - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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Tainari88 wrote:Joey do you really believe all that stuff you wrote?


If I didn't... I wouldn't have taken the time to write it.
I just can't seem to see how more and more people are turning cowardly gullable while finding it easier and easier to let just about anyone do just about anything anywhere at anytime.
What is the new limit now since it does seem to keep changing from day to day?
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Oh yea... I'll probably be right about all of those outcomes from all of those equations too.
There's a difference between exposing kids to graphic sexual acts, homo or heterosexual, and teaching them about love. Sex doesn't even enter into the conversation with little ones.

If I was to argue that kids oughtn't be taught about homosexuality it would be because as a child I witnessed older boys taunting a child in my class (2nd grade) about being a fairy. I had to ask someone what they meant, as clearly it had nothing to do with teeth. That boy, who had the sweetest nature, was humiliated daily.

But we weren't taught about homosexuals, and this kid was treated cruelly, so I say teach kids at a rate of what they can absorb for the age they're at. Educating can't be any worse than the system I grew up in, and maybe some of the hate-speech makers will see things in a less distorted way.

Finally... Someone who is on my page.
Where have you been hiding?
Excellent points and very understandable reasoning.
Thanks for sharing your input.
There is certainly a problem with this picture none the less.
A solution is what needs to roll through here in order to help smooth out such a rocky road that's done nothing but leave a bad taste in many mouths.
I was exposed to gayness early. Lol. My favorite maternal Aunt. She was a lesbian. And would take my sister and I to the beach, on picnics, and to sporting events. She was a fun Aunt!! She had girlfriends but I never saw her with them kissing or anything. When I was old enough to ask what "Lesbian" meant it was explained very matter of factly by my father. Kids get the concept quickly. It is the bully kids who love to pick on anyone who is different for any reason anyway that make life hard for others.
joeylyrics wrote:She probably was unfortunate enough to have walked in on mommy chowing down on her other mommy which most likely triggered her thought process to go that route for herself.

I think you know that your explanation is ridiculous, based on the simple fact that most gay people happen to be born to heterosexual parents. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:I was exposed to gayness early. Lol. My favorite maternal Aunt. She was a lesbian. And would take my sister and I to the beach, on picnics, and to sporting events. She was a fun Aunt!! She had girlfriends but I never saw her with them kissing or anything. When I was old enough to ask what "Lesbian" meant it was explained very matter of factly by my father. Kids get the concept quickly. It is the bully kids who love to pick on anyone who is different for any reason anyway that make life hard for others.


Yes... it is wrong to be a bully as much as it is asinine to flaunt your abnormalities.
If you don't want to be called a Pink Flamingo... don't wear pink.
If you want to coexist with those who are different... a happy medium must be achieved and a common understanding between both of the feuding sides must come to terms of what lines not to cross.
Being civilized goes a long way in earning respect.
Pushing for more than you deserve causes the conflicts that start all the never ending wars.
People aren't being careful and it's the carelessness that gets them all into trouble.

first, thank you for your kind remarks. I think people object to what you write because you use strong language and improbable situations, ie:
joeylyrics wrote:Same sex sex IS a fiendish fetish as well as a sick and disgusting habit and should not be introduced or displayed for a child to ponder.

Children can be taught that love takes many forms, and that love includes honour, dignity, emotional support and affection, and includes acceptance of same-sex couples. "Different" is not a synonym for "perverse" or "fiendish" or "fetish".
I don't have a problem with homosexuality. I don't think it has anything to do with some chosen lifestyle. It is simply who they are. But a person's sexual preferences should never be the ENTIRE identity. Ever. No one is just their sexuality and nothing else.

I think if you are heterosexual and have conventional tastes why worry about what homosexuals are doing anyway? You probably have your hands full trying to keep your hetero relationship together anyway. Kids have sexuality from day one. It is normal. And by the time they are five years old they know if they have sexual feelings for other people of the same sex or not. That is not a mysterious thing.

The big issue many of the gay people have is that the people who they most love and respect in their lives like parents, siblings, friends, etc. may reject them for something they really can't change. They then have to lie and deceive or just not mention what they feel. That is living a life that is unnecessarily difficult. And painful. Many crack under all that false fronting. I think people need to stop being ignorant and let people be who they are and not worry about just one aspect of that person. Again, a person is gay....yeah, what? It is only one part of their personalities.

