US can never expect to win a land war in asia - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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It will be a glorious day when America leaves Asia-Pacific and Europe.

I doubt it, when they leave some other arse will just turn up. The US has set a very bad example to future super powers on how act. Their style can be summed up in three words might; might makes right.

What makes you think that after the US has withdrew from Asia that the new imperial overlord (most likely China) will act in a different way? For all we know they might even be worse (although they would have to make quite an effort). :lol:
The US isn't the first imperial power, or the first in the region. It has nothing new to teach anyone.

China was the imperial overlord of the region for millenia, until japan usurped it for a few short decades, and now the US has it's turn. The mantle will naturally go back to china. Chinese tenure hasn't been anymore bloody than the japanese or US. Americans killed 5 million east asians in the space of 5 decades, the japanese slaughtered 16-18 million in a few years. The chinese don't usually engage in such mass carnage, which explains the large populations of most states in the region, including china itself. They are economically and developmentally motivated. Trade will come before bombs. The reverse is true with the US and of course japan of the past.
:roll: Yes lets ignore Most of europe Igor, what not nit picked examples. Face it, American imperealism produces good results way better than bad results. Tough Americas game has been sad since the end of the cold war, America needs a powerful advesary to do its A game.
Chinese imperealism is better ? Look tibet is it a free democratic nation ruled by tibetans or is it an autocratic region of china ruled by the chinese, what is better you think ?

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