Stupid nazis and their mad racial theories - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Far-Right Sage wrote:Have you lost it?

Poles are Slavs. The Polish have universally been considered a West Slavic people.

You need to familiarize yourself with the difference between Przeworsk and Chernyakhov culture. It's the key difference between the Vandals and other Eastern European tribes.

At that, modern Poland is a mish-mosh of a nation that hadn't been unified since the three partitions where Russia enjoyed oppressing its Polish subjects despite extending pan-Slavism to the Balkans. At THAT, Germany had no interests in Polish conquest before WW1, but just happened to do so as a convenient front to defend the Austrians from Slavic interests in the Balkans.

Hitler's myth of lebensraum seems arbitrary at best. It was just an excuse for a madman to act out.
Oh My gosh -It seems the Good people of Sutherland in Scotland ares..Slavs as are people from Delhi, the Halland Region of Sweden, the Mongols and Saddam Husseins Tikriti clan. Wheras large parts of former YugoSLAVIA are less slavic than the Netherlands ohh and don;t forget the slavs of hongkong and even Cameroon.
I'm blonde and blue and I wouldn't mind jew skin and african shlong

although I think I'll keep the eyes, height, and intelligence. Honestly, ashkenazi's annoy me with how dense they can be. You need a bit of the luck of the irish in you want to speak with God in his language.
DudeWhoGetsIt wrote:I'm blonde and blue and I wouldn't mind jew skin and african shlong

although I think I'll keep the eyes, height, and intelligence. Honestly, ashkenazi's annoy me with how dense they can be. You need a bit of the luck of the irish in you want to speak with God in his language.

The unnocial motto of Harvard business school

Look British, Act Yiddish.
Germans weren't predominantly Aryans. There were people living in Europe before the Aryan invasions around 2000 BC. The Nordics learned Aryan as a second language, which accounts for the consonant changes they made in it. The fact that the Germans were barbarians long after the Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Indians became civilized proves their lack of pure Aryan bloodlines. Naziism was a reversion to their previous savage attitude, covered over with a false and superficial rationality.

Despite adopting a Semitic language when they emigrated out of the Caucasus Mountains, the Jews were probably Aryan. It must be noted that Yahweh was pronounced much like the Latin god Jove. And the difference between the advancement of Mesopotamia and Egypt, as opposed to Arab perpetual savagery, indicates that those ancient civilizations were probably Aryan also. The problem with this theory, though not a refutation of it, is why the original Caucasian homeland of the Aryans has left no traces of an advanced race.
PrometheusBound wrote:Germans weren't predominantly Aryans. There were people living in Europe before the Aryan invasions around 2000 BC. The Nordics learned Aryan as a second language, which accounts for the consonant changes they made in it. The fact that the Germans were barbarians long after the Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Indians became civilized proves their lack of pure Aryan bloodlines. Naziism was a reversion to their previous savage attitude, covered over with a false and superficial rationality.

Despite adopting a Semitic language when they emigrated out of the Caucasus Mountains, the Jews were probably Aryan. It must be noted that Yahweh was pronounced much like the Latin god Jove. And the difference between the advancement of Mesopotamia and Egypt, as opposed to Arab perpetual savagery, indicates that those ancient civilizations were probably Aryan also. The problem with this theory, though not a refutation of it, is why the original Caucasian homeland of the Aryans has left no traces of an advanced race.

"Germans weren't aryans"

"the aryan invasion of around 2000bc"

the nordics learned "aryan as a second language"

Germans...lack of "pure aryan bloodlines"

"the jews were probably aryan"

Mesopotamia and Egypt were probably aryan also

who the fuck are these aryans you keep talking about?
are you talking about the folks who invaded upper india?
are you talking about a misnamed, mythologoical nazi santa claus invented by hitler w no true historical underpinning?
are you talking about the kurgans, the mound builders?
are you talking about the spread of the indo-european language family?
wtf are you talking about? spit it out bro
When the Nazis invaded Poland, they kidnapped Polish children with Nordic features and had them raised in the Lebensborn centers as Germans.

