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By Rainbow Crow
I just had this weird experience once that has been in the back of my mind. Often when I work out after going a long period without doing it, I'll be sore for days. In extreme cases, even a week.

In one instance, I went hiking with my ex and hadn't used my legs in months. We climbed up and down a mountain and my legs were so tired by the time we made it back to our tent at the bottom that I could barely even stand. Usually I would expect that kind of experience to leave me sore for a week.

Even worse, I had forgotten to bring any meat for us to eat. All we had was vegetables, beans, fruits and nuts. I made myself eat the stuff since it was all we had but I fully expected to be sore for an entire week.

The next day, my legs weren't sore at all. I had full range of movement and seemingly of endurance. The only explanation is that beans and nuts etc. did more for me than my usual beef and protein shake combo after such a thing would have. This was one of the experiences which made me really start to wonder about the type of diet I live off of.
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By Demosthenes
You're a meatfag Sam. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't care... but still.

I am allergic to mammalian meat and can only eat fish and fowl. I do so. I also cannot drink very much mammalian milk. However, the allergen is not present in enough quantity in cheeses, so I do get to consume them.

I don't find I miss pork at all. I miss beef a little. I really miss lamb, hard to eat good med. food without lamb... :hmm: I also can't eat local meats like deer, rabbits, or squirrels.
By Kon
funner fact, I was in the best shape of my life and played triple AAA rugby and lacrosse when I when I was a vegan.

fuck demos opinions on rugger, he is just ignorant. God knows if he ran for 80 minutes he would probably die
If you feel better eating just vegetables then more power to you. But I've never been able to go for long without some kind of meat, I lose weight rapidly, I become so weak and irritable after a few weeks without meat. To each his own, but personally vegans that try to spread their ideology like some sort of religion need to be shot dead on the spot. Fuck off and let me enjoy my animal cells.
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By Tigerlily
Although I'm omnivorous now, I am still kind of picky about my animal products. I eat meat sporadically, every other day, although there would be a rare day where I'd have it once or twice. I usually feel physically gross when I eat meat more than once in a day. I love eggs and when I stopped being vegan, I was eating them every single day. I've now stopped eating them daily and I consume eggs (2 fried eggs, my favourite) one to three times a week. I still don't like drinking liquid milk, it makes me feel gross, so I still have soy milk for cereal and in my coffee at home (I take cream when outside the home). I really like cheese and yogurt, and eat them daily. I've been thinking about cutting down on cheese and only have it a few times week, as it's really fattening.
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By Demosthenes
Cheese is like a demi-god.

Igor Antunov wrote:If you feel better eating just vegetables then more power to you. But I've never been able to go for long without some kind of meat, I lose weight rapidly, I become so weak and irritable after a few weeks without meat. To each his own, but personally vegans that try to spread their ideology like some sort of religion need to be shot dead on the spot. Fuck off and let me enjoy my animal cells.

That's all in your head. You're being a meatfag. Stop spreading your meatfag religion to us, it annoys us as much as the non-meat diets annoy you.
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By Tigerlily
I've been wanting to switch to better cheese. Like good quality, imported European stuff. However, it's expensive and a kilogram brick of mass produced, orange dyed, cheddar-like cheese is much more affordable. It's unfortunate, because it's crappy and you have to eat a lot of it to get your cheese satisfaction. A good quality cheese like gouda or havarti or even artisan cheddar is much better tasting and you only need a little bit to feel satisfied. A recommended serving of cheese is 1 oz, fyi, which about the size of your thumb.
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By Demosthenes
All you say is true, however I am a fan of Feta.

There is no bigger demi-God than this Greek wonder cheese.

True fact: Those who eat feta are smarter, live longer, and have higher class than those who either don't eat cheese at all or who only eat the lesser cheeses you describe above.
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By Tigerlily
Demosthenes wrote:All you say is true, however I am a fan of Feta.

There is no bigger demi-God than this Greek wonder cheese.

True fact: Those who eat feta are smarter, live longer, and have higher class than those who either don't eat cheese at all or who only eat the lesser cheeses you describe above.

I just had feta right now! Locally made too. Yumms.
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By Repeat to Fade
I'm not vegetarian....... i may appear it at times but it's a misconception. I don't eat farmed meat. Anything that is wild is fine, also by products and offal are all good too. For instance pork and bacon are off the menu but pigs liver is fine so is gelatine as is anything from wild boar. Fish for the most part is okay by me too. Farming stuff is an inefficient use of land and resources so that's why. It does reduce my meat intake significantly too but it's not for animal welfare reasons. Don't care how animals are killed or kept it's just a real waste of energy to do so in a farm.
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By MissTNT
You could check out The Engine 2 Diet. I won't post a link cause I'm not sure how that would play with The Rules here, but you can Google it. The writer is the son of the Fork over Knives Doctor and had been a tri-athlete before becoming a firefighter at 34 which is one year before the cut off for that career. He's pretty buff and hawt. He converted his own crew and has been trying to convert other firefighters to change their eating habits.
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By danholo
I've cut back considerably on my meat consumption. I just don't find it agrees with my body very well, but I'm not a vegetarian. The other night I had the best burger ever - a "kobe beef burger". It was sex in my mouth. Honestly the best burger I've ever eaten.
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By Rainbow Crow
All kobe beef is, is beef that was fed grass instead of a combination of soy, corn and the ground up parts of cows that weren't even fit for use as hot dogs.

I am reading the book "In Defense of Food" that Dr. Lee recommended me, it is very interesting.
By Decky
I also cannot drink very much mammalian milk

As opposed to non mammalian milk?
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By QatzelOk
Rugoz wrote:Not eating meat will not save the life of a single animal. Instead of being killed at a certain age people will stop raising them and they will never exist.


Really? We'll stop artificially inseminating them and raising them in tiny boxes and shooting them up with medicines?

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