I have met gays I like as people and love as people. And I have met gays who I disliked and really found repulsive as people. And it had nothing to do with if they were gay or not. It was about the totality of who they were.
Heterosexualism is NORMAL and what is NORMAL is what needs to be promoted.
I could care less what people do behind their own closed doors in their own homes...
But to become foolishly fixated by publicly prancing and enhancing their sick sexual fetishes in front of those who would much rather not know at all is a disrespectful act by those who are seriously less civilized.
I'm sure that the gay people who are wise enough to keep their sexual preferences to themselves in an attempt to not make it uncomfortable for others are as nice as can be...
But in all actuality and no matter how more modern our world does become...
There's always a right time and a right place for everything.
For openly expressive gays... in PUBLIC shouldn't be it.
Either they come to find some decency... or they''ll NEVER get a vote from me.
Hetrosexuality and homosexuality are both normal, its just that there are more straight people than gay. I don't want to see any couple doing in public what's clearly sexual.

But Joey, in Europe its perfectly natural for two women to walk arm in arm, or hand in hand, regardless of their sexual preference. Its no biggie. Arabian men kiss each other upon meeting. Again, no biggie. And when people are reared to be tolerant, total acceptance is much easier.
Stormsmith wrote:Hetrosexuality and homosexuality are both normal, its just that there are more straight people than gay. I don't want to see any couple doing in public what's clearly sexual.

But Joey, in Europe its perfectly natural for two women to walk arm in arm, or hand in hand, regardless of their sexual preference. Its no biggie. Arabian men kiss each other upon meeting. Again, no biggie. And when people are reared to be tolerant, total acceptance is much easier.


I totally disagree...
Heterosexualism is how it was meant to be.
Homosexuality is a technicality for ones abnormality.
This behavior shouldn't be promoted and encouraged by any means.
Oh dear, I take it that means we're n ot on the same page.

You think its abnormal, but it isn't. There have been gays throughout history, and doubtlessly before. There is a statistical difference, but that 's all. If you'd grown up in a progressive home, you'd get it. 3% of all people have AB blood; 7% have O negative. They're statistically much scarcer than O positive, but neither is abnormal. In fact, any one can use them.

I say again, "different" is synonymous with "pervert" etc.
Gays are gays and they're going to still be gay regardless.
They clearly make that clearer and clearer each passing day.
The really abnormal thing about it all is WHY, WHY, WHY do they keep feeling compelled enough to think they need to let everyone else know about their personal business.
God supposedly created Adam and Eve...
Not Adam and Steve.
Man came to his senses and invended the closed door.
Privacy goes along way in earning other peoples respect.
Children may realize they're gay themselves at some point in their young little lives... but the ones who aren't gay shouldn't be subjected to get ideas from watching those who are especially when it's an ADULT who's supposed to at least know better.
Are we really becoming that much of an uncivilized society?
I seem to think so.
Good thing I'm not a politician...
At least I don't have to pretend to like gays just to get their votes.
Where in the wide world of sports do you live that you and a whack of children are eye witnesses to all this gay sexual activity? Where I live, you'd have to be actively looking for it on the internet. No one, straight or no, is having sex in shopping malls, parks or beaches. I've travelled all over North America and Europe, and again, nada. I've seen straight couples making out, but geez, sex itself?
joeylyrics wrote:The really abnormal thing about it all is WHY, WHY, WHY do they keep feeling compelled enough to think they need to let everyone else know about their personal business.

I think it was straight people who decided that it would be really fun in the 1950s to spy on people and drag them kicking and screaming out of their closets, and then to drive a steamroller over the closets.

Now you are complaining that not enough people are in closets? Make up your minds!

Damned if you're in, damned if you're out.
Stormsmith wrote:Where in the wide world of sports do you live that you and a whack of children are eye witnesses to all this gay sexual activity? Where I live, you'd have to be actively looking for it on the internet. No one, straight or no, is having sex in shopping malls, parks or beaches. I've travelled all over North America and Europe, and again, nada. I've seen straight couples making out, but geez, sex itself?


Suckin' face and lip lockin' each-other's tounge rings I may have mentioned....
Never recall saying they were having sex.
Although... kids probably see more gayness flippin' thru the television then they do in their own real world.
Is this something we really want to support so it can just end up being everywhere...
Kind of like them Sanish channels and Half English/Half Spanish written labels for the lazy Latino's who refuse to use their knowledge to learn our language.
Crying discrimination goes a long way.
It worked for the blacks, the browns and the mexicans...
Hell... it's now helping the gays to get that "Over Exposure" they've always been fighting for.
In the end it's all just a test... and a Way Maker for what the politicians have in store that's coming for us next.
My guess... it has to do with the world being fitted for their turbans.
joeylyrics wrote:StormSmith...

Suckin' face and lip lockin' each-other's tounge rings I may have mentioned....

Would you object to straight people doing the same? If not, you are a bigot. If so, then you're a prude who's about half a century late to the party. Pick your poison.

On topic: Yes! Dear god, why has this been a 38-page topic? Homosexuality exists, homosexual people exist, and denying this reality is a very bad idea.
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