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Inter-war period (1919-1938), Russian civil war (1917–1921) and other non World War topics (1914-1945).
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By Jackal
Potemkin, your words remind me of what Eddie Izzard once remarked in one of his stand-ups on how the world only starts to really care when you start killing people other than your own. How very true that is.
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By CreamDream
Which most Westerners didn't care about. Stalin had begun his policy of 'socialism in one country', which meant that the Soviet Union was regarded as less of a threat to the West than it had been under Lenin's and Trotsky's rule. The demonisation of Stalin in the West only really got off the ground during the Cold War, from 1947 onwards.

Yes and no. The American public did not really care about the USSR until the Truman presidency, yes. However, to say they were regarded as less of a threat is a bit of a stretch. In fact, during the war, Churchill proposed "operation unthinkable", which was a proposed invasion of the USSR by the UK and United States. In fact, Churchill came out and said after the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Germans: "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would at least make a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons."

You seem to make it seem that Stalin wasn't a huge threat to the world. In fact, he was, and in fact, it was Stalin and the USSR, in turn, that was one of the reasonings behind appeasing Hitler. So no, Western governments DID care about the Soviet Union and were directly, and indirectly, already engaging in Cold War policies during and before WWII.
By Smilin' Dave
Potemkin wrote:Which most Westerners didn't care about.

Well, clearly some did, otherwise the news wouldn't have sold newspapers. Further, the user quoted didn't say it had been ignored, he actually states that people flat out didn't know.

True, but Hitler's crimes up that point in time had been relatively minor (by the standards of the time) and largely confined to Germany itself.

I know, however the user quoted only referred to crimes, I don't remember a caveat for magnitude. That Kristalnacht was a minor crime only emphasises why Mussolini's decision to gas the Ethiopians was so notable for its time.

Something else that occurs to me is that while Hitler and Stalin had some supporters in the West for their programs (right or wrong), I would say nobody thought Mussolini's grab from empire was legitimate at all.
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By albionfagan
I've never understood how Goebbels was such a womaniser, he was a club footed midget ffs.
Beren wrote:I don't have a favourite, but I think Goebbels was the quintessence of Nazism, so thus he deserves attention the most.

Did anyone mention Hitler, by the way?

Hitler. There, I said it.

Anyhoo, while I agree that Goebbels was undoubtedly the purest Nazi from an ideological viewpoint, I would have to say that Martin Bormann was the quintessence of Nazism in every other respect - a ruthless, opportunistic careerist. Even Himmler was no match for him.
Beren wrote:The word was mentioned many times itself, but did anyone mention him as his or her favourite Nazi Party member?

Hitler is undoubtedly the most interesting Nazi, if only because of his rather bizarre and disturbing psyche. The other Nazis were rather less interesting in that respect; in fact, most of them were colourless, conformist nonentities. I'm not sure I would call Hitler my 'favourite' Nazi, though; it's sort of like asking what my favourite strain of the typhoid bacillum is. :hmm:
Lokakyy wrote:Hermann Göring.

He realised that the best part in running a totalitarian state are the snappy uniform choices.

Yeah, Goering had it figured out, the way turtles have it figured out:

Oh come on! Its got to be Himmler. As a personality others may have outshone him, Heydrich certainly had style, but imagine the Third Reich without the Waffen SS, just those Brown shirts poncing about in those ridiculous shorts. Who ever designed the NSDAP uniform should have been tried for crimes against humanity. It doesn't bear thinking about. The SS were cooler than cool, even if they did have a bit of a dark side.
Who ever designed the NSDAP uniform should have been tried for crimes against humanity.
The tastelessness...it burns... :lol:
I am against the Nazi ideology and oppose denigrating Jews. I also consider Jews and Europeans to be of the same basic racial stock - Caucasoid.

That being said, I have a very sick mind and some of what Heinrich Himmler said sort of jives with my sick mind. "We're going to apply the old Jewish law of eye for and eye tooth for a tooth to the Jews."
Rich wrote:Oh come on! Its got to be Himmler. As a personality others may have outshone him, Heydrich certainly had style, but imagine the Third Reich without the Waffen SS, just those Brown shirts poncing about in those ridiculous shorts. Who ever designed the NSDAP uniform should have been tried for crimes against humanity. It doesn't bear thinking about. The SS were cooler than cool, even if they did have a bit of a dark side.

Waffen wore the same uniforms as the Wehrmacht after 1938.

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