NHL 2012 Playoff Predictions Thread - Page 8 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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They're not going to win dude, they might make it a little bit of a series though. I could see them winning another with the way they played tonight... although I could also see LA winning in OT again.
Lensky1917 wrote:At this point, it looks like R_G will finish dead last. :lol:

Nobody here bothers to compete in my fantasy football leagues and nobody here bothers to bet online.

I think losing a sports pick-em on POFO is about the least painful thing an individual can experience in life. Like somebody getting your order wrong at a fast food joint. Am I annoyed? Certainly, but the odds will fall in my favor at the end of the day.

I got kicked out of last year's pick-em so I'm 0 for 1.
R_G wrote:Nobody here bothers to compete in my fantasy football leagues and nobody here bothers to bet online.
Well, next time you host it, I'll join, even though I don't know anything about it. You would think that more people would join your football league, since a lot of Americans frequent this forum.
R_G wrote:I manage one free league that usually has 2-3 team turnover, so I'll keep you in mind.
Oh, I thought you meant on PoFo, like this thread. I am sorry, but I don't have the time to manage a fantasy team.
Congratulations to Brio (and the Kings).

I think some of the officiating was a bit dodgy tonight, but regardless, the Kings definitely earned this.

I guess that I can find some solace in the fact that the Devils losing adds one more degree of separation between the Flyers and the Cup. :D
Final Scores and Standings

1. Brio - 23 (+5 for LA in 6)
2. Lensky - 20 (+5 for LA in 6)
3. French Fried - 17 (+4 for LA in 4)
4. hip hop bunny hop - 16 (+4 for LA in 4)
4. Eauz - 16 (+5 for LA in 6)
5. Captain Sam - 13 (0 for NJ in 7)
6. Demosthenes - 12 (+4 for LA in 5)
7. R_G - 10 (0 for NJ in 5)

Lensky1917 wrote:Oh, and congratulations to Brio.

Nets wrote:Congratulations to Brio (and the Kings).

Thanks. I'd like to also offer my thanks to all who participated in this year's event.

Now to claim my prize of a nice new signature made by Kflint. :D

Lensky1917 wrote:Do I get anything for finishing 2nd? :?:

Last year I got second and got nothing. However, I would like to offer my congratulations on you getting second after self admittedly not knowing anything about hockey. With 3 perfect predictions in the final two rounds (quite a feat in and of itself) you actually beat me by a point in those rounds.

Not to go all Gary Bettman on you, but I encourage you to keep yourself involved in hockey, as the sport can always use another fan.

Lensky1917 wrote:Hmmm, Brio hasn't posted in this thread in 9 days....if he's not here to accept his victory, does that mean I win by default?

Tying to usurp my title in my absence I see. A pox upon yee...
Last edited by Brio on 12 Jun 2012 17:18, edited 1 time in total.
Brio wrote:Now to claim my prize of a nice new signature made by Kflint.

Brio wrote:Last year I got second and got nothing.

Yeah, the NHL has a few individual trophy awards they hand out. Maybe we should try something similar with signatures as incentive for more people to play? :hmm:

Brio wrote:However, I would like to offer my congratulations on you getting second after self admittedly not knowing anything about hockey. With 3 perfect predictions in the final two rounds (quite a feat in and of itself) you actually beat me by a point in those rounds.

Not to go all Gary Bettman on you, but I encourage you to keep yourself involved in hockey, as the sport can always use another fan.

Thank you.

And I'm definitely hooked on hockey now. Wish I could afford a jersey. NASCAR has just been so boring and full of shit, baseball is incredibly boring, and basketball is full of drama queens.

Brio wrote:Tying to usurp my title in my absence I see. A pox upon yee...


Can't blame a guy for trying. I thought it would motivate you into posting.
Saddened by the fact I posted some of my predictions too late. It's my own fault however, and I congratulate both Lensky and Brio.

I will do better next year, that's a promise. ;)
FrenchFried wrote:Saddened by the fact I posted some of my predictions too late. It's my own fault however, and I congratulate both Lensky and Brio.

Thank you. At least you take home the bronze.

FrenchFried wrote:I will do better next year, that's a promise.

I intend to as well.

Anybody watching the NHL Awards on June 20th?
I'm never very good at this actually. I think I was near the bottom last year too.
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