Really, there were two Nazisms, one for the public, and the one that was actually used in policy. In the first Nazism, all Germans were Aryan. In the second Nazism, all Nordics were Aryan. All Germans were treated the same, with the exception of only Nordic Germans being allowed to join the Lebensborn program.
Darryl wrote:People are entitled to their own opinions and that includes the neo nazis.

Neo nazis shouldn't even have the right to exist. Most of nowadys self-proclaimed representatives of the "aryan race" would even put the traditional national socialists to shame. I don't think that Himmler would be happy If he knew that his modern fanbase mainly consits of degenerate social failures. Fascists with a functioning intellect, like some of our far-right forum users, are a rarity. The hords of socially backward nazis just need a nice trip to a reeducation camp or simple help provided by some sort of social institution which cares about their problem n' shit.
Andrea_Chenier wrote:Neo nazis shouldn't even have the right to exist. Most of nowadys self-proclaimed representatives of the "aryan race" would even put the traditional national socialists to shame. I don't think that Himmler would be happy If he knew that his modern fanbase mainly consits of degenerate social failures. Fascists with a functioning intellect, like some of our far-right forum users, are a rarity. The hords of socially backward nazis just need a nice trip to a reeducation camp or simple help provided by some sort of social institution which cares about their problem n' shit.

The Nazis are categorized as fascists only due to sloppy thinking. They were really in a class by themselves. They shared some characteristics with fascists (Mussolini, Franco, Peron, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, etc.) in that they had a dictatorial, authoritarian, militaristic, nationalistic, and warlike state, but to classify them as fascists is to suggest that fascists routinely slaughter whole ethnic groups or try to. That's not generally the case. Nazism was far more intensely racist than fascism usually is, and much, MUCH more murderous. We do have fascists on this forum but I don't think we have any Nazis, neo- or otherwise.
Malatant of Shadow wrote:The Nazis are categorized as fascists only due to sloppy thinking. They were really in a class by themselves. They shared some characteristics with fascists (Mussolini, Franco, Peron, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, etc.) in that they had a dictatorial, authoritarian, militaristic, nationalistic, and warlike state, but to classify them as fascists is to suggest that fascists routinely slaughter whole ethnic groups or try to. That's not generally the case. Nazism was far more intensely racist than fascism usually is, and much, MUCH more murderous. We do have fascists on this forum but I don't think we have any Nazis, neo- or otherwise.

I agree. Nazis are a category of their own. I'd still call Hitler a fascist as he embodied most of the typical fascist characteristics. He had more to do with Mussolini than Saddam did. Nazis are fascists, fascists don't have to be nazis. To use both terms as if they were the same would be superficial.
Can I firstly say that Nazis are in no way stupid. At all.
If anything, they're one of the few political systems that have actually got the country out of a mess and pulled their weight to sort the country out. They also managed to control industry properly and allow it to thrive.
The only reason the Communist China is growing in GDP at the moment is due to the free market. The high demand for consumer products from companies such as Apple means that they need thousands of people to assemble their products. Luckily, China has thousands of unemployed who they can use to create their products. If it wasn't for the high demand and the millions of employed in the west, China would be in an absolute s***-hole at the moment, all courtesy of the Communist government!

Long story short, Right wing > Left wing.
UK Sam15 wrote:If anything, they're one of the few political systems that have actually got the country out of a mess and pulled their weight to sort the country out. They also managed to control industry properly and allow it to thrive.

Brushing aside for the moment that most people would consider war to be "a mess", there is a discussion taking place on HiFo at present about that very point: Did the Nazis really save the economy?
UK Sam15 wrote:Can I firstly say that Nazis are in no way stupid. At all.
If anything, they're one of the few political systems that have actually got the country out of a mess and pulled their weight to sort the country out. They also managed to control industry properly and allow it to thrive.
The only reason the Communist China is growing in GDP at the moment is due to the free market. The high demand for consumer products from companies such as Apple means that they need thousands of people to assemble their products. Luckily, China has thousands of unemployed who they can use to create their products. If it wasn't for the high demand and the millions of employed in the west, China would be in an absolute s***-hole at the moment, all courtesy of the Communist government!

Long story short, Right wing > Left wing.

Typical right wing bullshit. The Nazi economy was far closer to being socialist than to being capitalist. It was a corporatist mixture of the two, but it was not a libertarian free market system like you make it out to be.

Fun fact: the country that completely steamrolled Nazi Germany, which just a generation ago was 80% illiterate, with a share of world industrial output in 1913 of 1.7% (compared to 20% for the USA and 18% for Britain), reduced to just 4% of that already minuscule 1.7% by WW1 and the Civil War, had a command economy antithetical to free market principles:

The adventure led from the illiteracy to literacy, from the NEP to socialism, from archaic agriculture to collective cultivation, from a rural society to a predominately urban community, from general ignorance of the machine to social mastery of modern technology.
Between the poverty stricken year of 1924, when Lenin died, and the relatively abundant year of 1940, the cultivated area of USSR expanded by 74 percent; grain crops increased 11 percent; coal production was multiplied by 10; steel output by 18; engineering and metal industries by 150; total national income by 10; industrial output by 24; annual capital investment by 57. During the First Five-year Plan, 51 billion rubles were invested; during the Second, 114; and during the Third, 192. Factory and office workers grew from 7,300,000 to 30,800,000 and school and college students from 7,900,000 to 36,600,000. Between 1913 and 1940, oil production increased from nine to 35 million tons; coal from 29 to 164; pig iron from 4 to 15; steel from 4 to 18; machine tools from 1000 to 48,000 units, tractors from 0 to over 500,000; harvestor combines from 0 to 153,500; electrical power output from two billion kWh to 50 billion; and the value of industrial output from 11 billion rubles to more than 100 billion by 1938. If the estimated volume of total industrial production in 1913 be taken as 100, the corresponding indices for 1938 are 93.2 for France; 113.3 for England, 120 United States; 131.6 for Germany, and 908.8 for the Soviet Union.

Schuman, Frederick L. Soviet Politics. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1946, p. 212

The Soviets attained under Stalin's rule the first place in the world in regard to tractors, machines, and motor trucks; the second as to electric power. Russia, 20 years ago the least mechanized country, has become the foremost.... In the same decade between 1929 in 1939, in which the production of all other countries barely mounted, while even dropping in some, Soviet production was multiplied by 4. The national income mounted between 1913 in 1938 from 21 to 105 billion rubles. The income of the individual citizen was increased by 370% in the last eight years--with only irrelevant income taxes and reasonable social security contributions imposed upon them--while it dropped almost everywhere else in the world.

Ludwig, Emil, Stalin. New York, New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1942, p. 129

When we consider Stalin's facts and figures, it becomes clear that we are witnessing the most concentrated economic advance ever recorded--greater even than those of the Industrial Revolution. Within 10 years a primarily feudal society had been changed into an industrialized one. And for the first time in history such an advance was due not to capitalism but to socialism.

Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Stalin, Man of Contradiction. Toronto: NC Press, c1987, p. 75
Malatant of Shadow wrote:Nazism was far more intensely racist than fascism usually is, and much, MUCH more murderous.
If that were the case, and I'd strongly disagree that it is, then...
We do have fascists on this forum but I don't think we have any Nazis, neo- or otherwise.
...this has to be false, because some of those much lauded 'intellectual' fascists here are intensely racist , anti-semitic and Islamophobic, and hugely militaristic i.e. advocates of the most murderous methods. Admittedly, some are quite clever at disguising the corollary implications of their racism, but it doesn't take a genius to predict the policy route such people would employ should they seize power. Fortunately, I'm pretty confident of the abhorrence the vast majority still feel for Fascism/Nazism.

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